Biden Says Voters Don’t Deserve to Know his Stance on Court Packing

Obama is definitely not running that show. Yes, Biden is being controlled, but that is no different than any other modern day politician. Do you think Trump gives a shit about abortion? He is being told and controlled what to say.

Biden is being controlled by people far more intelligent and far better for this country than Trump.
Yes, I believe he does care about abortion. Durham knows!
Here's how Republicans actually pack the court. They refuse to vote on a Democrat president's nominee.
Wrong again. Filling vacancies=\= court packing

No. I'm not wrong. moron. I understand that court packing is adding more justices to the court, which is why I stated "Here's how Republicans actually pack the court. They refuse to vote on a Democrat president's nominee." Your court packing insinuation is that Dems WILL add justices, Cons actually show their absolute hypocrisy when they pervert the system when Obama is in office and do a 180 under trump.
No. I'm not wrong. moron. I understand that court packing is adding more justices to the court, which is why I stated "Here's how Republicans actually pack the court. They refuse to vote on a Democrat president's nominee." Your court packing insinuation is that Dems WILL add justices, Cons actually show their absolute hypocrisy when they pervert the system when Obama is in office and do a 180 under trump.
Dems actually show their absolute hypocrisy when they pervert the system when Obama is in office and do a 180 under Trump
No. I'm not wrong. moron. I understand that court packing is adding more justices to the court, which is why I stated "Here's how Republicans actually pack the court. They refuse to vote on a Democrat president's nominee."

gee wiz, how many times does this dip shit contradict himself in his own posts? ok. so back to the question you hear frequently? do you not understand what court packing is due to your stupidity or are you lying again?
gee wiz, how many times does this dip shit contradict himself in his own posts? ok. so back to the question you hear frequently? do you not understand what court packing is due to your stupidity or are you lying again?

Pretending to not be an idiot.^^^^
Extra is correct, they should have voted on Obama’s nominee. They should have voted not to confirm and called it a day.
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That would have been less cowardly and better than lying about it for nearly 10 months.

I thought there was something about there being no precedent for confirming a justice for an outgoing President in his second term if a different party controlled the Senate.

the founding fathers knew what they were doing when the set the rules.
Biden will not be POTUS for long, if elected. Maybe a year.
homer simpson GIF

Technically he's right.

You know as well as anyone else does with a normal functioning brain that Biden has not been the actual one making decisions. He probably pushed back more in the first year before his health rapidly deteriorated, but he hasn't been in charge.

But you're intellectually dishonest, like all liberals, so you'll keep pretending everything is normal when clearly it isn't.
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