Your point is moot. No team outside of other states that make it MANDATORY to play in state schools annually is going to play another team annually, it just doesn't happen. Does Colorado St. have to play Colorado, does Louisville have to play Kentucky annually, did VT and UVA have to before they shared a conference. Those states realize the value of in state rivalries and what it does for the state. Otherwise there are no ANNUAL contracts written for any out of state school anywhere. WVU wants everything on their terms, that's the problem and I am proud we have an AD to tell them to shove it. WV has to be the only friggin state that doesn't mandate the only two FBS programs play each other at a home and home. That's the truth, look it up.
Now ask me if I care about playing WVU again. I will go ahead and give you the answer, NO we have contracts with teams just as good or better in standing than WVU. We already turned down something along the lines of a 5 games series to my understanding, we do not accept 3 games in Morgantown vs. 2 in Huntington. I am sorry but your victories that came when your program was riding the high wave and ours was in the dump then rebuilding (by the way you nearly lost last time you played in Hton to a MU team with a losing record). So you really want to play, play us when we are out of the hole we were in, but I know that will not happen, especially in Hton. You haven't played us since we rose back up, so how the hell do you even know what a series record would be. Never really worked out in your favor when you played a decent G5 school (see ECU.......several times). I suggest you and other eer trolls on here move along. Need I remind you that the same year Maryland blasted you (2013), we beat them in our bowl. So yes, you play us 4 times, we have as good a chance as most teams you play to beat you on our home field twice. Argue it all you want, but until you play the rebuilt revitalized MU team of today, you have no idea what a series record would be.