Biden's Saturday v. Trump's Saturday . . .

Good to know Joe Mush just woke up to the fact he’s depleting the supplies everyone else knew “a year ago”.
It’s crazy given the dud rate on these cluster bombs that the left sees zero wrong with it. Has a single lefty expressed any concern at all? The statistics on the percentage of kids who find them is crazy high.
The left doesn’t honestly give two shits about Ukraine’s people or their deaths. They pretend like they do, they don’t. They’ve been Schiffed into such a Russian frenzy the last six years that when Pavlov says Russia, they think a nuclear WW3 will make things better
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It’s crazy given the dud rate on these cluster bombs that the left sees zero wrong with it. Has a single lefty expressed any concern at all? The statistics on the percentage of kids who find them is crazy high.
The left doesn’t honestly give two shits about Ukraine’s people or their deaths. They pretend like they do, they don’t. They’ve been Schiffed into such a Russian frenzy the last six years that when Pavlov says Russia, they think a nuclear WW3 will make things better
putin propagandist^^^
It’s crazy given the dud rate on these cluster bombs that the left sees zero wrong with it. Has a single lefty expressed any concern at all? The statistics on the percentage of kids who find them is crazy high.
The left doesn’t honestly give two shits about Ukraine’s people or their deaths. They pretend like they do, they don’t. They’ve been Schiffed into such a Russian frenzy the last six years that when Pavlov says Russia, they think a nuclear WW3 will make things better
This is what DC think tanks get you. The war is basically stalemate ar this point Russia taking what they took. Our cluster bombs are pretty good as compared to other cluster bombs.

The problem is we seem to keep escalating things while depleting our resources while transforming out military into a woke machine
This is what DC think tanks get you. The war is basically stalemate ar this point Russia taking what they took. Our cluster bombs are pretty good as compared to other cluster bombs.

The problem is we seem to keep escalating things while depleting our resources while transforming out military into a woke machine
You're the idiot, oath breaker. You and your idiot ilk are accusing biden of saying something new and dangerous that had already been reported a year earlier in the news.
^^Mush brain supports Mush brain^^
why do you suddenly care about ukraine? you don't have an answer.
Why do you suddenly care about money being spent on a military program? You don't have an answer unless you lie again, which is exactly what you will do. You lying stupid trumptard oath breaker.
Why do you suddenly care about money being spent on a military program? You don't have an answer unless you lie again, which is exactly what you will do. You lying stupid trumptard oath breaker.
One, we need our resources to fight our wars if necessary and China is a looming threat. OUr military is depleted and needs rebuilding and they are not doing that.

Two, Ukraine is a corrrupt nation. Blindly sending them money is BS.

Understand your adversary. Russia sucks. We all know that. But, they do have the ability to spread the war and attack US interest including our homeland and other areas. So, let's be careful about spreading the conflict.

Three, China is the far bigger threat in the long run. Don't take our eye of the ball. They are economically and soon to be militarily wise more powerful than Russia and it is not close when you combine all things.

Four, why is there this sudden care in DC and other places about Ukriane? Follow the money likely.

Five, adding Ukraine to NATO is absurd. I don't think US men and women should be involved in fighting on the Russia/Ukraine border and I am sure as hell not for risking WW3 over it.
One, we need our resources to fight our wars if necessary and China is a looming threat.
Then stop aid to Israel and we'll call it even. oath breaker.
Two, Ukraine is a corrrupt nation.
Irrelevant. According to YOU, the U S is also.
So, let's be careful about spreading the conflict.
No. Let russia be careful. russia shouldn't be determining our policy.
Three, China is the far bigger threat in the long run.

Four, why is there this sudden care in DC and other places about Ukriane? Follow the money likely.
Just one of your many conspiracy theories. oath breaker.
I don't think US men and women should be involved in fighting on the Russia/Ukraine border
That's not what you told us earlier, you lying trumptard oath breaker. You stated that if we cared, we should send boots on the ground to Ukraine.
Then stop aid to Israel and we'll call it even. oath breaker.

Irrelevant. According to YOU, the U S is also.

No. Let russia be careful. russia shouldn't be determining our policy.


Just one of your many conspiracy theories. oath breaker.

That's not what you told us earlier, you lying trumptard oath breaker. You stated that if we cared, we should send boots on the ground to Ukraine.
I stated if Biden Cared. Liar
Strategic business relationship with many companies in that country. Hundreds of millions in trade $$ between the 2 countries. No reason to stop it.

Outside of the quid pro quo of the Biden’s, what’s our strategic relationship with Ukraine?
slush fund for people like Joe Biden and his family. To be fair there are some congreesmen and Senators involved as well. God only know what else we had going on there.

People like EG probably didn't pay attention to Ukraine, didn't even bat an eye when Russia took Crimea or going further back when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.

Here we are again involved in a European conflict, remember two world wars have started there, and we are paying the bulk of it.

Then these moron think tankers say hey let's make Ukraine part of NATO, rigth on Russias strategic front and full of ethnic Russians access to the Souther sea ports.

Russia is a bastard for invading but we have our nose stuck in that mess and we were stirring the pot as well. Meanwhile the Europeans sit back and rely on that energy and let us pay for their mess...again.

NOne of these bleeding hearts gave a damn about Ukraine. It is just a distraction, a proxy war distraction.
slush fund for people like Joe Biden and his family. To be fair there are some congreesmen and Senators involved as well. God only know what else we had going on there.

People like EG probably didn't pay attention to Ukraine, didn't even bat an eye when Russia took Crimea or going further back when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.

Here we are again involved in a European conflict, remember two world wars have started there, and we are paying the bulk of it.

Then these moron think tankers say hey let's make Ukraine part of NATO, rigth on Russias strategic front and full of ethnic Russians access to the Souther sea ports.

Russia is a bastard for invading but we have our nose stuck in that mess and we were stirring the pot as well. Meanwhile the Europeans sit back and rely on that energy and let us pay for their mess...again.
Greed’s attempt to bring Israel into the discussion is beyond asinine and proves just how uninformed he is.

There is literally no known legitimate purpose to be involved in Ukraine….NONE. For years we’ve been told the US should “not be the world’s police”. Now the same people that said that, want us in a war with Russia??? Why?
Biden is an idiot. Either way he is dumb.
Are you an idiot for not noticing when news outlets and fvxking lobbyists were blabbing about this last year? I mean, obviously it's something you care deeply about.

And I shit you not, I heard Asa talking about this yesterday on the radio. He seems to be the only one running for your team with any sense....he should get about 2% of the vote.
I stated if Biden Cared. Liar

If Mush Biden gave a damn about Ukraine why didn't he do something to deter Russia from invading in the first place? He should have shown some balls if he cared.

You're an idiot. Give us a hint. What should any president have done?

Well, if he cared and they thought it was such a threat, then Russia was massing troops up months upon months. It wasnt like it was sneak attack. He should have sent a division of men to Poland or hell show some real balls and pu them in Ukraine and said come and get some. We dare you.

You lying punk trumptard oath breaker.
Take it up with the oath breaker
Why would I take it up with Herdman? YOU asked me my position on Israel. I gave you the reason why. Again, nothing Herdman has suggested contradicts my position either. This was a discussion about Ukraine. Ukraine is a completely different situation than Israel. Why bring it up?
Because if we need the money being spent in ukraine to fight our own wars, we need the money being spent in israel to fight our own wars. He's being a hypocrite
But we dont need to spend the money in Ukraine. It's not our war. We need to spend the money in Israel because we actually conduct business and trade with the country. It's pretty simple. We have a legit business relationship with Israel that goes beyond "military". We are not just "giving" military equipment to Israel. We have no such known relationship with Ukraine.

Try harder.