Biden sh!t himself….again

Tour Guide: "Don't step there!!!"

Tourist: "Land Mine?"

Tour Guide: "No, Biden was standing there."
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either he was going to an invisible chair or he was posturing the same way every toddler does when they drop a deuce.
Yep. I've seen that walk before.
I’m not a Biden fan, but I still try to have respect for the Presidency. It is increasingly difficult for me to do that.
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either he was going to an invisible chair
The invisible chair that is clearly behind both leaders? How can you all not see the chairs, including one he is reaching for? Further, any video that cuts off abruptly and at that stage should be a major indication that they cut it at that point for a significant reason. I haven’t seen the rest of the video, but I’m guessing it’s obvious what he is doing a second or two after the video is cut.

There are plenty of things to be on Biden about, which makes me question why you morons try using this stuff as ammo.
You’re all fvcking morons. I’m sitting in a doctor’s office and can find truth while you morons are the real idiots and sheep listening to whatever moron posts something on Twitter.

Here is the full ceremony. Watch how long and well done Biden’s speech was. That neither video clip? Biden was right. Seconds after, everybody else on stage sat down in their “invisible” chairs.

Forward to about the 1:13:00 mark. You can see the Bidens exit the stage at the correct time with Macron right behind him. He didn’t leave on the middle or at an inappropriate time.

You all are fvcking morons and sheep to continue buying into this stuff:

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You’re all fvcking morons. I’m sitting in a doctor’s office and can find truth while you morons are the real idiots and sheep listening to whatever moron posts something on Twitter.

Here is the full ceremony. Watch how long and well done Biden’s speech was. That neither video clip? Biden was right. Seconds after, everybody else on stage sat down in their “invisible” chairs.

Forward to about the 1:13:00 mark. You can see the Bidens exit the stage at the correct time with Macron right behind him. He didn’t leave on the middle or at an inappropriate time.

You all are fvcking morons and sheep to continue buying into this stuff:

Doc beat you to it, but good job.
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I hate doing that. A waste of valuable time.

I do too. I try to be respectful but sometimes I get behind in clinic and patients have to wait about an hour. If a scan is good then it's a quick visit, but no way to set your clinic schedule up to predict often unexpected relapses.

WIth that said, i once waited 3 hours in a lobby of a cornea specialist. It's not fun being a patient.

In another world though the cable guy or plumber gives you a 3 hour window of when they'll come by, so scheduling is a nightmare in all kinds of endeavors.
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I’m not a Biden fan, but I still try to have respect for the Presidency. It is increasingly difficult for me to do that.
I have no real respect for him. When you look at the totality of his presidency. Nope.
In another world though the cable guy or plumber gives you a 3 hour window of when they'll come by, so scheduling is a nightmare in all kinds of endeavors.
I know I got off topic so I’ll at least put the Presidency in my story.

A followed walked into a doctor’s office and asked the receptionist how soon he could be seen.

“I’m afraid you may have quite a wait today because we are very busy,” replied the receptionist.

“If the President of the United States came in, could you see him immediately?” the man asked.

“Of course,” the receptionist answered.”

“Well, the President isn’t coming so I’ll take his spot,” the man replied.
Doc beat you to it, but good job.
Yeah, after I had to dumb it down for you all and point out that it was manipulated and vastly inaccurate. Look at how many serious reactions in this thread those initial manipulated videos received. Now, look at the number of times those videos have been viewed on Twitter and how many other sites picked those up to report without doing basic due diligence and using common sense. In other words, these videos and this inaccurate storyline is being seen millions of times. Now, compare the intelligence of the people on here who bought the inaccurate storyline compared with the average American voter who will watch these videos (and not have somebody of my intelligence to dumb it down for them like I did for those here).

That is what you deplorables call "fake news," and you all are the biggest perpetuators of that.

but no way to set your clinic schedule up to predict often unexpected relapses.
Sure there is. It just means less billable hours for you and your team.

After I checked in today, another patient came in a few minutes after me. I heard him tell the receptionist that he was there to see the same doctor that I was, which made me curious as to how many patients get scheduled at the same time and/or how far apart they are staggered.

After the physician and his assistant left the room I was in, while waiting for the next assistant to come in and give me the documents I needed, I noticed that the first attendant left the computer screen on. It showed my name and time (9:30 a.m.) as well as the length of time I was there (23 minutes) and some short notes. It also showed every other patient's name on the schedule for the day, the length they had been there (for those who had been seen that day). Every patient was staggered just 15 minutes apart from each other. The average appointment is taking 2x longer than that, so they are simply jamming schedules with as many billable hours as they can with far less concern of how long patients have to wait.
You’re all fvcking morons. I’m sitting in a doctor’s office and can find truth while you morons are the real idiots and sheep listening to whatever moron posts something on Twitter.

Here is the full ceremony. Watch how long and well done Biden’s speech was. That neither video clip? Biden was right. Seconds after, everybody else on stage sat down in their “invisible” chairs.

Forward to about the 1:13:00 mark. You can see the Bidens exit the stage at the correct time with Macron right behind him. He didn’t leave on the middle or at an inappropriate time.

You all are fvcking morons and sheep to continue buying into this stuff:

Who is the fvcking moron for defending this guy. Jill literally ushered him away. Was the chair not appropriate. Who in the hell sits down by putting their hands on their knees?
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Yeah, after I had to dumb it down for you all and point out that it was manipulated and vastly inaccurate. Look at how many serious reactions in this thread those initial manipulated videos received. Now, look at the number of times those videos have been viewed on Twitter and how many other sites picked those up to report without doing basic due diligence and using common sense. In other words, these videos and this inaccurate storyline is being seen millions of times. Now, compare the intelligence of the people on here who bought the inaccurate storyline compared with the average American voter who will watch these videos (and not have somebody of my intelligence to dumb it down for them like I did for those here).

That is what you deplorables call "fake news," and you all are the biggest perpetuators of that.

Sure there is. It just means less billable hours for you and your team.

After I checked in today, another patient came in a few minutes after me. I heard him tell the receptionist that he was there to see the same doctor that I was, which made me curious as to how many patients get scheduled at the same time and/or how far apart they are staggered.

After the physician and his assistant left the room I was in, while waiting for the next assistant to come in and give me the documents I needed, I noticed that the first attendant left the computer screen on. It showed my name and time (9:30 a.m.) as well as the length of time I was there (23 minutes) and some short notes. It also showed every other patient's name on the schedule for the day, the length they had been there (for those who had been seen that day). Every patient was staggered just 15 minutes apart from each other. The average appointment is taking 2x longer than that, so they are simply jamming schedules with as many billable hours as they can with far less concern of how long patients have to wait.
You really think this man is all there and leading the free world? You never did answer me when I asked before.
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Sure there is. It just means less billable hours for you and your team.

they are simply jamming schedules with as many billable hours as they can with far less concern of how long patients have to wait.

This basically sums up the current state of American healthcare wait time issues.

...probably a different topic for a different day
You really think this man is all there and leading the free world? You never did answer me when I asked before.
Any 81 year old is going to have mental and physical deficiencies. The same is true for an overweight 78 year old. And that's fair game - but you morons have to use manipulated bogus examples to try to prove that point, which to logical people, should eliminate any of your other attempts.

If he is as bad as you all say, why must you constantly use bogus and manipulated attempts? Did you watch his speech on that link? Go and watch it. It's as impressive as his State of the Union a couple of months ago.

Are there issues? Sure, any 81 (or 78) year old will have them.
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Any 81 year old is going to have mental and physical deficiencies. The same is true for an overweight 78 year old. And that's fair game - but you morons have to use manipulated bogus examples to try to prove that point, which to logical people, should eliminate any of your other attempts.

If he is as bad as you all say, why must you constantly use bogus and manipulated attempts? Did you watch his speech on that link? Go and watch it. It's as impressive as his State of the Union a couple of months ago.

Are there issues? Sure, any 81 (or 78) year old will have them.
Bogus? Just watch and listen to the dude. He has mental problems like dementia. They are likely drugging him.
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The fact that you follow that moron speaks volumes. Hell, even DJ (The Rock) called him out for bogus clickbait and false stories, which not surprisingly, you eat up.
The liar tweeted that The Rock got booed out of town for not helping Maui...the video was from the WrestleMania press conference, where The Rock was playing heel this year, and was booed because wrestling fans boo the heel. Dude just made shit up, but morons like Jarturd believe him.

I've said it here a dozen times: no only does Nick Sortor make up shit, he factually got a wild hair up his ass, thought he would be a storm chaser, and immediately drove into a significant tornado and damn near got himself killed. Not got out of position. Not some surprise satellite tornado or a sudden turn of the twister. He just bee-bopped down the road right into the fvcker. Dumber than dumb.
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I have no real respect for him. When you look at the totality of his presidency. Nope. But I just adore a man who cheated on 3 wives, lied 30,000 times in 4 years, presided over a net loss of 3 million jobs, engaged in insurrection, attempted to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election, and is a convicted felon. I know how to pick'em.

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