44 has the power to seat Garland w/out senate approval - he should use it

"Moreover, the hypocrisy of the left on this vacancy, when this President has failed to nominate anyone for numerous other positions in the government, is telling."

So is the republican obstructionism.
In the history of the United States, there have been 168 filibusters of presidential nominees, 82 filibusters under President Obama, 86 filibusters under all other presidents.

Obstructionism/gridlock and whatever other label one wants to assign to it is one of the features (not bugs) of the republican form of government.
"Moreover, the hypocrisy of the left on this vacancy, when this President has failed to nominate anyone for numerous other positions in the government, is telling."

So is the republican obstructionism.
In the history of the United States, there have been 168 filibusters of presidential nominees, 82 filibusters under President Obama, 86 filibusters under all other presidents.

Shows you what a piece of work Obama is. Thankfully the guy is gone in January.
Obstructionism/gridlock and whatever other label one wants to assign to it is one of the features (not bugs) of the republican form of government.

Yeah, in the same way that drowning is the same as drinking water.

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