Funny how nobody has brought up the numbers issue before. Considering how many are so hardcore loyal and complain about their supposed "I've had the same seats for 40 years!!!" I didn't even figure it was a problem since so many already know where they're sitting.
Normal sized adults? Maybe lose some weight there chunky, because most of the room is enough for normal sized adults, I also doubt MU did this on their own, AKA, used a model of seating from a successful program, so if MU diverts from that, you'll complain about that too.
Also, bleachers and seating, are you one of those who goes to games to sit down, not stand to cheer, and gets mad at others who do?
Neither of them are built for comfort, and its never been their intention of doing so. The most you'll get is a cushion chairback for timeouts and Jason Toy's announcements.
Finally, yes, a powerwash to the stadium would be nice, but given what Spears' "Wishlist" of project needing to be done, it is doubtful powerwashing is at the top of the list (same with the pissers and sh*tters).
Unless you want to form a group of people who'll do it, go to the AD's office, and offer your services, it's not likely to be done anytime soon.