BIlly Graham dead at 99

Well, maybe we can agree that about 95% of Congress doesn't act very Christian. But like Franklin Graham said about Obama being a Muslim or a Christian, we have to take them at their word.

Not true at all. We can measure a person by their actions more accurately than their words. This is especially easy when they are public figures, such as politicians, who's actions are very often contra to their words. .
Graham was one of the best around . . . best bigots, that is.

Where should we start? Remember when he said that AIDS was "god's punishment/judgement?"

How about the anti-Semitic comments he made that were recorded during his talks with Nixon?

Best yet, we should probably discuss that pesky note he wrote Nixon urging him to use nukes to destroy the dikes that controlled flooding in North Vietnam. He gave no regard to the flooding that would kill thousands of women and children.

Are those enough to talk about or should we discuss more? Ahh! Religion, ain't it grand.

Dude was a true definition of a False prophet
You forgot to call somebody "stupid" this time when you were butchering elementary English. Was is so upsetting to you for the entire wvu board calling you stupid that you ran over to this board?

Knot reely, Im alway's looking four sumthing knew too due.
None of the Adams' clan was even remotely Christian. Monroe nor Madison ever claimed to be Christian. Out of the first 16 really only Washington and Van Buren had any real identifiable faith. Lincoln didn't start attending church regularly until late 1864.

Very few American presidents were orthodox believers.

I can assure you Lincoln attended church as a child, and it was a Primitive Baptist congregation.
You act like this information is such a revelation or a jab in some way. I’ve been over it numerous times on here over numerous years. Nobody cares to read about it anymore.

The more you type, the more you prove just how dumb you are.

I'm simply new. Its understandable that you donot no the difference!