I still have to ask, because I haven't received an answer.

That's the point, moron. It's far more than my fair share all because trump's feelings were hurt by people from these states. It's average income earners in shithole states like you who aren't paying your fair share.
Shut your pie hole. You make more you pay more. You should be happy to write that check.
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What's funny? From Jan 5 2018 to June 5 2019 the Dow increased by less than 1%.
I was waiting for him, the useless poster, or spermswimmer to elaborate, but they won't, because my comment was accurate. None of them have nearly the amount of money I have invested in it, so they don't know the DOW trends like I do.

It's par for the course on here. Morons support somebody else's post, but then when I call them out on specifics and/or disprove the claim, those who supported the post disappear and don't know how to respond. I called a few of them out a week or two ago on the same thing, and they all hid.
I was waiting for him, the useless poster, or spermswimmer to elaborate, but they won't, because my comment was accurate. None of them have nearly the amount of money I have invested in it, so they don't know the DOW trends like I do.

It's par for the course on here. Morons support somebody else's post, but then when I call them out on specifics and/or disprove the claim, those who supported the post disappear and don't know how to respond. I called a few of them out a week or two ago on the same thing, and they all hid.
Which is why I've got to the point that I just call them Godless lying trumpchum sucking retards.
I was waiting for him, the useless poster, or spermswimmer to elaborate, but they won't, because my comment was accurate. None of them have nearly the amount of money I have invested in it, so they don't know the DOW trends like I do.

It's par for the course on here. Morons support somebody else's post, but then when I call them out on specifics and/or disprove the claim, those who supported the post disappear and don't know how to respond. I called a few of them out a week or two ago on the same thing, and they all hid.
Calm down cripple. Those tax cuts aren’t what led to the 2018 situation. They played a part but there were bigger factors already at play.
Calm down cripple. Those tax cuts aren’t what led to the 2018 situation. They played a part but there were bigger factors already at play.
So now you’re saying that other impacts from trump’s presidency led to the DOW running flat. Brilliant!

Just adding to his policy failures.
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What's funny? From Jan 5 2018 to June 5 2019 the Dow increased by less than 1%.
This shouldn't be a hard concept to understand, but I fully expect you to NOT get it, but we'll try anyway. You depend on the govt for your retirement. Stick with woodworking.

It's hilarious because anyone that "invests" in the markets knows that markets are "forecasting" what the future values of companies (govt policy) are going to be. From Jan '16 to Jan '18 the Dow rallied ~9900 pts. (~59% gain). In 2017 it was ~ 34% rally alone. The market anticipated the value on business and impact of tax cuts prior to the tax cuts being passed and moved accordingly. Anyone who knows markets knows this. Its not hard for people who actually do this.

From Oct '18 to Jan '20 the Dow moved about another 9%, prior to the govt lockdowns/ covid.

The snapshot in time you two idiots are looking at is a normal consolidation pattern after a multi-year unabated run up, followed by yet another above avg rally prior to Covid.

Why aren't you two crying about Jan '22 -Oct '23??? The Dow was down ~11%.....
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This shouldn't be a hard concept to understand, but I fully expect you to NOT get it, but we'll try anyway. You depend on the govt for your retirement. Stick with woodworking.

It's hilarious because anyone that "invests" in the markets knows that markets are "forecasting" what the future values of companies (govt policy) are going to be. From Jan '16 to Jan '18 the Dow rallied ~9900 pts. (~59% gain). In 2017 it was ~ 34% rally alone. The market anticipated the value on business and impact of tax cuts prior to the tax cuts being passed and moved accordingly. Anyone who knows markets knows this. Its not hard for people who actually do this.

From Oct '18 to Jan '20 the Dow moved about another 9%, prior to the govt lockdowns/ covid.

The snapshot in time you two idiots are looking at is a normal consolidation pattern after a multi-year unabated run up, followed by yet another above avg rally prior to Covid.

Why aren't you two crying about Jan '22 -Oct '23??? The Dow was down ~11%.....
Says the guy who has no funds in the market and depends on my tax checks to cover his retirement.
Says the guy^^^who has never thanked me for paying for his parents/grandparents retirement.

And when did I retire? You stupid trumpchum sucking Godless liar. I have appx 12 weeks of work scheduled at this very moment and have never stopped working.
How much do you "invest" in the "Dow"? 🤣
And when did I retire?
Who knows. You've lied so much about working/not working the last few years. You lay off people, close your biz, turn your biz into a hobby; now you admit you're in biz again with no employees. You've constantly changed your story and excuses.

How much do you have invested in the markets??
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This shouldn't be a hard concept to understand, but I fully expect you to NOT get it, but we'll try anyway. You depend on the govt for your retirement. Stick with woodworking.

It's hilarious because anyone that "invests" in the markets knows that markets are "forecasting" what the future values of companies (govt policy) are going to be. From Jan '16 to Jan '18 the Dow rallied ~9900 pts. (~59% gain). In 2017 it was ~ 34% rally alone. The market anticipated the value on business and impact of tax cuts prior to the tax cuts being passed and moved accordingly. Anyone who knows markets knows this. Its not hard for people who actually do this.

From Oct '18 to Jan '20 the Dow moved about another 9%, prior to the govt lockdowns/ covid.

The snapshot in time you two idiots are looking at is a normal consolidation pattern after a multi-year unabated run up, followed by yet another above avg rally prior to Covid.

Why aren't you two crying about Jan '22 -Oct '23??? The Dow was down ~11%.....
because they are libiots and all they do is spew empty meaningless words as they menstruate.............
It's hilarious because anyone that "invests" in the markets knows that markets are "forecasting" what the future values of companies (govt policy) are going to be.
You're really trying to use data from a full year before trump took office when he was a huge longshot to ever be in office? You think the DOW was impacted by things trump wasn't even mentioning when he was a huge underdog to get in office? Not a chance.

The market anticipated the value on business and impact of tax cuts prior to the tax cuts being passed and moved accordingly. Anyone who knows markets knows this. Its not hard for people who actually do this.
Yet after it was implemented, they didn't expect that to impact business? It flatlined for 18 months, because it didn't have the intended push that was expected, hence the entire point of my comment.

Why aren't you two crying about Jan '22 -Oct '23??? The Dow was down ~11%.....

Clearly, because it was expected after the "multi-year unabated runup" under Biden.
You're really trying to use data from a full year before trump took office when he was a huge longshot to ever be in office? You think the DOW was impacted by things trump wasn't even mentioning when he was a huge underdog to get in office? Not a chance.

Yet after it was implemented, they didn't expect that to impact business? It flatlined for 18 months, because it didn't have the intended push that was expected, hence the entire point of my comment.

Clearly, because it was expected after the "multi-year unabated runup" under Biden.
You're demonstrating why your claim several years ago..."I dont know much about this stuff", was on point.

Stock markets anticipate future value (that's what INVESTING is all about--future value) and what future govt policy initiatives will do to impact that future values of businesses. Trump announced he was running for president in summer of 2015, on campaign promises of tax reform/cuts. As 2016 progressed only left wingers thought Trump had no chance while the market was actively pricing in the possibility of a Trump presidency and tax reform/rate cuts under a new administration.

Of course, tax cuts impacted businesses. As I mentioned, 2017 alone had a +30% move up. That move had to be "digested". Wall St also has a saying, "buy the rumor, sell the news". Someone who actually "follows Dow trends" can actually see it on stock charts. It was a perfect consolidation pattern following years of run up. The markets needed to cool, and they did. Resuming the move higher in 2018, and only stalling because the govt shut the economy down.

The 11% pull back under Biden is pretty simple to explain for anyone actually "following Dow trends"... The fed began increasing interest rates in March 2022 and continued into 2023. Most investors believed the economy would slow in the coming 2 years as higher rates impact overall economic growth and dividend yields in much of the Dow 30 (and so they sold into that belief). That trend changed in 2023 as "interest rate cuts" and inflation reduction have become the next narrative markets have been anticipating and hoping for. This, along with lower corporate taxes continued from Trump, have helped to keep the markets moving. I've commented on here many times, kudos to the Mush administration for keeping rates where Trump put them. Thats kept much of the business world in the game as higher rates have worked to slow overall growth in the economy.

Keep following those "Dow trends" man. You may one day understand all this.
You're demonstrating why your claim several years ago..."I dont know much about this stuff", was on point.

Stock markets anticipate future value (that's what INVESTING is all about--future value) and what future govt policy initiatives will do to impact that future values of businesses. Trump announced he was running for president in summer of 2015, on campaign promises of tax reform/cuts. As 2016 progressed only left wingers thought Trump had no chance while the market was actively pricing in the possibility of a Trump presidency and tax reform/rate cuts under a new administration.

Of course, tax cuts impacted businesses. As I mentioned, 2017 alone had a +30% move up. That move had to be "digested". Wall St also has a saying, "buy the rumor, sell the news". Someone who actually "follows Dow trends" can actually see it on stock charts. It was a perfect consolidation pattern following years of run up. The markets needed to cool, and they did. Resuming the move higher in 2018, and only stalling because the govt shut the economy down.

The 11% pull back under Biden is pretty simple to explain for anyone actually "following Dow trends"... The fed began increasing interest rates in March 2022 and continued into 2023. Most investors believed the economy would slow in the coming 2 years as higher rates impact overall economic growth and dividend yields in much of the Dow 30 (and so they sold into that belief). That trend changed in 2023 as "interest rate cuts" and inflation reduction have become the next narrative markets have been anticipating and hoping for. This, along with lower corporate taxes continued from Trump, have helped to keep the markets moving. I've commented on here many times, kudos to the Mush administration for keeping rates where Trump put them. Thats kept much of the business world in the game as higher rates have worked to slow overall growth in the economy.

Keep following those "Dow trends" man. You may one day understand all this.
It's tough trying to explain these things to those that are not financially sophisticated. We saw that when he was boasting his vehicle loan in the current rate environment. Perhaps you should dumb it down for him, maybe if you walk through Pelosi's insider trading and wealth building he will get it.
We saw that when he was boasting his vehicle loan in the current rate environment.
Moron, even a conservative/wvu fan said that what I was doing was the wise thing. It's not even close to debatable, yet here you are, trying to make yourself look dumber than usual.

Let's think about it: pay a 2% APR or earn 5.25% - 9% on that money? It's no different than what I did with two of my three most recent property purchases. If you can make substantially more investing - or even putting in a high-yield savings account - you should always do that.

Stock markets anticipate future value (that's what INVESTING is all about--future value) and what future govt policy initiatives will do to impact that future values of businesses.
Nobody denies that even though you keep mentioning it. What you fail to acknowledge is that once some of that anticipation starts to come to fruition, the investing continues to grow. Then, when stock price starts to increase in those companies, the impact magnifies. Hell, the recent meme stock surges are a great example of that.

As 2016 progressed only left wingers thought Trump had no chance while the market was actively pricing in the possibility of a Trump presidency and tax reform/rate cuts under a new administration.

You're full of shit. The entire country thought trump had no chance of winning the presidency in 2016. The market was definitely not "actively pricing" for what was considered a very longshot of happening two years in the future.

Resuming the move higher in 2018, and only stalling because the govt shut the economy down.
trump policy failure. Thanks for playing.

The 11% pull back under Biden is pretty simple to explain for anyone actually "following Dow trends"... The fed began increasing interest rates in March 2022 and continued into 2023. Most investors believed the economy would slow in the coming 2 years as higher rates impact overall economic growth and dividend yields in much of the Dow 30 (and so they sold into that belief).
And they were wrong, adding more proof that Biden has handled the recession extremely well to avoid a crash while doing the same during Covid to not destroy the economy (including after with all of the artificial money).

Keep following those "Dow trends" man. You may one day understand all this.
You're the moron who laughed at my comment that there was a 1.5 year stall in the DOW after TCJA was implemented. That's exactly what happened.
😆 only read the beginning son. I just think it's funny you claim wealth, finance autos, then explain how it's wise...we all understand dude what we don't understand is you trying to impress us with it.

You're the moron who laughed at my comment that there was a 1.5 year stall in the DOW after TCJA was implemented. That's exactly what happened.
And I'm still laughing because you still dont seem to understand how stock markets work or what they anticipate. Stick with what you know, bench pressing bicycles, stalking university presidents, and rambling about botox injections.

And they were wrong, adding more proof that Biden has handled the recession
So the market pulled back during a that news to you?? Imagine that, the market pulled back into a recession. How was that "wrong"??? And you wonder why we laugh at you.
1) trump's reduction of Bears Ears by 85%, which not coincidentally, came after significant lobbying from a uranium firm that wanted to mine and develop the area.
2) His executive order to allow employers to stop paying social security payroll tax on low earners.
3) Tax cuts in 2017 which led to the DOW doing nothing for 18 months.
4) The abysmal handling of Covid in numerous ways which led to the U.S. having a significantly higher death rate than the rest of the world.
5) Capping SALT, which has a major impact on me.
6) Stripping the EPA which has and will continue to have major negative impact. The same with the Department of Education.
7) Withdrawing from international treaties which has left the U.S. toothless and helped strengthen our enemies.
8) Screwing up the budget that led to the longest government freeze in history.
9) Loss in reproductive rights.
10) His border dispute with Mexico, his lies, and his policies which wasted money.
11) His SCOTUS nominations
12) Fvcking up the census, which has a major impact on representation and funding.
13) Dreamers

That's just off the top of my head. Allow me to google it, and I am sure I will be reminded of dozens more. Plus, his actions/words had just as much negative impact with non-policy things than those listed above: January 6th, his comments and treatment of allies, his racist/ethnically insensitive comments, his "leadership" exhibited by boasting about his cock size/mocking the appearance of the wives of his competitors, constant attacks on major government agencies leading to public distrust, attacks on the media leading to public distrust, supporting criminals (the chubby. white, young, dork who shot the protester and many others), his urging to use physical violence against protesters, surrounding himself with felons, his promises that have rang hollow, and many more.
1. 71% of Utah is federal land. As a person that likes to pick on flyover states as negative contributors, why do you believe an individual state should be hamstrung and not afforded economic opportunity? I would venture to guess that less that one tenth of one percent of US residents even know what and where Bears Ears is, let alone ever visit it in their lifetime. Lastly, it’s not some century old national park. Obama, on his way out the door, just took 1.35 million acres and said here it is. After Trumps action it was still a 200,000 acre park that didn’t exist before 2016.

Overreaction on your part.

2. This one is weird in my view. By making it less expensive to hire low skill workers, employers are able to hire more of them. This is beneficial to small business and positively impacts low wage earners. Why does it bother you?

3. What? The DOW went from 24,000 in 2017 to over 33,000 in 2018, up over 30%.

4. COVID wasn’t great, but more Americans died after Trump than during Trump, more in 2021 than 2020. To me Biden handled it much worse with the mandates, firings, kicking people out of the military, etc.

5. So you like it that dems always say “tax the rich” but don’t like when it’s actually done? Raising the standard deduction and limiting SALT benefitted millions more than it hurt.

6. Personally, I don’t like legislation by agency and prefer Congress to handle that stuff. Apparently the SC agrees. I don’t think we should have an education department, that’s a state’s rights issue.

7. Like what? Specific, not a blanket statement. Which treaties, how did it weaken us?

8. In our 3 branch government, Congress allocates money and does budgeting.

9. Anyone in this country is allowed to reproduce. Given that, what reproductive rights were taken away?

10. BS. Lowest border crossings in 40 years. Remain in Mexico was great, ending catch and release was great.

11. Okay, not a policy, and they had to get confirmed, but okay. Comey Barrett is one that I believe you will end up liking.

12. How did Trump mess up the census?

13. Dreamers, a name and group made up by Obama.
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1. 71% of Utah is federal land. As a person that likes to pick on flyover states as negative contributors, why do you believe an individual state should be hamstrung and not afforded economic opportunity? I would venture to guess that less that one tenth of one percent of US residents even know what and where Bears Ears is, let alone ever visit it in their lifetime. Lastly, it’s not some century old national park. Obama, on his way out the door, just took 1.35 million acres and said here it is. After Trumps action it was still a 200,000 acre park that didn’t exist before 2016. Overreaction on your part.

I lived in Utah during this time. I hiked every week. I traveled to southern Utah frequently for nature. Utah has one of the best/healthiest economies (possibly the best) in the country. Your concern is not affording them economic opportunity? Stop. Does it matter how many Americans know what Bears Ears is? Of course not. You asked policies of his I disagreed with, and this one impacted me directly.
2. This one is weird in my view. By making it less expensive to hire low skill workers, employers are able to hire more of them. This is beneficial to small business and positively impacts low wage earners. Why does it bother you?
By raping social security. No, thanks.

3. What? The DOW went from 24,000 in 2017 to over 33,000 in 2018, up over 30%.

Read better. When the TCJA went into effect, the DOW froze for 1.5 years.

4. COVID wasn’t great, but more Americans died after Trump than during Trump, more in 2021 than 2020. To me Biden handled it much worse with the mandates, firings, kicking people out of the military, etc.
Oh, you want to play "but BIIDDDDEEENNNNNN!" now? Trump's entire Covid attempt was an abysmal failure.

5. So you like it that dems always say “tax the rich” but don’t like when it’s actually done? Raising the standard deduction and limiting SALT benefitted millions more than it hurt.
It has nothing to do with the rich. It has everything to do with him targeting states that voted against him.

6. Personally, I don’t like legislation by agency and prefer Congress to handle that stuff. Apparently the SC agrees. I don’t think we should have an education department, that’s a state’s rights issue.
Congress can't handle that stuff! What the fvck is wrong with you? Government agencies are the experts, not fvcking Congress. My god - can you imagine Congress trying to act reasonably and be effective enough to make every single one of those decisions coming from agencies?

7. Like what? Specific, not a blanket statement. Which treaties, how did it weaken us?
Let's start with reneging on the nuclear pact with Iran which has allowed them to get what they need far easier/fast and let's end with the trade war with China. There are plenty in between those.

8. In our 3 branch government, Congress allocates money and does budgeting.
it's his budget and his Congress, you dolt!

9. Anyone in this country is allowed to reproduce. Given that, what reproductive rights were taken away?
We both know what is being discussed. When you're as stupid as you have exhibited tonight, there's no need to act dumber.

10. BS. Lowest border crossings in 40 years. Remain in Mexico was great, ending catch and release was great.
That has nothing to do with him wasting money and fvcking it up. He promised, repeatedly, Mexico was going to pay for it. Then, when exposed for that lie, you sheep claimed he didn't mean directly. He meant indirectly through tariffs. Nope, that rang hollow, too, just lie almost all of his major promises.

11. Okay, not a policy, and they had to get confirmed, but okay. Comey Barrett is one that I believe you will end up liking.
Learn her name before acting like you know anything about her.

12. How did Trump mess up the census?
Besides this:

He also stopped the tabulation a month early.

13. Dreamers, a name and group made up by Obama.
What does that have to do with anything? It's unethical.
Typical, worthless, left wing rebuttal. He chocked Iran out. They were broke, they had no money to invest in nukes, no money to fund terrorism. That deal was as completely worthless and negative as the Paris Climate Accord. The nuke agreement didn’t even allow us to properly monitor compliance. Worthless.

It’s funny, most of your complaints are just selfish and myopic. You only care about you and it shows in the things that bother you. How many of those 1.35 million acres did you hike while in Utah? You realize that’s over 2,100 square miles? That’s almost as big as the entire state of Delaware. 30% larger than Rhode Island.
He chocked Iran out.
I have no idea what that means. Are you trying to spell "choked"? If so, go back to trying to spell the names of SCOTUS justices.

That deal was as completely worthless and negative as the Paris Climate Accord. The nuke agreement didn’t even allow us to properly monitor compliance. Worthless.
What kind of moron are you trying to be? We reneged on the deal! Iran was living up to their end. Simply based on ethics, it is wrong. Based on what that says about the U.S. to the international community makes it wrong to do. Didn't allow us to properly monitor it? International inspectors were monitoring it! They had dismantled their program. By all accounts, they were holding up their end of the deal. They have now gone back to enriching uranium and are much closer than they were under the deal.

No matter what source you use, you will find that it was a major blunder.

It’s funny, most of your complaints are just selfish and myopic. You only care about you and it shows in the things that bother you. How many of those 1.35 million acres did you hike while in Utah? You realize that’s over 2,100 square miles? That’s almost as big as the entire state of Delaware. 30% larger than Rhode Island.
Are you so stupid that you can't see your own claims contradict themselves?

On one hand, you claim that my complaints are selfish. On the other hand, you infer that I probably didn't use much or any of Bears Ears, so it's not an issue I should be concerned about. So if I didn't use that region - which I didn't - then wouldn't my concern about it be the complete opposite of selfish? Doh!

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