I still have to ask, because I haven't received an answer.

So I wanted to initially leave a smart-ass response about Julius Caesar and some Roman bullshit, but then I got wrapped up and went down the rabbit hole of Roman roads in italy. I think you are likely wrong about not walking on a Roman Road in Italy, but I really don't know. Rest assured though, come this time next year, bump this post and I will let you know.
Perhaps I wasn't clear.

Of course you can walk on a Roman road in Italy! That's what you would expect, right? But the Romans went all over Europe and built shit that's still there in all these other places. And then they were gone, and later others built shit that's still FAR older than anything in America. It's not only very old history, it's multiple histories with so many layers.
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you must be abjectly stupid to not see the issues in the election.
That everyone, including Republican states, did some things different because of a goddamn pandemic that killed over a million Americans?

Were the elections won by Republicans also stolen? Talk about abjectly stupid, you fool.

Are the Republican judges that rejected your dude's bullshit claims also in on it? Is this SCOTUS that rejected these hair-brained challenges in on it? THIS SUPREME COURT? LMAO, you goddamn idiot.
That everyone, including Republican states, did some things different because of a goddamn pandemic that killed over a million Americans?

Were the elections won by Republicans also stolen? Talk about abjectly stupid, you fool.

Are the Republican judges that rejected your dude's bullshit claims also in on it? Is this SCOTUS that rejected these hair-brained challenges in on it? THIS SUPREME COURT? LMAO, you goddamn idiot.
you sound upset and you are dead wrong. enjoy your blissful existence.
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you goddamn idiot

And yet he denies being a liberal???
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And the earth is flat too, fvckhead.
^^mad^^ I would be too if I hitched my wagon to a false narrative. Oh well, the same folks that fed him Russia collusion, Ukraine, 1/6, laptop Russian, drink bleach, suckers and losers, and good neo nazis also told him election most safe and secure. He still believes it like a good sheep. Hence my comment "abjectly stupid"
That sounds like you disagree with that assessment
I didn't vote for him in 2020. And age had something to do with that.

But it's funny that one day Biden's this nefarious head of a crime family who is smart enough to leave no evidence to catch him on, and the next he's a dementia zombie.
^^mad^^ I would be too if I hitched my wagon to a false narrative
More irony.

And yet he denies being a liberal???

I didn't vote for him in 2020. And age had something to do with that.

But it's funny that one day Biden's this nefarious head of a crime family who is smart enough to leave no evidence to catch him on, and the next he's a dementia zombie.

More irony.
😆 it's not the lack of evidence moron. It's a corrupt politicized DOJ/FBI. God damn you are stupid
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But it's funny that one day Biden's this nefarious head of a crime family who is smart enough to leave no evidence to catch him on, and the next he's a dementia zombie.

More irony.
For three years, he is "not the real president, as the real decisions are coming from the deep state and Obama. It's why the Obamas never left D.C." But this year, Biden doesn't have the cognitive ability to be president.

Well, if the "deep state" is calling the shots and Obama is still the real president, then what does it matter, unless of course, their claims over the last three years were bogus.
Goodness you lack the ability to think. He's never had the ability to be President or win a fair election. He does need some support to win, even a rigged election and that's the problem. Everyone, even libiots and left leaning voters saw him in real time, no teleprompter. Only the most indoctrinated useful idiots (you for example) are still defending or supporting.

Propaganda works as 8 years of negative false propaganda has hurt Trump and the positive lies helped Biden the last 3 1/2 years.

As far as Biden and Obama calling shots? They both work for same people we need a president working for us.
But it's funny that one day Biden's this nefarious head of a crime family who is smart enough to leave no evidence to catch him on, and the next he's a dementia zombie.

Biden's never been accused of being smart, even by his (and evidently your) team...


As has been consistently stated here there has been plenty of evidence but no willingness of corrupt federal agencies to investigate. Please explain this:

Dementia can move fast especially with the stress of being president. This didn't happen overnight. If your TDS hadn't blinded you you would have noticed Biden's mental decline 4 years ago like I did. Here is a post from May 2021 where I mentioned Biden and dementia and being an empty suit before having dementia. Notice I didn't mention stuttering...

Post in thread 'Woke crap in the military'

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? Yet again????
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Biden's never been accused of being smart, even by his (and evidently your) team...


As has been consistently stated here there has been plenty of evidence but no willingness of corrupt federal agencies to investigate. Please explain this:

Dementia can move fast especially with the stress of being president. This didn't happen overnight. If your TDS hadn't blinded you you would have noticed Biden's mental decline 4 years ago like I did. Here is a post from May 2021 where I mentioned Biden and dementia and being an empty suit before having dementia. Notice I didn't mention stuttering...

Post in thread 'Woke crap in the military'

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? Yet again????
The Office Boom GIF
Biden's never been accused of being smart, even by his (and evidently your) team..
So you can use unsubstantiated rumors of comments against Dems, but god forbid anybody mention trump calling the military "suckers" or "losers," using the N-word, mocking dead military, etc.? Brilliant.

If your TDS hadn't blinded you you would have noticed Biden's mental decline 4 years ago like I did. Here is a post from May 2021 where I mentioned Biden and dementia and being an empty suit before having dementia. Notice I didn't mention stuttering...
You are really boasting about mentioning Biden's mental decline, three years ago (do you need a calculator), when he was 78 years old? Congratulations? Do you think you were the first or even one of the few who were discussing that?
Moron, at some point, self-pride has to kick in for you.

You've been mocked by multiple people from your own side about the lack of substance in your posts. You run around hiding behind the bullies, but when they get punched in the face, you run and hide.

That is all you ever do. You're old enough (but probably not wise enough) to realize that when your own kind is calling you out for being useless, it's probably a good idea to stop ruining the board.
Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in the last 100 years if not ever. Obama likely #2. Clinton #3. Flip thr 3 on any given day. They made their money using public office.
Moron, at some point, self-pride has to kick in for you.

You've been mocked by multiple people from your own side about the lack of substance in your posts. You run around hiding behind the bullies, but when they get punched in the face, you run and hide.

That is all you ever do. You're old enough (but probably not wise enough) to realize that when your own kind is calling you out for being useless, it's probably a good idea to stop ruining the board.
That's a lot of typing

Puppet Master Luke GIF by Australian Survivor
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If someone thinks Biden’s cognitive issues just started recently they probably also think Russia suddenly invaded Ukraine with no provocation

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