Another take on what happened to Coach Morrisey.

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Word from tailgating is, according to what the AD told the tailgater is , Eddie and Huff basically got into a fight in the office. We’re there punches thrown? Unsure but there was plenty of screaming going on. Now according to the AD Eddie compounded things by giving BG and Troy our offensive line call sheets. For the most part imo it’s difficult to change those calls each week.
Word from tailgating is, according to what the AD told the tailgater is , Eddie and Huff basically got into a fight in the office. We’re there punches thrown? Unsure but there was plenty of screaming going on. Now according to the AD Eddie compounded things by giving BG and Troy our offensive line call sheets. For the most part imo it’s difficult to change those calls each week.
And allegedly that fight stemmed from Morrisey calling Huff out for job hunting while the assistants coached the team.

I'll say this. Who knows what the truth is, but you don't see coaches lining up to work for Huff. All the stuff that @riflearm2 laid out, this, and elevating Trickett just doesn't look good.
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One theory is that the offensive line did such a good job against Notre Dame and the line coach was getting too much love for Huff to handle. NPD is like that.
Word from tailgating is, according to what the AD told the tailgater is , Eddie and Huff basically got into a fight in the office. We’re there punches thrown? Unsure but there was plenty of screaming going on. Now according to the AD Eddie compounded things by giving BG and Troy our offensive line call sheets. For the most part imo it’s difficult to change those calls each week.
If that happend not only is that unetheical it may be a legal matter. That could cost a program, a school, a coach, millions of dollars.

I would be talking to a legal team about that.

Has nothing to do with Huff being liked or not liked. That seriously may be a legal issue for the unversity to pursue, assuming there is validity to it.