Biden Says Voters Don’t Deserve to Know his Stance on Court Packing


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 9, 2007
Ok...Is this acceptable for any of you? Why don’t voters deserve to know a presidential candidate’s position on one of the most important topics of our time? I never bash Biden on here...we all know I’m voting for Trump. But, this is a big deal. My guess is that he knows voters will reject his position, hence his refusal to state it.
He went on to say: "It's none of the voters business if I or Don't think starting a nuclear war with Russia is a strategic move."
I think he has a bit of a hardon over thumbing his nose at the the opposition to get their panties in a twist. I am surprised you are not more concerned over his opinion on fudge, rather than the courts.
I think he has a bit of a hardon over thumbing his nose at the the opposition to get their panties in a twist. I am surprised you are not more concerned over his opinion on fudge, rather than the courts.
Biden will not be POTUS for long, if elected. Maybe a year.
Biden will not be POTUS for long, if elected. Maybe a year.
Packing the court effects the country long term. Someone's audit or business audit does not.
I am one of those few undecided voters. Don't like trump as a person, did like what he did for the economy before COVID, but there is way too much animosity between the 2 sides, with both sides have some fault in that issue. For the record I am, on fiscal matters, a center right conservative, on social matters I am a libertarian(for things that don't affect me, you should be able to do what you want as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others).

With Biden's record he has shown in the past he could work with the other side for some things that were important to me. Question for me is will he continue to do that or will he accede to the demands of the far left (which I disagree with just about everything they stand for). On the refusal to state what kind of Supreme Court nominees he would put out there suggests to me that he does not have any courage of where his convictions are on this matter. And that scares the crap out of me.

As far as packing the court, even RGB (May she Rest in Piece) thought 9 was a good number. Do I believe trump should have nominated, Yes(no president has ever not nominated during an election year). Do I believe confirmation before the election, No. Not after what happened with Merrick. Do they have the right by the rule of law and the constitution Yes. If both the 2016 and the 2020 conditions had occurred with all the situations switched(dems in charge where Reps are/were and Reps in the position the dems are/have been in), would the democrats done the same thing. I absolutely believe in both situations they would do the same thing the republicans are doing.
. For the record I am, on fiscal matters, a center right conservative, on social matters I am a libertarian(for things that don't affect me, you should be able to do what you want as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others).

If those are truly your positions, this should be a no-brainer for you. Humpty is not a "center right conservative" fiscally or even right. He has done the complete opposite of what "right conservatives" have fought for the last few decades.
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If those are truly your positions, this should be a no-brainer for you. Humpty is not a "center right conservative" fiscally or even right. He has done the complete opposite of what "right conservatives" have fought for the last few decades.

That is true, but with Past VP Biden not willing to show he is still in the center by announcing at least the structure of the people who he would nominate to the SC, I am not in a position where I believe he will continue his center leaning he has done in the past. If Biden by his words shows me he will act in a center politically, I could vote for him. He is not. and I have never not voted, is part of my responsibility as a US citizen. If he can't show me a center value, I will have no choice but to vote for Trump because I WILL NOT vote for someone who I think might push the leftist agenda. Just like 2016 it is voting for who I think is the lesser of the 2 evils. Sorry to say we don't have at least one decent choice again.

On another note: Why am I only allowed to comments in certain threads? Most say "you have insufficient privileges to reply here" makes no sense to me that I can say something in one thread but 95% of them I can't????

Well since I can post new posts here either anymore for some reason my response to a post below is here. No is not Old Fairfield is here and Herd Nation

Neither one, or any president we have had in the recent past is "fiscally responsible" last one even close was Ronald Reagan. So it goes back to the lesser of the 2 evils - I refuse to NOT vote. So unless VP Biden can do or say something(now not 10 years ago in his past) that makes me believe he will govern as a centrist(which I have not seen or heard yet), I can't vote for him. Unless that happens, since I refuse to NOT vote, will hold my nose and flip the lever for Trump.
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Among the reasons to support won't find: Effective leadership skills and credibility.
Biden is a puppet, any person being objective would agree. I never hated Biden at all. He was always pretty middle of the road. But, he is not in charge at all.
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On another note: Why am I only allowed to comments in certain threads? Most say "you have insufficient privileges to reply here" makes no sense to me that I can say something in one thread but 95% of them I can't????
Are you referring to threads in "Old Fairfield - Premium Forum?"
That is true, but with Past VP Biden not willing to show he is still in the center by announcing at least the structure of the people who he would nominate to the SC, I am not in a position where I believe he will continue his center leaning he has done in the past. If Biden by his words shows me he will act in a center politically, I could vote for him. He is not. and I have never not voted, is part of my responsibility as a US citizen. If he can't show me a center value, I will have no choice but to vote for Trump because I WILL NOT vote for someone who I think might push the leftist agenda. Just like 2016 it is voting for who I think is the lesser of the 2 evils. Sorry to say we don't have at least one decent choice again.

On another note: Why am I only allowed to comments in certain threads? Most say "you have insufficient privileges to reply here" makes no sense to me that I can say something in one thread but 95% of them I can't????

So let me get this straight: You say that you want socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Trump's policies and actions have been the complete opposite of those things. You claim you aren't sure where Biden will land on those two things.

Since we know Trump isn't either of the things you want, wouldn't going with the "I'm not sure" route be the best of the two options?
Not if Biden is a puppet for the socialist wing of the party, which is most of them now. And he didn’t say he was a social liberal, he said he was a social libertarian. Big difference in those two things.
DiMattei said the question of court packing was the “number-one issue” viewers have asked him about.

Haha, I don't believe that for a second.

It very well could have been for that news cycle...3-5 days perhaps. Not outside the realm of possibility at all.
He is waiting on his marching orders. This man, Biden, is not in charge of one thing in that party. He was the name and the easiest puppet to control. Obama, Pelosi, Clintong(will get a job of some sort), etc are running that show, mainly Obama.
Biden's position on court packing is currently under audit; he'll release that info once the audit is complete.
He is waiting on his marching orders. This man, Biden, is not in charge of one thing in that party. He was the name and the easiest puppet to control. Obama, Pelosi, Clintong(will get a job of some sort), etc are running that show, mainly Obama.

Obama is definitely not running that show. Yes, Biden is being controlled, but that is no different than any other modern day politician. Do you think Trump gives a shit about abortion? He is being told and controlled what to say.

Biden is being controlled by people far more intelligent and far better for this country than Trump.
He is waiting on his marching orders. This man, Biden, is not in charge of one thing in that party. He was the name and the easiest puppet to control. Obama, Pelosi, Clintong(will get a job of some sort), etc are running that show, mainly Obama.
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Obama is definitely not running that show. Yes, Biden is being controlled, but that is no different than any other modern day politician. Do you think Trump gives a shit about abortion? He is being told and controlled what to say.

Biden is being controlled by people far more intelligent and far better for this country than Trump.
I dont think anybody tells Trump what do to do. Maybe advise but not what to say or do. Obama is in charge and Harris is his surrogate. Biden was just the means to try to win.
I dont think anybody tells Trump what do to do.

In terms of what stance he has on issues, he is being told. Do you think he "loves the poorly educated"? Do you think he is vehemently opposed to abortion? He is being told by his advisors what stance to take. Now, he goes off and says whatever he thinks, which is why he frequently looks like a moron, but he is still being told what stance to take.
In terms of what stance he has on issues, he is being told. Do you think he "loves the poorly educated"? Do you think he is vehemently opposed to abortion? He is being told by his advisors what stance to take. Now, he goes off and says whatever he thinks, which is why he frequently looks like a moron, but he is still being told what stance to take.
You really think Biden would be President in any other capacity than name only? Seriously? You think he can work the hours and make decisions and keep that pace? Not a chance
You really think Biden would be President in any other capacity than name only? Seriously? You think he can work the hours and make decisions and keep that pace? Not a chance

Why are you making straw man references? I never said Biden was capable of doing any of those things. I was the one who was blasting him on here many months before you deplorables were.
Why are you making straw man references? I never said Biden was capable of doing any of those things. I was the one who was blasting him on here many months before you deplorables were.
Now, honest to Pete, you think Trump is being controlled? Get real. I mean come on. They can't even write a speech and he follows it. He does what he wants.
Now, honest to Pete, you think Trump is being controlled? Get real. I mean come on. They can't even write a speech and he follows it. He does what he wants.

He's being controlled to the extent that he is told what position to take. Again, loving the poorly educated, pandering to people he actually can't stand, etc. are all examples of that. Now, is he an idiot who butchers those stances plenty of times? Sure. But it doesn't matter, because he could walk down Fifth Ave. . . .
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