All personal bias aside, you can't tell me this is the best our country has to offer.

Well, there are a lot of undermployed and unemployed people out there. And, he has created a blockade to a vibrant work force in America. There are things such as Obamacare that are a disaster for employees and employers alike.

That being said, you can find work pretty much under any president. You can't go blaming a President for not doing something. Sometimes you have to get off your duff and go find something. But, we are now paying more people not to work. That is an issue.

His blockades must have been pretty weak. He's created twice as many net jobs in 7 years as both Bush's in their combined 12 years. And he's got another year to add to that.
National debt is down

National GDP is up

Unemployment is at an all-time low

Automobile and the Housing market have recovered and is seeing great growth

And American buying power to back to Clinton Era levels.

And you say we are in a worst shape? You do know on January 29th 2009, this country was almost close to economic failure and everyone was losing their jobs.

Please don't let your ignorant redneck views cloud your judgement or are you one of those coal miners that is out of work

Just another dumb negro that doesn't understand the difference between national debt and budget deficits. No wonder those past execs you so eagerly "informed" had "deaf ears".
I have prospered during every administration going back to Nixon. I really don't give a **** who is in power because I refuse to participate in the hand wringing and angst.

I agree with this. It definitely comes down to personal choices as to whether one fails or succeeds in their life. It is clear both Repubs and Dems have moved to a position of having their constituents be "dependent" on different things. I just personally believe one form of dependency is more destructive to the individual over the other.

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