Biden Goes to Kentucky. Let's GO Brandon Cheers Start

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
The guy is a complete tool bag and even people in bad situations know it. Just stay in DC.

ra McKelvey


I’m with the president in Mayfield. Looking at destruction. There is a Trump flag and when Biden got out of the motorcade someone called: “Let’s go, Brandon.” They said it twice.

Yeah, blamed it on global warming.

Biden's blowing it Urban Meyer style. It really makes me afraid to get much older. Is this what old age is? Being real stupid?
Shelley wanted money, that's what.

He's playing it exactly how he wants it. Suck real bad, get paid big to go home and go back on TV like he wanted.
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So this guy goes to a tornado
Pretty sure if it was a fvck trump chant that would be ok.
Did you notice they brought Joe out and he had a little boy by the arm. And, the had to set up a podium for him with his notes in a notebook. POTUS during a terrible tragedy and piles of peoples lives all over the place and the man can't even just speak from the heart and soul and talk.
Pretty sure if it was a fvck trump chant that would be ok.
Not saying it didn't happen, but I don't recall anyone shouting something like that to Trump when he was in disaster areas - be it California or Puerto Rico. Perhaps folks there understood yelling "FU" wasn't going to solve their problem.

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