Liberal Trigger warning!! Liberal Trigger warning!!!
you make my head hurt, pick a damn side, already!What a joke the liberals are. Every time Trump does what he is supposed to his enemies attack him. Every time they do he gains more votes leaving only the real haters. Another couple mass killings and 2020 is secured. What a terrible thing. Trump couldn't fix the gun problem in America the haters would never allow OUR president to get that done. America's haters will attempt to kill OUR president. Sure can't out smart him. Call him an evil genius.
What a joke the liberals are. Every time Trump does what he is supposed to his enemies attack him. Every time they do he gains more votes leaving only the real haters. Another couple mass killings and 2020 is secured. What a terrible thing. Trump couldn't fix the gun problem in America the haters would never allow OUR president to get that done. America's haters will attempt to kill OUR president. Sure can't out smart him. Call him an evil genius.
you make my head hurt, pick a damn side, already!![]()
Still trying to find where Trump is using this as a "campaign ad"???
That great. Now link for me where the Obama Administration announced it would be a photo op situation. Because I can do so for Trump:
As usual with "whataboutism" dummies like yourself, the actual point went right over your head.
People bitch if he goes. People would bitch if he didn't.
Serious question: are you really this stupid? That's either a campaign promo video, or Trump tweeted it just so you and other worshipers can jack off to it.
It is not a campaign promo. They know it. Just want to bitch about Trump.Where is it being used as a campaign promo???? Simple question.
I'm retired. Coal lasted just long enough. I know coal is on its way out. Not the way lying Hillary and watermelon man went about It. Lol now use a racial slur against me for calling Obama a watermelon man. Try white trash or peckerwood or inbred. I could have used monkey man my favorite "purple lips" or even Buckwheat but was being nice.How’s your coal business working out under Trump?
Where is it being used as a campaign promo???? Simple question.
It is not a campaign promo.
got damn, has there ever been an individual troll and trigger a larger group of people than trump has the left (inclusive of those lefties who claim to be libertarian or centrist or moderate, or whatever, like @Raoul Duke MU and @Chevy1)????
i think not.
I just think he is a liar and an asshole. I will call a spade a spade. And this spade is a no-good son of a bitch.
so, you hate all politicians and will never vote again. got ya.I just think he is a liar and an asshole.
Sure. Dramatic music added for shits and giggles, I guess.
It is effectively a campaign ad. And that's fine! Just be upfront about it and don't lie and say it's not a big photo op when that's exactly what it was planned to be.
those horrible people in the back ground and the patient are smiling too...……..oh the humanity.
Bought a T-Shirt for you.....let me know where to send damn, has there ever been an individual troll and trigger a larger group of people than trump has the left (inclusive of those lefties who claim to be libertarian or centrist or moderate, or whatever, like @Raoul Duke MU and @Chevy1)????
i think not.
LOL! ROFL! LMAO! GTFO!I'm amazed at how low the IQ is of some of the posters on this site.
better get out your vagina hat. no one cares what you call it. can you believe the injured girl smiled too???? oh no!!