Everything in this paragraph is misleading
I interpret that as you have trouble following a logical argument.
28.5 million people didn't vote, nor can they.
No shit Sherlock. But you do seem to have "small state syndrome" bragging about the spread of total votes. Texas ain't WV....200k there was a 2.6% win, not a staggering victory for the son of JFK's assassin.
What Cruz lost from 2012 was not even remotely due to demographic changes, much less solely because of it.
Yo are wrong.
Abbot got 63,000 fewer votes this time than Trump did in 2016
Make up your mind, is he the true picture of GOP dominance in Texas or not? Jesus.
Cruz isn't liked by many in his own party
I bet they like him more than Beto. You think
fvcking Beto didn't get Republican to hit the Cruz lever? You are nuts.
There is no "normal environment" in a rapidly growing and changing electorate.
Doesn't sound like a rapidly changing demographic.
Doesn't sound like you know shit. Half of Texas's growth since 2010 is Hispanics. Not the wetback kind, the native born kind. Hispanics have been in Texas longer than white people, no surprise there...and they tend to have more kids. We know roughly 30% of Hispanics that vote vote Republican...I wonder how the other 70% vote? Add in the growth of younger, educated voters that have moved to Texas (surprise, there's that economy thing), we know how they tend to vote, and you start to get the picture.
While white Texans remain the largest demographic group in Texas, their growth rate since 2010 was easily outpaced by other major demographic groups.
I don't make shit up...here:
Race 2010 population estimate 2016 population estimate Change
Asian 960,549; 1,301,143; 35.5%
Black 2,900,003; 3,298,870; 13.8
Hispanic 9,460,960; 10,881,124; 15
White 11,429,004; 11,872,926; 3.9
- Note: "White" includes individuals only categorized by the U.S. Census as non-Hispanic. "Hispanic" includes individuals of any race.
- Source: U.S. Census Bureau
I can dig up numbers on how Texas whites are trending more educated and urban if you wish.