The US shouldn't investigate the russian meddling in the election.

Here we are, 2 years beyond the election and you are still a sore loser. What will this do for you? We know the Russians could have meddled with the election, but what more than by way of smearing candidates? I mean, are you naive enough to believe Americans couldn't see that Hillary is a cvnt? That they somehow needed the influence of outsiders to pull the wool off from their eyes?

Get over it idiot. You guys have cried "the Russians!" for far too long. It just comes off as desperate at this point.
psychosis is a very big word for such a small puddle - did you get that off your chart?

You're like the main character in A Beautiful Mind, but without all that intelligence part.
Here we are, 2 years beyond the election and you are still a sore loser. What will this do for you? We know the Russians could have meddled with the election, but what more than by way of smearing candidates? I mean, are you naive enough to believe Americans couldn't see that Hillary is a cvnt? That they somehow needed the influence of outsiders to pull the wool off from their eyes?

Get over it idiot. You guys have cried "the Russians!" for far too long. It just comes off as desperate at this point.

We will see who ends up crying, comrade.
You mean after they vetted it and couldn’t corroborate it

That's beside the point of this thread, as it certainly exists. But if you want to go down that road, quite a bit of stuff in there has now been confirmed. None of it has been disproven. Some of it will never be confirmed or disproven, because it is a raw intelligence document. It's just a totally different ballgame than the report that was published the other day.
You only find it hard to believe because you want the converse to be true.

That is ridiculous. First, I never said I bought this particular tale. Go back through the thread, I'm not down with it. Second, the WaPo story is like a truck driver was busted with ten tons of meth, the media called the prosecutor weeks later to ask if it were true, and the prosecutor actually had to comb through all of his records to see if the question checked out. Who the fvck would forget a ten ton bust? That is how explosive this claim is. Sure, maybe the Buzzfeed story is bullshit....but so is this WaPo claim. And last, no I do not want it to be true. I think Trump is a scummy bastard to the point if he goes down I want it to be for something worth it, not something that happens every year in every administration...I'm pretty sure every POTUS since WWII has had someone lie to Congress about something. Usually shit they have no business knowing, mind you; 3/4s of them couldn't be trusted with the facts on a lot of things. But it is all subornation of perjury nonetheless. It's somewhat like Clinton lying about a BJ...the majority of people have lied about sex, and thus it was a negative politically for the opposition to bring articles of impeachment for that dumb shit. This simply would not be worth it (impeachment) for the clusterfvck it would be.
Exactly...they have latched onto this collusion myth for two years now, with nothing to show for it.

Are you suddenly stupid? Suborning perjury and actually conspiring with "the enemy" ain't the same ballgame. And I doubt the ones who have plead guilty about, you know, "collusion", feel there is something to show for it. Manafort was up to his eyeballs with Russian operatives.
Because Mueller is a thorough prosecutor and investigator and so he went back through his stuff to make sure that the claim was inaccurate instead of just going off half-cocked.
Because Mueller is a thorough prosecutor and investigator and so he went back through his stuff to make sure that the claim was inaccurate instead of just going off half-cocked.

For something that damn big he would not have to. Why is that hard to understand?

You ever consider BOTH stories are bullshit?

Or hell, maybe it is a smokescreen from Mueller.

Either way, I don't buy the WaPo story. And I don't buy the Buzzfeed story, unless they put it before a grand jury or report it to Congress.
I think all of you folks believing the infinite number of "media outlets" on the internet are trustworthy are a joke. That goes for left and right.

Hell F'n yes.

Twitter rules the world for breaking news. Editorial oversight take a back burner for scoops that often need corrected. That's where 'fake news' is birthed. And the complaint against it is rightful.

One of the most egregious that I remember is the MLK Jr bust in the Oval Office on Trumps inauguration day. Millions of people read and retweeted an inaccurate tweet, the correction got just over 1000 views last I saw. No wonder there's such a bias against Trump. Here's a decent list of Trump inaccuracies:

It's not just POTUS, although he's the main target. Take Broward County and that BS CNN town hall. So many fingers were pointed, so many angry voices on a national stage. Jake Tapper tried to correct the story on a 8am weekend show. How many tuned into that as opposed to a prime time live 'debate'? Millions of people formed an opinion on a foundation of bullshit. The only news outlet taking Broward Co to task is the Miami Herald, and I doubt many people across the country read that paper. Millions are believing lies, placing false blame, and will then vote accordingly. It's sick.

I haven't even read the Covington HS tread yet, don't really even want to, but I'm sure it started with outrage and 3 pages later it's a different story all together.

Individuals should self-impose a 24-72 hour outrage check. Now days it seems, more often than not, initial reporting is far off base. And rarely will a person re-read an article and see the fine print correction at the bottom of the page. Opinions were already formed, backlash already in effect, and a gofundme initiated for an opportunistic asshole.
No wonder there's such a bias against Trump.

I have legit thought he was an asshole since about the mid 90s. 80s teenager me thought he was awesome....what was I saying in the CCHS thread about teens being little assholes?

It's not just trying to get the scoop. People used to complain we lived in a sound-bite world, now it is a meme world. There is very little on-line demand for in-depth reporting and analysis. Add in the "news sites" that are just absolute propaganda and we have a serious problem.
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I have legit thought he was an asshole since about the mid 90s. 80s teenager me thought he was awesome....what was I saying in the CCHS thread about teens being little assholes?

It's not just trying to get the scoop. People used to complain we lived in a sound-bite world, now it is a meme world. There is very little on-line demand for in-depth reporting and analysis. Add in the "news sites" that are just absolute propaganda and we have a serious problem.

It's even more false than that. I hope this link works.

It say's "Nixon was literally impeached for this". Chris Hayes, an MSNBC personality. So 1.8 million followers read this, 11.4k retweeted and 33k liked. So there are 33,000 people out there who don't know history or don't understand the definition of "literally". There are 11,000 retweets that reached untold numbers of people who now believe this fake news/false history. This is eye opening, and scary.

It's so easy to spread false information nowdays. We're on the edge of self-imposed propaganda.