"And Another Boy!"


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Muswell Hillbilly

I just can't fathom how anybody can be ok with this. This isn't gays getting married. This isn't raising or lowering taxes. This isn't an environmental argument. This is killing an innocent baby before it has the chance to live. These are HUMANS. For the left to continually turn a blind eye to something so barbaric all because of politics is beyond anything I can understand. Yet some of you cry over animals. Where on earth is the logic in that?

And the sad thing is, the people who expose this are the ones being labeled 'extremists', for bringing it to light. Not the ones actually doing the murderings, but the ones who recorded it. Sadly, the left simply hopes this will blow over so they can continue the mass killings.

Clump of cells, indeed.
. This is killing an innocent baby before it has the chance to live.

How do you kill something if it hasn't yet had the chance to live? Doesn't killing suggest that something was alive? And, if it hasn't yet had the chance to live, it can't be alive yet, right?
I bet if someone were cutting up puppies or some freakin' lion cubs the world would be in a uproar.

This is about the sickest stuff I have heard in all my years. Disgusting, immoral, sub-human, scary, and an abomination before God almighty. What have we turned into?
Had they been born yet?

I bet if someone walked over to old Cecil's woman lions and aborted their cubs the world would go nutso.

Lion cub killer!

I bet if Yorkie Puppy Paws were sold on the internet, people would start a revolution. Hell, people in this country want to ban breeders, puppy mills, and Pet Smart stores.

Puppy Killers!

Do you support puppy killers!
I bet if someone walked over to old Cecil's woman lions and aborted their cubs the world would go nutso.

Lion cub killer!

Yeah, because a lioness can't give permission to have it aborted. A female human can. Not sure why that concept, even when it comes to the "allowing gay marriage" should result in people being able to marry 4 year olds and refrigerators, is so hard for conservatives to understand.
Yeah, because a lioness can't give permission to have it aborted. A female human can. Not sure why that concept, even when it comes to the "allowing gay marriage" should result in people being able to marry 4 year olds and refrigerators, is so hard for conservatives to understand.

How many of these are done on young women, under 18? Do you think it would effect people if they told them we are going to cut our your fetus and sell its hands and feet?

Screw the lion, if they could think they wold want the choice to abort!. The Male rapes them anyway. He has barbs on his penis and bites them. Have you seen cats mate? It is brutal. Two of these cats were getting it on in the middle of the night on my front porch. I thought someone was dying. I about shot both of them, but instead sprayed them with a water hose. I thought someone was clubbing a baby seal. Instead some tom cat was mounting my neighbors cat. It is was insane.

Given the choice I think the female cat would abort and they are probably happy that Cecil is dead.
If Roe was overturned, all that would do is kick the decision on whether abortion is legal back to the states. And if you look at states that might outlaw abortion—states where their legislatures have tried to limit abortion in some way or where 50%+ of the population IDs as pro-life—as one might imagine those 18 states account for only a small portion of all abortions performed in this country: only around 10%.
So if Roe was over turned and all 18 of those states completely outlawed abortion and none of the women in those states went across the border to get an abortion, the most we could hope to see is a 10% reduction in abortion. Now compare that to the fact that decades of demographic data show that if we cut the number of women living near poverty in half, we would see a 30% reduction in abortion. If you really care about protecting the unborn, which of those goals should you pursue?
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There is nothing more stupid than the idea that if we don't support Leftist economic policies we must not care about the poor. It is the worst kind of red herring.
There is nothing more stupid than the idea that if we don't support Leftist economic policies we must not care about the poor. It is the worst kind of red herring.

There is nothing more hypocritical than being outraged regarding abortion, and unwilling at the same time to take sensible action to prevent it.
There is nothing more hypocritical than being outraged regarding abortion, and unwilling at the same time to take sensible action to prevent it.

I work regularly at a crisis pregnancy center and do oodles of work in this area. Government policy and programs have exacerbated the problem, not prevented it in any way. Throwing tax money into administrative waste does nothing to help the underlying issues.

Corban is not the answer.
I work regularly at a crisis pregnancy center and do oodles of work in this area. Government policy and programs have exacerbated the problem, not prevented it in any way. Throwing tax money into administrative waste does nothing to help the underlying issues.

Corban is not the answer.

And I have provided information in my earlier post showing that the "outlaw abortion" outcries will get conservatives elected, but little else. Increasing the income of the poor and decreasing the number of abortions at the same time while paying a dollar more for a hamburger seems to be a sensible policy.
And I have provided information in my earlier post showing that the "outlaw abortion" outcries will get conservatives elected, but little else. Increasing the income of the poor and decreasing the number of abortions at the same time while paying a dollar more for a hamburger seems to be a sensible policy.

Unless you use government force, whether by excessive monetary penalties (California) or the end of a gun (Venezuela/Cuba) just making companies pay entry-level workers more has not and will not do anything to help the truly poor.

Besides the average abortion patient is a middle-age, upper class white woman, not residents of Skid Row.
Unless you use government force, whether by excessive monetary penalties (California) or the end of a gun (Venezuela/Cuba) just making companies pay entry-level workers more has not and will not do anything to help the truly poor.

Besides the average abortion patient is a middle-age, upper class white woman, not residents of Skid Row.

How do you know it won't help the poor by paying them a much better wage? There has been no sizeable attempt to raise the income of the poor in your lifetime. Furthermore, a full 42 percent of women having abortions live under the poverty line, and another 27 percent have incomes within 200 percent of the poverty line. Taken together, 69 percent of women who have abortions are economically disadvantaged.
Unless you use government force, whether by excessive monetary penalties (California) or the end of a gun (Venezuela/Cuba) just making companies pay entry-level workers more has not and will not do anything to help the truly poor.

Besides the average abortion patient is a middle-age, upper class white woman, not residents of Skid Row.

Bingo Keep. Skid row poor, are generally paid more by the govt if they have additional kids and work fewer hours. Amazing how many people don't understand this is exactly how they work the system.
How do you know it won't help the poor by paying them a much better wage? There has been no attempt to raise the income of the poor in your lifetime

So you are admitting that welfare programs are actually intended to keep people impoverished? Is there a link you can share with us, showing specific examples, where higher wages existed, there was no poverty?
How do you kill something if it hasn't yet had the chance to live? Doesn't killing suggest that something was alive? And, if it hasn't yet had the chance to live, it can't be alive yet, right?

That was a generalized statement. Are you ready to answer for your hypocrisy on this issue? Science proves that these are living beings. Innocent ones at that. Why do you support this barbaric act knowing that your beloved science proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this practice kills innocent human beings?
What difference does it make if they are "alive" by your definition.

What would be the outcry if we did that to the dead in these type numbers? What if we said we are going to take all the folks we kill in wars and dissect them?

Also, you can't be born if someone kills you before you ever get started.

Next thing, even if one remotely supported a woman's right to choose, how they could they support this barbaric act?
If they are living things, why aren't birthday days the day for birth and not the date of the conceive?
Look this population is getting out of control and more and more babies born Autistic or some sort of disease and becoming a drain on the healthcare system. Im all for abortion to start putting a control on the population
Keep... You are stuck in a tough spot... Faith based groups are opposed to abortion and yet at the same time the more conservative Faith based groups even opposed sex education and free condoms to youth who are sexual active to help prevent pregnancy... Abstinence sounds good and all but teenagers do have sex. Conservative Faith based groups just hope and pray that little Johnny pulls out in time...
Look this population is getting out of control and more and more babies born Autistic or some sort of disease and becoming a drain on the healthcare system. Im all for abortion to start putting a control on the population

Does your mom ever take your advice? Maybe she should have.
Also the population isn't close to out of control. It's headed the other direction in first world countries.
How many of you wish that you had been aborted? I already know your answer and that answers the moral question definitively, whether you like it or not.
How many of you wish that you had been aborted? I already know your answer and that answers the moral question definitively, whether you like it or not.

Walden is going to be mad he is not here for this question.
Look this population is getting out of control and more and more babies born Autistic or some sort of disease and becoming a drain on the healthcare system. Im all for abortion to start putting a control on the population
Are you the bastard son of Margaret Sanger?

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