No Worries FBI (DEI) agent Aletha Duncan says its NOT a terrorist event.

Nor have I. I simply acknowledge the likelihood.

Funny that the genesis of this thread is the FBI Agent in Charge seemingly immediately dismissed the potential terrorist aspect of the attack.

But since you assume I am biased and project you are unbiased, let me present two or three scenarios to you.

Do jilted lovers run a car down a crowded street to kill the object of their desire?

Or do terrorists have this very play in their playbook? I think we've seen it before.

If a eyewitness in California says a murder suspect is a 5'8" Hispanic male do you go interview a 6'5" Irish-American in Boston?

There's an old common-sense adage about where there's smoke there's fire. I miss the days when common-sense was more common.
There you go again making all these assumptions.
There you go again making all these assumptions.

It's called reasoning, not assuming.

This has many of the characteristics of a terrorist attack. I'm not making assumptions. I'm simply processing what we know has happened.

Frankly I couldn't care less if the perpetrator(s) was foreign born or US born. Why is that so important to you and others? The 15 are just as dead whether the driver was foreign born or US born. So why is that distinction so important to you and why is it seemingly the cornerstone of your take on this violent attack?
The report you are referring to came from
Fux News, according to BC. Take it up with him, moron.

Meanwhile, the Turo dude was already being interviewed when BC posted that.

Meanwhile nary a mention from you of how bad the initial FBI reports were
the kid mero crying GIF by Desus & Mero

But please keep trying...
I'd tell you to keep trying, but your gynecologist isn't certified to do brain transplants.
Fux News, according to BC. Take it up with him, moron.

You quoted him, not me. You're the moron, not me...

But nice attempt at a recovery...

Your selfie isn't a flattering as you think it is.

I'd tell you to keep trying, but your gynecologist isn't certified to do brain transplants.

Well, at least you sought out medical help for your brainless condition. If you would have asked me first I would have given you the number for a good brain surgeon instead.

What kind of brain are you looking for? Based on your current IQ level I think a liberal's brain would be a precise fit, that way you would no longer need to pretend that you're a "libertarian"...
It's called reasoning, not assuming.

This has many of the characteristics of a terrorist attack. I'm not making assumptions. I'm simply processing what we know has happened.

Frankly I couldn't care less if the perpetrator(s) was foreign born or US born. Why is that so important to you and others? The 15 are just as dead whether the driver was foreign born or US born. So why is that distinction so important to you and why is it seemingly the cornerstone of your take on this violent attack?
No one is downplaying the terrorist attack. We are separating two different issues. Currently it looks like the open border and this aren't related. That can change with more info.
Sooooooo, it looks like it might be heading towards an ISIS or terrorism tie.
more attacks like these are coming all across the western world.

Seeing a large pro Hamas demonstration today in NY City too.

It’s time to get the savages and their sympathizers out of this country.
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more attacks like these are coming all across the western world.

Seeing a large pro Hamas demonstration today in NY City too.

It’s time to get the savages and their sympathizers out of this country.
US Veterans groups who are still working with allies in Afghanistan have for at least 3 years or so warned the Biden admin that a larger scale attack(s) are coming. They have warned that terrorist groups festering in Afghanistan headed by the OBL family have merged in terms of alliances are planning more attacks and a OCT 7 style attack.

they have been largely ignored as evident by out border and actions. The stupid idiot Mush and his admin created a vacume and spewed some bullshit about over the horizon monitoring. Meanwhile they have been giving the Taliban money hoping that it would keep them calmed down but, it is funneling back to Al Qaeda and others who are planning attacks on us.

The Mush morons turned the world into shit.
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You said "we're wrong", which means the same thing as "we are wrong".

Were all enlitened by ur astute proofreeding on a massage bored that most of us posed in while tieping on a smartfone keybored while waring bifoculs.

Speeking of grammar and spelling, do you think the correct spelling of liberal is libertarian??? If not maybe you need to point that to your buddy.
Were all enlitened by ur astute proofreeding on a massage bored that most of us posed in while tieping on a smartfone keybored while waring bifoculs.

Speeking of grammar and spelling, do you think the correct spelling of liberal is libertarian??? If not maybe you need to point that to your buddy.
Fail Empire Strikes Back GIF by Star Wars