Best. Story. Ever.

Stuppid is kind of like the lowbrow version of the onion. Still pretty damned funny story.
im in agreement with them. jesus should be arrested and charged. supposedly, jesus didnt really die; he rose from the dead. he has killed thousands, threatened many more, used violence many times, incited other acts of terrorism . . . why arent the police going after this guy?

and for all of those christians supporting him, arent they aiding and abetting? they claim to have "found jesus." well, where the hell is that murdering terrorist? if you know where he is, give him up, criminals.
im in agreement with them. jesus should be arrested and charged. supposedly, jesus didnt really die; he rose from the dead. he has killed thousands, threatened many more, used violence many times, incited other acts of terrorism . . . why arent the police going after this guy?

and for all of those christians supporting him, arent they aiding and abetting? they claim to have "found jesus." well, where the hell is that murdering terrorist? if you know where he is, give him up, criminals.

Ladies and gentlemen, this ^^^ is called "reaching."
Rifle actually makes some decent points, particularly from his side of things. Personally, regarding religion, I'm at a point in life where I'm neutral. Not a bible thumping Christian, not an atheist. Basically, I just don't think about it either way. At one point in my life, I actually attended church each and every Sunday for about 8 straight years. That was early on in my life, and then I became introduced to beer one Saturday evening, and couldn't attend the following Sunday, and never went back. Sure, I've gone a few times over the last 40 years, but I could probably count the number of times on one hand.

I figure there's a bunch of people like me that are neutral in the argument of belief. I'm just not sure some of things written in the Bible are possible. From a physics standpoint, some of the things mentioned simply cannot occur. From a morality standpoint, how does God or Jesus allow for innocent people to be murdered, starved to death, die of cancer, etc? Anyways, back to neutral for me.
" From a physics standpoint, some of the things mentioned simply cannot occur."

Yes, because we understand everything. We don't even know conclusively why ice is slick.
" From a physics standpoint, some of the things mentioned simply cannot occur."

Yes, because we understand everything. We don't even know conclusively why ice is slick.

Well, I hope the next time some 147 year old man parts the Red Sea, Fox News is there to cover the event, because I want to watch it. I bet Raleigh would even watch that.

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