As Trump Struggles With Helsinki’s Fallout, Congress Faces a New Charge: Complicity


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
just before a fellow Republican shot down a bipartisan resolution to put the chamber on record as backing the intelligence agencies.

The road to the Helsinki disaster was paved by Republican inaction every time Trump overstepped,” said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader. “Their silence, their acquiescence to things they know are wrong have given Trump the extra jolt he needed.”.
“We have indulged myths and fabrications, pretended it wasn’t so bad, and our indulgence got us the capitulation in Helsinki,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said in an impassioned speech on Thursday on the Senate floor, just before a fellow Republican shot down a bipartisan resolution to put the chamber on record as backing the intelligence agencies.

“We in the Senate who have been elected to represent our constituents cannot be enablers of falsehoods,” Mr. Flake said.

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