Maybe there's something to this self enlightenment stuff Greed does after all?
Maybe he has this special power he received from the bunch he paid that money to. Maybe he is at the grand poobah level or he is like Free Mason or something.
i don't answer for herdman's statements. you should answer for your, though. so, what about it, do you believe you're not "smart" because you didn't go to college? that is what you were saying above. frankly, according to your rationale, it's quite telling as to what happened to you.

I'm still waiting on proof that Melania is smarter than Cortez.
Maybe he has this special power he received from the bunch he paid that money to. Maybe he is at the grand poobah level or he is like Free Mason or something.

Matter of fact, I am a Freemason for about the last 38 years. Now maybe some of you can explain that to me also. Moron.
I'm still waiting on proof that Melania is smarter than Cortez.
i'll take your avoidance of the question as affirmation of my assumption: you never went to college, and, accordingly, per parameters as set by you, you're an idiot.

Matter of fact, I am a Freemason for about the last 38 years. Now maybe some of you can explain that to me also. Moron.
i'll take your avoidance of the question as affirmation of my assumption: you never went to college, and, accordingly, per parameters as set by you, you're an idiot.

Which would mean Melania trump is an....idiot. Let herdman know.
If you went past the 5th grade, there were a lot of taxes wasted. idiot.
Well I didn’t have the pleasure of getting that high quality out Wayne edumacation like you did but I did go to college so according to the greed scale of idiocy I am not an idiot
Well I didn’t have the pleasure of getting that high quality out Wayne edumacation like you did but I did go to college so according to the greed scale of idiocy I am not an idiot

According to the 5th grade scale, you're definitely an idiot.
Shocker you shifted your argument again

Your first post in this thread called AOC, a Boston U grad with distinction, a complete idiot. Your second post claimed melania, a non college grad, is smarter. Now you're claiming just the opposite. Spare us the stupidity, even though you have enough to go around several times.
Your first post in this thread called AOC, a Boston U grad with distinction, a complete idiot. Your second post claimed melania, a non college grad, is smarter. Now you're claiming just the opposite. Spare us the stupidity, even though you have enough to go around several times.
AOC is a moron. I have no clue about Melania although I suspect she’s no Einstein either. You are the one that brought up higher ed and it relating to being a moron. Since that’s been your argument throughout this thread you, not having gone to college, are therefore an idiot. FYI Trump went to the Wharton school at Penn which is an Ivy League school. By your criteria trump isn’t an idiot either.
I think AOC is smart. She finished 2nd in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with a microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on C. Elegans’ lifespan. (Whatever that is.) Because of that she had a small asteroid named after her: 23238 Ocasio-Cortez. She attended Boston U on the John F. Lopez Fellowship which is only given to high achieving college students.

But the fact remains that she is starting off her congressional career on a bunch of misstatements. Coming from someone with a science background that’s disappointing to me. She’s no better than Trump when she does this. Maybe she’s looking to serve as a counterweight to the presidency. To me that’s a huge mistake. She’s still young and green. Hopefully she learns. She has an opportunity thrust upon her with this meteoric popularity and attention she’s getting. But as of now she’s wasting it. You can’t fight Trump by being Trump.

As far as Melania can you assess her intelligence? She dropped out of college after a year to start her modeling career. That obviouslay worked out for her. Not having a college degree doesn’t mean you’re not smart. It doesn’t mean you are smart either.
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I think AOC is smart. She finished 2nd in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with a microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on C. Elegans’ lifespan. (Whatever that is.) Because of that she had a small asteroid named after her: 23238 Ocasio-Cortez. She attended Boston U on the John F. Lopez Fellowship which is only given to high achieving college students.

But the fact remains that she is starting off her congressional career on a bunch of misstatements. Coming from someone with a science background that’s disappointing to me. She’s no better than Trump when she does this. Maybe she’s looking to serve as a counterweight to the presidency. To me that’s a huge mistake. She’s still young and green. Hopefully she learns. She has an opportunity thrust upon her with this meteoric popularity and attention she’s getting. But as of now she’s wasting it. You can’t fight Trump by being Trump.

As far as Melania can you assess her intelligence? She dropped out of college after a year to start her modeling career. That obviouslay worked out for her. Not having a college degree doesn’t mean you’re not smart. It doesn’t mean you are smart either.
I didn't know she had an interest in science. Would not have guessed it by some of her recent comments. But this works perfectly into something I was thinking about today. What the hell happened to the Democrat party? They used to pride themselves on being science based & fact driven. The hard rejection of gender & this staggering embrace of socialism really does make me question who is drawn to the party now?
AOC is a moron. I have no clue about Melania although I suspect she’s no Einstein either. You are the one that brought up higher ed and it relating to being a moron. Since that’s been your argument throughout this thread you, not having gone to college, are therefore an idiot. FYI Trump went to the Wharton school at Penn which is an Ivy League school. By your criteria trump isn’t an idiot either.

Nope, it's you that's the moron. You're the one that brought up the "idiot" talk by stating....

It’s because she’s a complete idiot

and then you followed up by equating her to cheetos by stating....

Like our commander in chief

That was a lie and a stupid one. No one in politics is as stupid as cheetos and it's not even close. If you were in politics, you'd be close.