Army Recruiting

Looks like sh!t is about to get real. Back to basics.

Idiots like Rifle and Greed think woke, progressive bullshit is a good thing for US Armed Forces.

That previous ad campaign with the female recruit with gay parents was a great example of how clueless Liberals can be when it comes to injecting their poison into areas where it doesn't belong.
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Last I heard white males by large numbers make up the vast numbers of combat MOS's(jobs). I believe Infantry is that way and special operations. Can't remember the numbers but it is not proportional to the US population. Might try to find those number but, at one time whitey was kicking doors and doing that work

I also heard or read some thoughtst that part of the problem was the woke shit and soft ass ads and what was soing on. They hired some marketing people and they said if people join they want to be part of an ass kicker military. Your message is off.

But, the reality is we have a recruiting problem. The world is on edge right now.
Idiots like Rifle and Greed think woke, progressive bullshit is a good thing for US Armed Forces.

That previous ad campaign with the female recruit with gay parents was a great example of how clueless Liberals can be when it comes to injecting their poison into areas where it doesn't belong.
The cartoon commercial is extremely stupid. If you want an example of things that got through because we had the wrong kind of people in the wrong places then I can’t argue that one. It misses the mark by a mile as far as what is going to appeal to the type of person that is going to sign up for the army in the first place.

Kinda weird the first thing you all notice in the new one is the race of everybody. Which side is race obsessed again?
adam and eve also had daughters. at the end of the day, we're all inbred to an extent. i'm fairly certain genesis spells it all out.
Phil Collins Episode 481 GIF by Soul Train
So the Republicans on the board are advocating for a white military. Can't wait to see which one of the morons on this debate I am currently watching take that position.
So the Republicans on the board are advocating for a white military. Can't wait to see which one of the morons on this debate I am currently watching take that position.
I know you're not talking about me with that bullshit.

I said was there's no place for tender-foot faggit liberals in the US Armed Forces. Everyone I worked with while on active duty was some type of minority, but no one needed a safe place when harsh words were spoken.
I know you're not talking about me with that bullshit.

I said was there's no place for tender-foot faggit liberals in the US Armed Forces. Everyone I worked with while on active duty was some type of minority, but no one needed a safe place when harsh words were spoken.
The original post mentioned “mostly white.” Don’t hide from your party’s platform. Hell, on the debate tonight, you own party leaders said “the Republican Party is a party of losers.”

And running around saying “faggit” really makes you look as dorky as Middle Class Murox and ‘429 are in real life.
So the Republicans on the board are advocating for a white military. Can't wait to see which one of the morons on this debate I am currently watching take that position.
No, I stated the last numbers I saw white people were making up the vast numbers of infantry and special operations. Beyond what the national demographic is. I never stated i am advocating a white military. I stated two parts of the military and what is reality. If you notice the add appears to likely be an infantry airborne unit likely at the platoon or squad level.

What we don't need is woke ass shit that detracts from the mission.

Guess what I spoke to a military recruiter by chance recently. he said his numbers are good because he is in the south and the south is meeting its goals in recruiting. Actually exceeding them. Other parts of the country are not meeting their numbers. Race was never mentioned.
Guess what I spoke to a military recruiter by chance recently. he said his numbers are good because he is in the south and the south is meeting its goals in recruiting
That wouldn't have to do with a higher percentage of people in the south being minorities in poverty would it?
That wouldn't have to do with a higher percentage of people in the south being minorities in poverty would it?
He didn't say. He just said the south is meeting recruiting goals or exceeding them. We didn't talk about race. It was really a conversation that started and he told me what he did, his career, etc. and what he was doing now. Started out as two strangers talking. Then, I found he was in the Army. He just the south was doing well recruiting and meeting numbers.
He didn't say. He just said the south is meeting recruiting goals or exceeding them. We didn't talk about race. It was really a conversation that started and he told me what he did, his career, etc. and what he was doing now. He just the south was doing well recruiting and meeting numbers.
Did he lie and cheat businesses by pretending to have just been deployed, too?
Did he lie and cheat businesses by pretending to have just been deployed, too?
I doubt it. Most business don't ask peopel for their orders. Maybe an employer if someone is in the reserves or a landlord maybe.