Anyone on here still riding with Biden?

This not a good take for Biden. His wife leading him and helping off the debate stage. Trump walks off by himself and Biden needs his wife to guide him. Not a Trump fan, but this is really sad for Biden. To think Biden has the nuclear football, is really scary.

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No one really supports him, they just don’t want Trump. They’ll take a shadow government rather than the Trump devil they know.

I get it sort of, not the best look for the US that it’s down to these two.
No one really supports him, they just don’t want Trump. They’ll take a shadow government rather than the Trump devil they know.

I get it sort of, not the best look for the US that it’s down to these two.
If the last two presidencies have taught us anything, it's that the president is NOT in calling the shots
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If anyone is seriously voting for Biden, please explain how this works over the next four years. Joe still believes he’s 100% cogent. His wife certainly isn’t forcing him out. But he’s not going to improve. I’ve said it on here before & I don’t mean it to belittle him, but watch how fast Joe’s health will decline once he’s out of office without daily presidential assistance. You think he’ll be paddle boarding like Obama?
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To think Biden has the nuclear football, is really scary.
I take solace in knowing that, while this statement is true, he also doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, so he would never figure where or how to do anything.
If the last two presidencies have taught us anything, it's that the president is NOT in calling the shots
Trump called the shots. He just had a cabinet full of sleezy, corrupt, beta RINOs who were willing to undermine him any chance they got.
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Not sure why people like you (no offense) keep saying this. Trump is, at worst, the 2nd best president in the last 100 years. Why is it a bad thing that he’s running again and could win?

I preferred DeSantis but he’s too autistic.
I still think Desantis would beat Biden badly and I’m not convinced Trump will win even still. I think the only person Trump can beat is Biden, maybe Harris. If they replace Biden and are able to get someone else on the ballot (that would admit border is a disaster) Trump will lose.

People despise this man Trump and he energizes D’s like no other. Every election the D playbook is to run against Trump and it works.

Hes very old (he’s older than Bill Clinton).

Trumps a BS’er. He’s not wrong about everything but he’s full of it and he’s an old.

He ran up massive deficits which is an enormous existential threat.

He’s a philanderer.
No one really supports him, they just don’t want Trump. They’ll take a shadow government rather than the Trump devil they know.

I get it sort of, not the best look for the US that it’s down to these two.
Except Trump has great record that can be examined. Most all negatives seen or perceived about Trump are due to nonstop dishonest propaganda and lawfare.
I preferred DeSantis but he’s too autistic.
I still think Desantis would beat Biden badly and I’m not convinced Trump will win even still. I think the only person Trump can beat is Biden, maybe Harris. If they replace Biden and are able to get someone else on the ballot (that would admit border is a disaster) Trump will lose.

People despise this man Trump and he energizes D’s like no other. Every election the D playbook is to run against Trump and it works.

Hes very old (he’s older than Bill Clinton).

Trumps a BS’er. He’s not wrong about everything but he’s full of it and he’s an old.

He ran up massive deficits which is an enormous existential threat.

He’s a philanderer.
But the general public doesn't think this way. All they know is that under Trump they weren't getting buried by inflation, the cost of living, and the border was very secure. Also, one could purchase a home and actually afford the mortgage payments.

I'm not going to say Trump did everything perfect or that all of those things I mentioned were due 100% to his policies, but nothing changes the fact that those conditions existed under Trump's presidency, and the general public want a return of those conditions.
But the general public doesn't think this way. All they know is that under Trump they weren't getting buried by inflation, the cost of living, and the border was very secure. Also, one could purchase a home and actually afford the mortgage payments.

I'm not going to say Trump did everything perfect or that all of those things I mentioned were due 100% to his policies, but nothing changes the fact that those conditions existed under Trump's presidency, and the general public want a return of those conditions.
There is almost 50% of the country that has a visceral reaction to him in spite of all those policies/inflation. It’s hard to over come that.

I may be wrong but if they replace Biden (and thus can perceive their issues will get better without someone else that didn’t cause it AND can vote not Trump) these people will easily vote against Trump.
Except Trump has great record that can be examined. Most all negatives seen or perceived about Trump are due to nonstop dishonest propaganda and lawfare.
…but it worked/works well enough. The man has a 54% unfavorable rating.

Russia BS/lawfare has hurt. But it still counts as a negative.
So not trump which was my point.
No, I believe you literally said in the last two terms no President was calling the shots.

The difference is, Biden doesn't call the shots, and doesn't have a cabinet full of traitorous staff who attempt to undermine him. The cabinet itself is who's calling the shots for Biden.
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