Woke crap in the military

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Rep Crenshaw and Sen Cotton have started a whistle-blower site for military members to report woke crap and being targeted for being a Trumo supporter or conservative.

Good for them. The military has one essential job ans that is to defend the United States a d destroy our enemies in combat. Some of the woke bs I am hearing about is pure nonsense.
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I may be wrong here - I don’t know a ton about the military ....but I’d imagine the black and white infantryman have more in common than the DEI consultant who designed the woke workshop seminar for the upper level brass.

I think a big motivator here too is for the military and contractors to signal to the administration/congress that they too are woke enough to keep receiving shit tons of money.
awkward moment.

this is who libs are? do they even live in the real world? She is some kind of special. She was speaking like she would to third-graders...☹

Your president and HER vice-president are the idiots, and you are too for failing to see it.
Biden and Harris are stable geniuses and have the best genes, They know words. They have the best words. They are the chosen ones. Nobody knows the system better than they do, which is why they alone can fix it. They've never done anything they need to repent for, because they drink the little wine and have their little cracker. They have to be tough because if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it's literally going to cease to exist. Sorry losers and haters, but their IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault. Bigly.
1SG to troops: Please Stop Mocking the Commander In Chief, even if you think he is an idiot, But Stop Mocking the Commander In Chief.

hahaha, best one i have heard yet from some troops.
Wonder what the average IQ of a Scientologist is?

trumptard defending pedophilia.^^
You are a fvcking idiot. I would never defend that or share a pic insinuating it like your sick ass did. Maybe the cuck came over and broke junior in and that’s why he’s that way.
You are a fvcking idiot. I would never defend that or share a pic insinuating it like your sick ass did. Maybe the cuck came over and broke junior in and that’s why he’s that way.
You're a lying idiot and pedophilia defender.
I'm not going to agree with your conspiracy theories. moron. Are you partisan? You're a trumptard, so yes, your partisan to the extreme.
Conspiracy theories? Can you not see anything right before your eyes unless the media tells you to think otherwise? Trumpism is partisan? He went against the Republicans as much as he went against the democrats. He is more anti the status quo rather than partisan. You really can't think for yourself, can you?
Conspiracy theories? Can you not see anything right before your eyes unless the media tells you to think otherwise? Trumpism is partisan? He went against the Republicans as much as he went against the democrats. He is more anti the status quo rather than partisan. You really can't think for yourself, can you?
Yes, your conspiracy theories, moron. I'm still waiting on that documentation, you lying idiot.
I'm not going to agree with your conspiracy theories. moron. Are you partisan? You're a trumptard, so yes, your partisan to the extreme.
Since you can't even denounce Bill Clinton's well documented and consistently abhorrent behavior I'll do something you can't do to democrats and that is critique five Republicans I am not fond of.

George H. W. Bush - consummate D.C. insider, head of the CIA, didn't believe in supply side economics and therefore raised taxes allowing the economy to go backwards undoing much of what Reagan had accomplished, appeared elitist and out of touch with the average American. Played into the Democrat's hand with the read my lips no new taxes pledge.

Paul Ryan - hyped as a whiz kid but in reality an empty suit as Biden (pre-dementia) dominated him in the VP debate.

John Boehner - another empty suit, probably because he was full of liquor at any given time.

John McCain - prior to his coronation by the liberal press because of his opposition to Trump they believed him to be a despicable human being, which he was. The only Republican member of the compromised Keating Five.

John Kasich - he was played by the Clinton administration to support the Omnibus Crime Bill of 1994 (which Joe Biden has taken credit for), at which time he looked like a terrified teenager (my apologies to teenagers everywhere).

Partisan? I'd say the shoe fits you well.
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You need to add useful before this to better describe yourself.

In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders.[1][2] The term was originally used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and manipulation.
Still waiting on that documentation of Clinton as a sex offender. The inability to provide it further proves you a simple liar. Idiot.
I dont like many of the Republicans. That being said, the alternative is to be Democrat which is about low as it gets.
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