Another good payday from a Blue city for Trump


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
Ot course a buddy of that shit bag Theil and Musk backs the Republican, all they care about is not paying taxes.

But it is worth noting that Sacks originally backed DeSantis lol. I bet Trump calls him a cocksucker behind his back, but damn straight he will take his money.
Ot course a buddy of that shit bag Theil and Musk backs the Republican, all they care about is not paying taxes.

But it is worth noting that Sacks originally backed DeSantis lol. I bet Trump calls him a cocksucker behind his back, but damn straight he will take his money.

DeSantis is on Trump’s list as possible VP.
all they care about is not paying taxes.

When have they not paid taxes? The only people who don't pay taxes are poor American citizens and mooching, illegal foreign nationals your tribe gives sanctuary to.
That recent list can’t be all the folks he’s considering. I have a good friend that’s been predicting Scott this entire time.
I thought for certain it would be Ramaswami
Get thee to the Google machine and be surprised at the taxes paid by illegal immigrants.

Okay, some do in hopes that it will help them become a citizen. They're all still paid under the table, because it's illegal for them to work. Companies should be heavily fined for hiring them.

We can't take care of our own, yet in the eyes of leftists and their bleaters, taxpayers should be responsible for paying for all of illegal foreign nationals' needs.

We all pay higher taxes because of illegals.

Would you let your family go without so your neighbors could have what they need?

This crisis is insane and it's all about gaining power, not passion.

Pedo-Joe winning this election would do nothing but drag our country further down.
Companies should be heavily fined for hiring them.
Write your Republican Congresscritter and demand this. I'd bet cash money you have not.
Would you let your family go without so your neighbors could have what they need?
I've gone without to help family, friends, and neighbors. This should be normal for a Christian.
However the "conservative" would use as a source an organization co-founded by a eugenicist and white supremacist....

Funny, I didn't know Google was "conservative""...

I've been in business long enough to know how the game is played. I also know illegal aliens generally contribute more to SS than they receive.

"We find that 32% of male return migrants reported having contributed to the U.S. social security system, but only 5% of those who contributed, received or expected to receive benefits."

The original website link was for your benefit dumb@$$... Pick up your game. The more liberal you become the weaker your game is...
I've gone without to help family, friends, and neighbors. This should be normal for a Christian.

That wasn't the question, Dukie.

I asked if you would let your FAMILY go without, (you know. Your wife, your children, brothers, sisters, neices, nephews, mother father..etc.) so your neighbors (or I should say, people who broke into your home) could get what they need? (room, board, food, higher education, health insurance...etc)
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MYTH #4: “Immigrants increase the budget deficit and government debt.”

FACT: Immigrants in the United States have about a net zero effect on government budgets — they pay about as much in taxes as they consume in benefits.

I keep hearing the talking heads and usual suspects talking about how great immigration is for the US economy and reducing the federal deficit...


Meanwhile the US debt...

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Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per-article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.
  • Overall, we rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left.
Like a leopard can't change its spots an idiot can't help being an idiot...

"Comparing the fourth quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2023 shows 2.7 million more people working in the United States — 2.9 million more immigrants (legal and illegal) and 183,000 fewer U.S.-born Americans."

"The boom in immigration caught almost everyone by surprise. In 2019, the Congressional Budget Office had estimated that net immigration — arrivals minus departures — would equal about 1 million in 2023. The actual number, the CBO said in a January update, was more than triple that estimate: 3.3 million."
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Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per-article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.
  • Overall, we rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left.
Funny, I didn't know Google was "conservative""...
Using Google to find a source does not make Google the source.

The Center for Immigration Studies was co-founded by John Tanton. You can look him up with your "Google". CIS has a history of publishing articles by known white nationalists. CIS has a history of publishing false data. It is what it is. Know your source.

FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – just under $32 billion
Talk to Kitty, he said they do not pay taxes. And then the moron likes your post that proved him wrong. Comedy gold!

You're killing Raoul at this point.
With dubious sources, not understanding the statement I refuted to the point of actually proving Kitty's statement wrong, and posting graphs on two entirely different subjects?

Great Job Reaction GIF
Using Google to find a source does not make Google the source.

Hmmm... Google doesn't use algorithms???

And leave it to a "libertarian" to play the race card too...

The Center for Immigration Studies was co-founded by John Tanton. You can look him up with your "Google". CIS has a history of publishing articles by known white nationalists.

I forgot thst you have some roots in White Nationalism so you would know that...

CIS has a history of publishing false data. It is what it is. Know your source.

And in this instance was it false data???

You are becoming more like EG everyday. Attack the source while ignoring the facts...
Some of us grow up. Others don't and vote accordingly.

Some of us were mature enough when we were younger to see through the BS you were throwing around then. Now that we are older and wiser we still see through the new and different BS you are throwing around...

More like criticize the moron that chooses to use such sources, because he's too stupid to check the veracity of sources.

So the facts don't matter? Only the source?

How EG of you...
Speaks to the credibility of the poster.

Hmmm... I think contradictions such as this speak more to the credibility of the poster rather than the results of quick Google searches, especially when other more "legitimate" in your mind sources are provided...

Do you mean the 51 intelligence officials, including ones that served under Trump, that said it was bullshit?

The point isn't that the laptop is fake. The point is, some of what was claimed to be on it is bullshit.

That sounds like some mighty EG level of posting... One day it's fake because 51 "intelligence" officials say it is and the net day you come back with "the point isn't that the laptop is fake"... Wasn't it was fake the very point made during the 2020 election???

Man you are starting to look as desperate as EG now...
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MYTH #4: “Immigrants increase the budget deficit and government debt.”

FACT: Immigrants in the United States have about a net zero effect on government budgets — they pay about as much in taxes as they consume in benefits.

Illegal and Legal. Two distinct and different things.

There are a reported 500,000 or so illegal immigrants in North Carolina. They use our schools, roads, medical facilities, services, require law enforcement and the court system to be used, etc.

Illegal immigrants added over 120,000 students to our school system. They means English as Second Language classes be added. Interpreters be added. School lunch program(free and reduced to be paid for) and more square footage to be added along with teachers.

To put the school situation in perspective, the State of WV has about 245,000 students(2023). So, in NC alone we have half the WV student population being added that are illegal. Who pays for that? The taxpayers of the state and federal system do. Me and You. We are one state.

You have to look at illegal and legal. While they do work much of it is not reported or on the black market so to speak and they are not contributing to taxes as the legal residents are.

From the Carolina Journal:

Illegal immigration costs North Carolina taxpayers $3.14 billion or $779 per household annually.

  • Illegal immigrant households added 122,218 students to local schools.
  • The average cost to North Carolinians is $4,781 per illegal alien.
  • Taxpayers are supporting education costs of $1.47 billion, police, legal, and corrections costs of $461.1 million, as well as healthcare, public assistance, and general government services expenses.
According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) annual report, nearly half of the 170,590 illegal immigrants arrested in the US in 2023 had multiple criminal charges and convictions.

You are spouting the lefts talking points and putting lipstick on a pig.
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