Just admit it, you are for open borders and don't believe in the sovereignty of the USA. But, are probably like most liberals, anywhere but in my back yard.
Yeah, but how would you find cheap painters otherwise?
Just admit it, you are for open borders and don't believe in the sovereignty of the USA. But, are probably like most liberals, anywhere but in my back yard.
I am not sure. I hire the company not the workers and my guys were legal. They did it the right way years ago. And, you just proved my point. That drives wages down for everyone, the American worker.Yeah, but how would you find cheap painters otherwise?
I hire the company not the workers and my guys were legal.
That drives wages down for everyone,
You don't know if they were legal. At best you assumed they were.
Bwaaaahaha!!!. You don't care about low wages unless they're yours.
I actually like my wages high. I like to make more money. What did you pay? Talk about low.
I know they were legal.
I know the owner and asked for documentation.
greed is a hypocrite
all for raising the minimum wage to $15.00, but he'll be damned if he's paying his white guys a living wage.
Yet you wouldnt raise your workers pay unless the govt mandated ALL cabinet shops do the same thingI was paying my guys more than that 4 years ago, ya lying idiot.
Yet you wouldnt raise your workers pay unless the govt mandated ALL cabinet shops do the same thing
Prove it. How much did you pay your illegals? Can you post a few pay stubs?I was paying my guys more than that 4 years ago, ya lying idiot.
Prove it. How much did you pay your illegals? Can you post a few pay stubs?
You put them on a commission based system, didn't you?I was paying my guys more than that 4 years ago, ya lying idiot.
Scientology audits dont countI’m being audited … so I can’t.
You put them on a commission based system, didn't you?
True, I am in sales. Sales. I don't make things or produce things like someone who works for you.For a while. Same system you work under, moron.
Just admit it, you are for open borders and don't believe in the sovereignty of the USA. But, are probably like most liberals, anywhere but in my back yard.
You still don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the basics of immigration.
Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on what these phrases mean, the laws, and try to understand (not necessarily agree with, but understand the reasons they are using) why others are supporting different ideas. At this point, you're so uneducated on the topic that you don't even know what you're arguing against.
Oh, and apologize for ruining this thread.
You are acting based on emotion. Not what is good for the country.
yagi hijacked his own thread, and all over a bunch of central Americans breaking our nation's laws.
yagi, who you voting for? I'm guessing you're a Pocahontas type, as she seems to pattern her words after yours. You think Pocahontas can win, and do you think she'll look like an idiot if she gets the opportunity to debate the master?
posted this in dtard's thread, but it seems to fit better here . . .I'm not the one who did it. HerMan was the first to bring up immigration in this thread out of nowhere. He is a thread destroyer. I don't want to ever hear him complain about E.T. again.
I can't see myself voting for any of the Democratic candidates at this point. Though anyone would be an upgrade on what we have now, none of them at this point bring a full resume to the table.
I think Biden has the experience and relationships, but I also think he is an idiot and a gaffe machine that can be influenced too easily.
Buttigieg is bright, articulate, and has a lot of potential, but he lacks even state political experience (let alone federal), has no relationships, and is completely new to foreign relations.
Warren has improved significantly over the last couple of months in my eyes, and I think she is intelligent (surprisingly), but I don't think she has what it takes.
Sanders would be just months away from being 80 years old when he is sworn in. Do we want a sitting president who is 80-83 years old, not to mention I think some of his initiatives are too extreme.
None of them bring a full resume. All of them would be better than what we have, but none excite me.
I've said repeatedly, but we (as a nation) really fvcked up not getting Hillary in there. Is she cold? Yes. Is she self-serving? Yes, but no more than anyone else we've had in that office. But she had the experience, the intelligence, the national and international relationships, and the ability to get things done.
You just don't like what I am saying and you are acting emotional. We can't let all these folks come in here illegally. Do you let 100 homeless people live in your house and drive your car?You're acting on stupidity considering you have no idea what you are even talking about. There is no emotion involved with what I am saying. Hell, I am not even arguing for a position. I am simply explaining that you don't know what you're talking about and the things you are saying make no sense and show you don't know what decriminalization is.
We can't let all these folks come in here illegally
That is a really dumb analogy. Beyond dumb. It doesn't even make sense.Agreed. That's why this country, for decades, has had legal (though far from perfect) ways for them to come. However, this administration has made those legal ways nearly impossible to fulfill forcing them to do it illegally.
Let me dumb this down for you:
Pretend that you allow your 15 year old daughter to date whomever she wants as long as she follows one rule - she can only date white guys. However, you then put her in a school which has 100% Hispanic guys, move to a neighborhood that is 100% black (other than your family), and don't allow her the opportunity to socialize with anybody outside of her school or neighborhood.
She gets mad at you, because she wants to follow your rule about dating, but you have made it impossible for her to do since you keep her away from being able to follow your own rule.
Do you see how you effectively have made it so that she won't ever be able to date anyone under your rules? That is what this administration has done to people who want to come here legally.
That is a really dumb analogy. Beyond dumb. It doesn't even make sense.
Why don't you say my daughter wants to let her boyfriends or friends come into my home and stay and take my food, tools, sleep on the floor and come and go as they please. Just come on in and we won't lock the door. We will even remove it and give you the garage code and we will pay for your phones, hospital bills, and you can drink my beer when you want. Don't worry about my rules or my private property.
Oh and the neighbors dog can feel free to shit in my yard.
That is a better analogy
Like you guys thinking abortion restrictions take away from a woman's right to choose?My analogy was regarding how this administration has skirted U.S. laws and protocol. Your analogy is about open borders. They are entirely different. For some reason, your simpleton mind thinks that decriminalizing crossers is the same thing as open borders.
It's just like you fools think gun reform means taking away your guns.