Another military helicopter has crashed.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
This time an Army National Guard helicopter. 3 dead soldiers and a border patrol agent working on a Homeland Security mission near the border.

When is the DOD and commander in chief going to address this issue? We have lost too many Soldiers and Marines. Our helicopter fleet has issues.
We should have enough money to do that soon. Pay for it with bond money from your
orange jesus for all the appeals.
Sell some of Hunters paintings.

I have family ans friends that ride in these.. we need answers and it's needs fixed. Biden has the military in shape like Carter did....probably worse.
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Sell some of Hunters paintings.

I have family ans friends that ride in these.. we need answers and it's needs fixed. Biden has the military in shape like Carter did....probably worse.
Maybe you shouldn't worship any more 20 year wars and tax cuts for the rich. And your orange jesus is running on more tax cuts. That'll be great for the debt and defict.
Maybe you shouldn't worship any more 20 year wars and tax cuts for the rich. And your orange jesus is running on more tax cuts. That'll be great for the debt and defict.
Mush and the DOD are not even addressing it.
I have family ans friends that ride in these.. we need answers and it's needs fixed. Biden has the military in shape like Carter did....probably worse.
Military aircraft, especially helicopters, have a LONG record of crash rates above that of commercial aviation. I'm not an expert, but I'd guess you've got pilots doing stuff commerical pilots would never do because missions, and thus training, require pushing the envelope, and because of a budget culture than prioritizes new, shiny, big ticket items over boring stuff like maintenance.

In fact, Congress commissioned a big study o the increase of 2019, with the report released in 2020. Maybe the study agree with me, I didn't read it.
Sell some of Hunters paintings.

I have family ans friends that ride in these.. we need answers and it's needs fixed. Biden has the military in shape like Carter did....probably worse.
Jimmy Carter even in his state, would be better than Biden right now. Atleast Carters mind is still functional


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