Why don't they just do this.
You have the whole area that is covered by the suites and pressbox structure. All you have to do to close that area is to install a nice looking fencing from the ground up to the white, steel cross support beams. Doing this would be less than $50,000 and would double the concourse area on the west side of the stadium. Just pull up a street view of the west side of the stadium and you'll see what I'm talking about.
It would, of course, look better if it were bricked in, but that can always be done later. Within this area you could be porta toilets, 8-10 on each side. I don't think bathroom capacity is really the issue though, just a strawman. The only extra bathrooms picked up in the pass out is the porta toilets in the lot.
because that adds only minimal space and doesn't address the east side or end zone?
that's the thing, hamrick's m.o. when it comes to facilities has been to not half-ass it like that, he works to do things right the first time.