Banker been reading more radical blogs
I am quite aware of every argument put forth by every far-right blog you can get your hands on.
Since you became an expert on the Fourteenth Admendment and did so in just the last couple of days, I am sure you continued reading past Howard, went on the read the debates in each state as the amendment was ratified, and then proceeded to read every court ruling on the Fourteenth....
....not really, you just kept on reading whacko blogs.
Now tell me, Mr. Strict Constitutionalist: Is the Mongol race a danger to the people of California? Are the cannibals of Borneo knocking on our door? Is the Caucasian the highest in society? Gangs of Gypsies still running across California? Because theses things were immediately noted after Mr. Howard's first little speech. "It's right there, in their intentions, the white race is the best!"
I think the truth in this entire matter, the motivations of politicians, and people (like you?) are clear in the third speaker that day, Mr. Conness: We no longer have the negro to kick around. We always have to have a boogeyman, don't we?
I'm sure you, or another of your
ilk, will reply back that I am a "librul" playing the "race card". But the race card is right there, in your link, in the debate of the day. Seems some of the folks even back then knew what game was being played....indeed,being played by Mr. Howard, who immediately had his card trumped.