I hate seeing CR89 lose this bet, as he's the board punching dummy.
Will Bucky be able to fill his shoes?
Why do you send pipe mobs in the mail if you really want to hurt someone?
This is one busy bomber.
None of them went off which means they're meant to grab attention. CNN showed the one sent to Brennan. Something isn't passing the smell test.There's absolutely no way to know for sure the culpability for these bombs unless information is discovered that proves it is one side or the other...or neither. The liberals don't know. The conservatives don't know. It seems foolish to take sides on this issue until the truth is known.
Of course it gives the appearance of being an act of a fringe conservative. But it is also plausible to be an act of a fringe liberal to create a backlash before the election. Wouldn't prudence and intellectual honesty be better served by waiting for the truth?
Of course that would take restraint. Why would anyone do that when they can talk trash on a message board?
If he accepts, I’ll make sure that the loser does not register a new name and actually stays away from the board.
are they really bombs if they don't explode?
Were any of these bombs actually functional? I'm being serious. Because all the reporting I'm seeing indicates none were.
Functional pipe bombs aren't that hard to make. They're really not.Define functional.
If you mean "works as intended", looks like no. If you mean "could work as intended had the design/manufacturing been better", then yes.
Define functional.
If you mean "works as intended", looks like no. If you mean "could work as intended had the design/manufacturing been better", then yes.
I think they worked exactly as intended. Get headlines and fake news something to cover.
Functional pipe bombs aren't that hard to make. They're really not.
What's even more confusing is why put a timer on it if it's being delivered via mail?I agree. I've made a few. The tricky part is getting one to detonate by someone opening a package.
What's even more confusing is why put a timer on it if it's being delivered via mail?
It's amazing that 90% of conservatives in America have turned into Alex Jones wannabes.
You're confused. I had some kind of bet with a former d'tard/greed-type poster that I can't remember his name about 10 years ago. I can't even remember what the bet was about.
And since my main charity is an animal shelter, why the hell would I forge a donation? I donate over a thousand dollars a year to a local animal shelter and have for years.
You're confused. I had some kind of bet with a former d'tard/greed-type poster that I can't remember his name about 10 years ago. I can't even remember what the bet was about. It wasn't with herdftblfan.
But the fact that you save messages from a message board from 10+ years ago is more than a little creepy. Almost as creepy as what you did to Walden, which is one of the weirdest things anyone has ever done.
I've never seen anyone so concerned about what people think of him in general, much less anonymous dopes on a message board.
He seriously needs psychiatric help, and possibly medication.
I am calling bull shit on that.
Diamond Dallas Page is having a bad few weeks.
Man, he needs to put a sub in the game.
And there you go.
This is hysterically awesome! It makes liarherdfan look honest!
This is what I first said:
"The last time Murox the Moron lost a bet on here, he was supposed to make a donation to an animal shelter and post the receipt on here. He posted the receipt on here . . . but it was forged since he never made the donation.
And that was a bet with a friend of his off of the board. Imagine how he'd respond to losing a bet to somebody he doesn't know/like."
Murox the Moron played dumb and acted like he had no clue what I was talking about, said it was totally fabricated, etc. Even though I mentioned that he lost a bet on here, was supposed to make a donation, said the donation was supposed to go to an animal shelter, and that he forged a receipt of a donation, he still claimed no knowledge of it. Would me saying that the bet was with somebody he knew outside of the board (we will disprove that lie in a bit) make him have absolutely no recollection of an incident with so many specifics? Of course not.
Any average moron would say "No, I did those things but it wasn't with somebody I knew off of the board."
Then, suddenly, when I challenge him to make a bet in which I would post video proof, his memory comes back about the bet, about him supposed to donate to an animal shelter, and about him forging a receipt. Isn't that amazing? He didn't remember any of that, at all, when I first mentioned it. But after I said I was willing to post video proof, he suddenly remembered it. My posts after the original one didn't provide any other specific information about the incident. How did you suddenly remember it immediately after I challenged you to accept my bet in which I would post video proof?
And this guy says that I lie on here? Holy shit, this is as bad as liarherdfan getting busted.
But hold on, this gets better:
He then makes the above claim and asks that question. I don't know, Murox the Moron, why would you forge a donation to a local animal shelter for $100 (when you only paid $1) if you give them over a thousand dollars a year? I mean, why go through the trouble of making a $1 donation, forging the document, and then posting it for proof on here if you already were going to give a local animal shelter $1000+? On top of that, why showcase your lack of ethics by reneging on a bet and then lying about it?
It absolutely was with red on the head like a dick on a dog. Why else would you have said in the message "Mark wouldn't have paid if he lost" along with boasting about how it only took you a couple of minutes to do? Did "Mark" refer to "MarshallMark" or some other former d'tard/greed-type poster who you just happened to know their first name?
Though it doesn't say it in your message, Herdftblfan was the one who came up with the idea about donating to the animal shelter. He, in the challenge that was on here, even mentioned how it would be a good place for either of the losers to donate to since you both support it.
Again, take my bet. It's not like you ever follow through on your end regardless: I post the video which shows everything I have said in this thread. In return, you're gone for two years. Deal?
It's not from this or any other message board. Do you delete all of your emails, Facebook messages, etc.? If not, you should be able to find exactly what I have.
I'm guessing you already know that though and found the message which is why you suddenly had your memory come back to you about the bet. In other words, even though you found the message, you still came back here lying that it was saved from a message board.
Let me get this straight: A guy makes a donation simply so that he can forge it to make it look like he kept his word on a bet. He then posts the forged document on here, because he doesn't want people to know that he lied about the bet. Then, on top of that, he looks horrible stupid by claiming no knowledge of any bet like that until I offer to post a video proving it. Suddenly, he remembers it. Yet I am the one who you've never seen care so much about what people on a message board thinks of him?
Just because Murox the Moron comes running to save you because he sees you getting abused by me, Tier Three, doesn't mean you have to continue showing your lack of intelligence by defending his horrible argument.
You seriously need a 7th grade English teacher. The comma after "help" is wrong. There isn't a comma needed there. Ask your legal assistant or paralegal for help. Do they give attorneys from tier three schools help or are you the help?
I'm still waiting for my apology. Now that you know it wasn't bullshit, what do you have to say about Murox the Moron lying to the entire board by posting a forged document to pretend he held up his end of the wager after he lost it?
Here, let me help you: "King Rifle, I am sorry that I ever doubted you. I would like to offer my wife up to you so that you can do what Jermaine used to do to her."
It's amazing. It's a day later, and you still haven't responded to my bet after you inferred that I was fabricating this story.
As I said the first time, maybe you would also like to wager a two year vacation from the board on this?
Yeah, post it.
If I bet him and the conversation was between me and him, what possible motive would he have to deny the event happened?
You're a pathological liar about your standing in society and this message board is your fantasy land.
Rifle...I did not claim you were fabricating anything. I was mocking you for your direct contradiction within the same reply.
Are you agreeing to leave the board for two years if I post the video? Don't worry, it shouldn't be that big of a deal because you never spend more than 15 minutes per day on here, right?
Oh, let's think about it: The guy despises me because I exposed him as being the biggest hypocrite in the world, exposed him for violating terms of service of the board as the board owner by giving out personal information of another poster that he had access to when the person registered, and called him out for having a "professional" relationship with Marshall in which he was given information by MU coaches to help with recruiting purposes all while "helping" Charlotte with their recruiting. Now, what possible motive could he have to deny something that would make you look bad and make me look right?
I don't make claims about my standing in society. Everything I have said is accurate, has been shown to be, or will be shown to be (regarding the nominations) in a few weeks. I'm not the one who goes around claiming that every person I associate with it of high intellect, high income, high success, and high education. That's what you claimed . . . in Huntington, West Virginia.
Simple reading comprehension would show that nothing I said contradicted itself. I said that I wasn't positive if the bet was for $100 or not, but that I was pretty sure it was. What I was positive about was the donation only being for $1 since that was the picture sent to me along with the message, but there is no proof of the wager being for $100 since I didn't save the message board posting, but rather still have Murox's message to me.
Why do you keep perpetuating the false idea that I saved anything from the message board? I didn't save the post. It wasn't a PM through the message board. And you know that, yet you try to turn the narrative around to make it into something else instead of you lying to the board, reneging on your bet, and then lying about your knowledge of it.
Again, how did your memory suddenly get jolted even though no new specifics about the incident were mentioned?
Why do you continue to argue that the bet wasn't with Herdftblfan when you know it was?
Are you agreeing to the two year board vacation if I post the video?
Yes, and if you don't post it, or when it's nonsense, you have a self-imposed 2 year ban. Deal?
Ohhh! So now you want to give yourself an out by claiming it could be "nonsense." Who is to judge if it is nonsense/forged or not? I mean, after all, you're the board expert when it comes to forging things, so are you trying to be the judge?
Who should be the impartial judge for if the video - not the bet that you have to leave for two years - is nonsense?
This is hysterically awesome! It makes liarherdfan look honest!
This is what I first said:
"The last time Murox the Moron lost a bet on here, he was supposed to make a donation to an animal shelter and post the receipt on here. He posted the receipt on here . . . but it was forged since he never made the donation.
And that was a bet with a friend of his off of the board. Imagine how he'd respond to losing a bet to somebody he doesn't know/like."
Murox the Moron played dumb and acted like he had no clue what I was talking about, said it was totally fabricated, etc. Even though I mentioned that he lost a bet on here, was supposed to make a donation, said the donation was supposed to go to an animal shelter, and that he forged a receipt of a donation, he still claimed no knowledge of it. Would me saying that the bet was with somebody he knew outside of the board (we will disprove that lie in a bit) make him have absolutely no recollection of an incident with so many specifics? Of course not.
Any average moron would say "No, I did those things but it wasn't with somebody I knew off of the board."
Then, suddenly, when I challenge him to make a bet in which I would post video proof, his memory comes back about the bet, about him supposed to donate to an animal shelter, and about him forging a receipt. Isn't that amazing? He didn't remember any of that, at all, when I first mentioned it. But after I said I was willing to post video proof, he suddenly remembered it. My posts after the original one didn't provide any other specific information about the incident. How did you suddenly remember it immediately after I challenged you to accept my bet in which I would post video proof?
And this guy says that I lie on here? Holy shit, this is as bad as liarherdfan getting busted.
But hold on, this gets better:
He then makes the above claim and asks that question. I don't know, Murox the Moron, why would you forge a donation to a local animal shelter for $100 (when you only paid $1) if you give them over a thousand dollars a year? I mean, why go through the trouble of making a $1 donation, forging the document, and then posting it for proof on here if you already were going to give a local animal shelter $1000+? On top of that, why showcase your lack of ethics by reneging on a bet and then lying about it?
It absolutely was with red on the head like a dick on a dog. Why else would you have said in the message "Mark wouldn't have paid if he lost" along with boasting about how it only took you a couple of minutes to do? Did "Mark" refer to "MarshallMark" or some other former d'tard/greed-type poster who you just happened to know their first name?
Though it doesn't say it in your message, Herdftblfan was the one who came up with the idea about donating to the animal shelter. He, in the challenge that was on here, even mentioned how it would be a good place for either of the losers to donate to since you both support it.
Again, take my bet. It's not like you ever follow through on your end regardless: I post the video which shows everything I have said in this thread. In return, you're gone for two years. Deal?
It's not from this or any other message board. Do you delete all of your emails, Facebook messages, etc.? If not, you should be able to find exactly what I have.
I'm guessing you already know that though and found the message which is why you suddenly had your memory come back to you about the bet. In other words, even though you found the message, you still came back here lying that it was saved from a message board.
Let me get this straight: A guy makes a donation simply so that he can forge it to make it look like he kept his word on a bet. He then posts the forged document on here, because he doesn't want people to know that he lied about the bet. Then, on top of that, he looks horrible stupid by claiming no knowledge of any bet like that until I offer to post a video proving it. Suddenly, he remembers it. Yet I am the one who you've never seen care so much about what people on a message board thinks of him?
Just because Murox the Moron comes running to save you because he sees you getting abused by me, Tier Three, doesn't mean you have to continue showing your lack of intelligence by defending his horrible argument.
You seriously need a 7th grade English teacher. The comma after "help" is wrong. There isn't a comma needed there. Ask your legal assistant or paralegal for help. Do they give attorneys from tier three schools help or are you the help?
I'm still waiting for my apology. Now that you know it wasn't bullshit, what do you have to say about Murox the Moron lying to the entire board by posting a forged document to pretend he held up his end of the wager after he lost it?
Here, let me help you: "King Rifle, I am sorry that I ever doubted you. I would like to offer my wife up to you so that you can do what Jermaine used to do to her."
It's amazing. It's a day later, and you still haven't responded to my bet after you inferred that I was fabricating this story.
As I said the first time, maybe you would also like to wager a two year vacation from the board on this?
In the unlikelihood of murox potentially losing this bet, as well as the bet with CR89, would he have to serve those sentences concurrently or consecutively? Need a ruling, please.
Can you show the record producing assistant football coach the door? See you in 2020.
I'd try pushing me out, too, considering you just got exposed for lying for years on here.
Tell us, how did you suddenly remember forging the donation receipt after denying it?
What do you mean how did I remember? There’s nothing to remember. Like your successful career in entertainment, it’s a figment of your imagination.
I literally posted a conversation with the person you claim I made the wager. He had zero reason to deny it happened.
This is why you’re greed 2. This is the dog/mother discussion all over again. You can’t reason with crazy.
See you in October 2020. Maybe with all the newfound free time you have you can concentrate on becoming the person you play on Herd Nation.
What am I apologizing for ? I can't remember. **** it, I am eating Cheez doodles. Tell me when I need to apologize for something.
Why not? It worked for some hermit in Montana. Granted, that guy had an IQ of about 180...
You said that my claim was bullshit. It wasn't. Murox the Moron has admitted as much. He has admitted to having a bet with another poster on here (he disagrees with who it was with, but then again, this is a guy who has been exposed for lying about the whole thing), making a $1 donation to where the bet determined, and then forging the receipt to make it appear that he donated the full amount he said he was going to if he lost the bet. He then posted that forged receipt on here. You said that my claim about that was bullshit. He admitted to doing so, but he claims the bet wasn't with Herdftblfan, but with somebody else (which is also false, just like his false receipt, his false donation, and his false playing dumb about it initially).
So you're apologizing for claiming it was bullshit, when like always, what I post is true.
In the unlikelihood of murox potentially losing this bet, as well as the bet with CR89, would he have to serve those sentences concurrently or consecutively? Need a ruling, please.