Another college murder - this time in KY


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2020

The suspect.

At a Christian college too. Maybe we should look at banning Christianity.

A little Freudian slip there???

Here's a thought. Maybe we should adhere to Christianity...

Exodus 20:13
New Living Translation
13 “You must not murder.
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Banning Christianity...

Isn't deep down that's what liberals and the various 'isms want?
That’s not a Freudian slip, it’s exactly what I meant to say. It’s an exaggeration to make a point.

Edit: and no, generally nobody wants to ban Christianity; they just don’t want the religion to be able to impose its will on non-adherents life.
That’s not a Freudian slip, it’s exactly what I meant to say. It’s an exaggeration to make a point.

Sure it was an exaggeration...

And your point is?

Edit: and no, generally nobody wants to ban Christianity; they just don’t want the religion to be able to impose its will on non-adherents life.

Like establishing laws against murder??? And we know the Golden Rule preached by Christ is so harmful to society as a whole...

Opponents only want to disenfranchise Christians by forcing them to the sidelines in the public arena, thereby making them a fringe group with little or no voice. Kind of sounds like the opposition to Christ when He walked the earth. Human nature never changes...
The school. Although I don't think of Campbellsville as being dangerous....then again, I don't think that way of Bardstown when I would go there, but we know insane shit happened there.
We went to Bardstown a few years back and did one of those horse and wagon rides where they give you a tour. The old man giving the tour proceeded to tell us about when some "minorities" got out of line and decided to have a protest/mini riot. He told us about how they gathered up a small possee of men and ended it quickly. This was not in 1875. He was talking about when he was a younger man. lmaoooo. I was laughing and he was telling the whole wagon full of people this and was not holding back. it was classic. He was showing the streets where it happened. I don't think that was part of the Chamber of Commerce speech.
Sure it was an exaggeration...

And your point is?

Like establishing laws against murder??? And we know the Golden Rule preached by Christ is so harmful to society as a whole...

Opponents only want to disenfranchise Christians by forcing them to the sidelines in the public arena, thereby making them a fringe group with little or no voice. Kind of sounds like the opposition to Christ when He walked the earth. Human nature never changes...
I don’t need the Bible to know murder is bad. I worry about those who do.

No one is forcing Christians to any sideline. 2/3 of the country is Christian. A Christian saying “I don’t like it” just isn’t a valid reason to lock people in a cage for doing something. Nobody is making you get gay married, or go trans, or whatever bugaboo you all are riled up about today. Other people having a right to do something that doesn’t affect you in any way is not an infringement on your rights.

My point is that there is so much that happens in the world, that if you want to make a narrative and go looking for one you’ll find it. If someone posts every time a white person commits a murder, or a man, or a Christian, or a Democrat then we can fill the board up with that too to go along with the current trend in posting brown people murders. It would be equally meaningless
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I don’t need the Bible to know murder is bad. I worry about those who do.

Evidently two that you are championing didn't think murder is bad...

No one is forcing Christians to any sideline.

You should know that is BS. The evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.

2/3 of the country is Christian. A Christian saying “I don’t like it” just isn’t a valid reason to lock people in a cage for doing something.

Christians can do that? Please provide examples. Meanwhile we seem to be ok importing people that can...

Nobody is making you get gay married, or go trans, or whatever bugaboo you all are riled up about today. Other people having a right to do something that doesn’t affect you in any way is not an infringement on your rights.

But you're ok with Christians (the majority in your own words) being forced to accept things that they have issues with? Nice double standard.

No Bible club in school but we can have every other group represented? How about we stick to education rather than social engineering and maybe our tests scores will stop losing ground against the rest of the world and our ever-expanding youth mental health issues will decrease.

My point is that there is so much that happens in the world, that if you want to make a narrative and go looking for one you’ll find it. If someone posts every time a white person commits a murder, or a man, or a Christian, or a Democrat then we can fill the board up with that too to go along with the current trend in posting brown people murders. It would be equally meaningless

All that to play the race card???

I was just posting another recent senseless murder on a college that didn't seem to garner the same national attention as the GA murder.

I also referenced another KY college murder (committed by a white). In at least two of the three there were failings in the legal system and two young ladies died as a result of them. I don't care if the perpetrators were red, yellow, green, brown or white. Two young ladies and one young man are dead and all you seem to be worried about is the color of the murderers? I care about the victims and their families. They must be the Christian compassion in me that you'd like to push to the fringes of society...
Evidently two that you are championing didn't think murder is bad...
Plenty of Christians have committed murder too. Thats my point.

You should know that is BS. The evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.

Christians can do that? Please provide examples. Meanwhile we seem to be ok importing people that can...

But you're ok with Christians (the majority in your own words) being forced to accept things that they have issues with? Nice double standard.
I guess it depends on your definition of “accept.” You don’t have to like anything. You just can’t infringe on the rights of people who do things you simply don’t accept.

You don’t have to “accept” gay marriage. I’ll judge you but if you want say “I don’t personally believe those two people are really married” then that’s your business. If you’ve chosen a career that involves dealing with the distinction between married and unmarried people, like let’s say for example you work in HR processing W2s, as part of your job you’ll have to check the “married” box. Or get a new job. If you suddenly believed that people over 60 shouldn’t be allowed to get married because they can’t procreate then you’d be equally unfit to perform that job, if you couldn’t set your personal definition aside.

Almost every single complaint that I hear from a certain subset of Christians involves things like that. There are times where I agree something unfair is being done. That’s usually something like forcing officiants to perform ceremonies they don’t want to, for any reason.

But if you have other examples of Christians being discriminated against in ways other than “not being allowed to tell other people what they can’t do” then please, I would love to see them.

All that to play the race card???

I was just posting another recent senseless murder on a college that didn't seem to garner the same national attention as the GA murder.

I also referenced another KY college murder (committed by a white). In at least two of the three there were failings in the legal system and two young ladies died as a result of them. I don't care if the perpetrators were red, yellow, green, brown or white. Two young ladies and one young man are dead and all you seem to be worried about is the color of the murderers? I care about the victims and their families. They must be the Christian compassion in me that you'd like to push to the fringes of society...
Explain the mugshot you posted.
Explain the mugshot you posted.

Ummm... Because he is the roommate and suspected murderer, is relatively small in stature based on the mugshot and I haven't heard how the murder occurred other than it was gruesome and he looks absolutely crazy. He "allegedly" committed the murder. Plus I knew it would trigger certain people, mainly liberals like yourself. I think it is sad that some people would be more offended by posting a picture of the suspect more so than the actual actions of the suspect.

It looks like it was manual strangulation...

"Zeke Escalera was on the wrestling team at Campbellsville University from 2021 to 2022."

Family statement:

The Kilman family released this statement, "Josiah Malachi Kilman was a young, 18-year-old Christian man from Columbia Falls, Montana, who had a passionate heart on fire for the Lord. He was attending Campbellsville University in Campbellsville, Kentucky on a biblical scholarship with the dreams of leading others to follow the Lord through the Christian principles, of which he himself adhered to. He was well known to many as an avid athlete and faithful religious leader. Josiah influenced many hearts as he was a true example of compassion, kindness, and love. His example compeled so many others to make the same changes he wished to see in the world, and his impact on their lives will never truly be forgotten. During this time, his family is grieving and asks for privacy to deal with the devastating loss of their beloved son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, and true friend known to so many.”
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I don’t need the Bible to know murder is bad. I worry about those who do.

No one is forcing Christians to any sideline. 2/3 of the country is Christian. A Christian saying “I don’t like it” just isn’t a valid reason to lock people in a cage for doing something. Nobody is making you get gay married, or go trans, or whatever bugaboo you all are riled up about today. Other people having a right to do something that doesn’t affect you in any way is not an infringement on your rights.

My point is that there is so much that happens in the world, that if you want to make a narrative and go looking for one you’ll find it. If someone posts every time a white person commits a murder, or a man, or a Christian, or a Democrat then we can fill the board up with that too to go along with the current trend in posting brown people murders. It would be equally meaningless
So you think the best path is for each person to develop and follow their own moral compass? I mean you know murder is wrong, but many don’t share that view. If they believe murder is moral, should they be allowed to just roll with that or should someone point out that it’s really not in the best interest of society at large?

As far as murders by POC, the simple truth is they commit a highly disproportionate amount of the murders that occur in this country. If you are to be murdered in a non domestic situation it’s about 40 times more likely your murderer will be a POC. Sorry if that makes you sad.
Good thing these two college murderers weren't transgender POC...
So you think the best path is for each person to develop and follow their own moral compass? I mean you know murder is wrong, but many don’t share that view. If they believe murder is moral, should they be allowed to just roll with that or should someone point out that it’s really not in the best interest of society at large?

As far as murders by POC, the simple truth is they commit a highly disproportionate amount of the murders that occur in this country. If you are to be murdered in a non domestic situation it’s about 40 times more likely your murderer will be a POC. Sorry if that makes you sad.
No, I think that as a society we have to all get together and decide what should and shouldn’t be allowed, and that should be based on our principals. You probably agree. And that’s exactly how governance works. I just disagree that any book of religion should inform those principals.
No, I think that as a society we have to all get together and decide what should and shouldn’t be allowed, and that should be based on our principals. You probably agree. And that’s exactly how governance works. I just disagree that any book of religion should inform those principals.
Bible says murder is bad. Because it's in a religious text we should ignore that?
Bible says murder is bad. Because it's in a religious text we should ignore that?
Yes, we can arrive at the conclusion that “murder is bad” just fine without the Bible. Or, I can. Can you? I never said to go do the opposite of what the Bible says. I said to ignore it.
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Yes, we can arrive at the conclusion that “murder is bad” just fine without the Bible. Or, I can. Can you? I never said to go do the opposite of what the Bible says. I said to ignore it.

I thought you said nobody wants to silence Christians. Isn't that what ignoring effectively does?
I thought you said nobody wants to silence Christians. Isn't that what ignoring effectively does?
Christians who can make their point without relying on a book a lot of people don’t even believe in (and which is used very selectively by Christians anyway) wouldn’t be ignored. It just doesn’t matter what any religion says about anything. Because I don’t practice their religion.

Do you want to use the Quran to develop our laws? Are you silencing Muslims?
Do you want to use the Quran to develop our laws? Are you silencing Muslims?

Since the Bible is basically the foundation of Western Civilization and the US legal system (the wisdom of Solomon has settled many legal cases) you want to compare it to Sharia law, which has proven itself to be both repressive and regressive? I thought you'd be able to come up with something better than that...

And Muslims do a pretty good job as is of silencing other Muslims now don't they???

I've got it. Let's just throw out centuries of Western Civilization and start over. And we'll do it without the moral guidance of the Bible. How do you think that will work out?

Hmmm... I think there are many examples of that today... And for centuries as well...
Since the Bible is basically the foundation of Western Civilization and the US legal system (the wisdom of Solomon has settled many legal cases) you want to compare it to Sharia law, which has proven itself to be both repressive and regressive? I thought you'd be able to come up with something better than that...

And Muslims do a pretty good job as is of silencing other Muslims now don't they???

I've got it. Let's just throw out centuries of Western Civilization and start over. And we'll do it without the moral guidance of the Bible. How do you think that will work out?

Hmmm... I think there are many examples of that today... And for centuries as well...
Is Christianity the foundation of Western Civilization or vice versa? Both have strongly influenced each other, though I expect we would disagree on which direction there was more influence. But Western Civilization certainly predates Christianity, and we have had a long time since not being a Christian stopped getting you killed for people to contribute from other perspectives.
As a Christian, I have serious issues with Mormonism. Should I have to accept it, or any other cult?

There is a historical reason there are so many Mormons in Utah...

Other than their views on Jesus what are your issues with current Mormonism? Healthier lifestyles and longer life expectancies. Stronger families. A tremendous amount of humanitarian aid. Kept the Boy Scouts going for years.
There is a historical reason there are so many Mormons in Utah...

Other than their views on Jesus what are your issues with current Mormonism? Healthier lifestyles and longer life expectancies. Stronger families. A tremendous amount of humanitarian aid. Kept the Boy Scouts going for years.
don't forget multiple wives.
and we have had a long time since not being Christian stopped getting you killed for people to contribute from other perspectives.

Yet sadly the opposite isn't true...

"In the 20th century, Christian populations were persecuted, sometimes, they were persecuted to the point of genocide, by various states, including the Ottoman Empire and its successor state, which committed the Hamidian massacres, the Armenian genocide, the Assyrian genocide, and the Greek genocide, and atheist states such as those of the former Eastern Bloc."
Yet sadly the opposite isn't true...

"In the 20th century, Christian populations were persecuted, sometimes, they were persecuted to the point of genocide, by various states, including the Ottoman Empire and its successor state, which committed the Hamidian massacres, the Armenian genocide, the Assyrian genocide, and the Greek genocide, and atheist states such as those of the former Eastern Bloc."
Christians do face persecution in some places outside the US/Western World. Most of your examples are from roughly 100 years ago but you can go to Muslim countries and see plenty now. Thats what persecution looks like, not not being allowed to impose your beliefs on others.
Christians do face persecution in some places outside the US/Western World. Most of your examples are from roughly 100 years ago but you can go to Muslim countries and see plenty now. Thats what persecution looks like, not not being allowed to impose your beliefs on others.

Who has been imposing their beliefs on others over the last 60 years in America? I don't think it has been the Christians. The Church has increasingly been bullied into "watering" down its message, and in many cases it has.

How about today's examples from the same source? Just because it is hidden or isn't in your backyard doesn't mean it isn't happening...

"According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom's 2020 report, Christians in Burma, China, Eritrea, India, Iran, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Vietnam are persecuted; these countries are labelled "countries of particular concern" by the United States Department of State, because of their governments' engagement in, or toleration of, "severe violations of religious freedom".[5]: 2  The same report recommends that Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, the Central African Republic, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Sudan, and Turkey constitute the US State Department's "special watchlist" of countries in which the government allows or engages in "severe violations of religious freedom".[5]: 2 "

Canada is starting to step up the pressure on the Church...

Who has been imposing their beliefs on others over the last 60 years in America? I don't think it has been the Christians. The Church has increasingly been bullied into "watering" down its message, and in many cases it has.

How about today's examples from the same source? Just because it is hidden or isn't in your backyard doesn't mean it isn't happening...

"According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom's 2020 report, Christians in Burma, China, Eritrea, India, Iran, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Vietnam are persecuted; these countries are labelled "countries of particular concern" by the United States Department of State, because of their governments' engagement in, or toleration of, "severe violations of religious freedom".[5]: 2  The same report recommends that Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, the Central African Republic, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Sudan, and Turkey constitute the US State Department's "special watchlist" of countries in which the government allows or engages in "severe violations of religious freedom".[5]: 2 "

Canada is starting to step up the pressure on the Church...

I know it’s happening now. I’m the one that gave you the modern example while you posted links to stuff in the 1920s. It’s just not happening here.

The church has pushed for their social vision constantly and continues to now. Gay marriage is the easiest example.
I know it’s happening now. I’m the one that gave you the modern example while you posted links to stuff in the 1920s. It’s just not happening here.

It is happening here. It is happening in Canada. Churches, and conservatives, are trying to be silenced.

So much for the liberals being the "champions of free speech"...

The church has pushed for their social vision constantly and continues to now. Gay marriage is the easiest example.

For centuries the family unit and procreation has been the foundation of societies all over the world. Don't try to make this a purely Christian, or American, issue.

I'm going to switch gears from Christianity to reason and nature (science).

Whether you believe in Creation or evolution things are created, or evolve, for a reason. On the topic of gay marriage homosexuality is not natural no matter what its advocates say. Pregnancies cannot occur naturally in same sex partnerships and there are numerous health issues related to a certain orifice in gay men. It hasn't evolved to substitute a certain female orifice.

Does my simply stating these facts make me mean-spirited, hateful, bigoted and/or homophobic? Unfortunately it does to a significant number of gay rights/marriage advocates. In that instance I am guilty until proven innocent (which is likely to occur) in today's political environment.
In order, people protesting you for your views on trans people isn’t persecution. Unless you consider all protest to be a form of persecution.

You don’t get to blockade medical clinics. Nobody does.

The third guy probably shouldn’t have been arrested, depending on exactly how “disorderly” he was being. He was released and the charges were dropped. Police made a bad judgment call. Maybe we ought to take some money from them and give it to people better able to deal with such situations…….

Again, you don’t want Christians treated like everyone else. You don’t want randos to be allowed to blockade a medical clinic, you don’t want protesting to be illegal, and I’m sure you don’t call every time a cop makes a bad arrest an act of persecution. You want them treated better than everybody else.

Just about your argument about homosexually being unnatural also applies to blowjobs. Would you like to ban blowjobs?