At what point do mass casualty events committed by anti-white black nationalists become a matter of public discourse?


Platinum Buffalo
Jun 23, 2007
We're inundated with coverage about systemic racism and racism by whites against people of color, yet there have been as many or more attacks by black nationalists in the last 5 years or so than vice-versa.

Coupled with the fact that 88% of violent interracial crime between blacks and whites involves blacks as the perpetrators, it seems to me like the talking points are contrary to the data.
We're inundated with coverage about systemic racism and racism by whites against people of color, yet there have been as many or more attacks by black nationalists in the last 5 years or so than vice-versa.

Coupled with the fact that 88% of violent interracial crime between blacks and whites involves blacks as the perpetrators, it seems to me like the talking points are contrary to the data.
As my libreal neighbor told me, you have to understand where they are coming from and why they are lashing out.

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