What about App State?
Studies show that having conservative emotional responses are akin to car wrecks and excrement.
Dude, get off of here and go back to that wasteland called Pullman. Stop dragging politics into this.
Studies show that having conservative emotional responses is far healthier than radical ones.
Ooooooooh! Now I’m really sweating! This must be how Rifle feels every time he gets into someone’s head. Listen up, pal: In the immortal words of Ty, spoken to Judge Smailes - “You know extra? Nobody on here likes you.” And as Judge Smailes says to his nephew “You’ll have nothing & like it!”I was simply disagreeing with the non-political statement made by w-s herdfan that stated....
....by stating that "Studies show that having conservative emotional responses are akin to car wrecks and excrement."
Now you have 1 option. You either have to regard both w-s herdfan's and my statement as political, or neither are political.
Ooooooooh! Now I’m really sweating! This must be how Rifle feels every time he gets into someone’s head. Listen up, pal: In the immortal words of Ty, spoken to Judge Smailes - “You know extra? Nobody on here likes you.” And as Judge Smailes says to his nephew “You’ll have nothing & like it!”
Just get over yourself. I have forgotten more about politics than you ever learned. Leave it right here, drop the rope & nobody gets hurt...
For the record, I have not commented further other than to write, "Pullman Square Please".
Also, for the record, I see multiple violations of board policy and they have been properly notated and they will be discussed at a higher level.
The proper place for this response is Pullman Square, PleaseMake sure you add yourself to that notation and make sure that's discussed at a higher level.
The proper place for this response is Pullman Square, Please