I think all of you folks believing the infinite number of "media outlets" on the internet are trustworthy are a joke. That goes for left and right.
Hell F'n yes.
Twitter rules the world for breaking news. Editorial oversight take a back burner for scoops that often need corrected. That's where 'fake news' is birthed. And the complaint against it is rightful.
One of the most egregious that I remember is the MLK Jr bust in the Oval Office on Trumps inauguration day. Millions of people read and retweeted an inaccurate tweet, the correction got just over 1000 views last I saw. No wonder there's such a bias against Trump. Here's a decent list of Trump inaccuracies:
It's not just POTUS, although he's the main target. Take Broward County and that BS CNN town hall. So many fingers were pointed, so many angry voices on a national stage. Jake Tapper tried to correct the story on a 8am weekend show. How many tuned into that as opposed to a prime time live 'debate'? Millions of people formed an opinion on a foundation of bullshit. The only news outlet taking Broward Co to task is the Miami Herald, and I doubt many people across the country read that paper. Millions are believing lies, placing false blame, and will then vote accordingly. It's sick.
I haven't even read the Covington HS tread yet, don't really even want to, but I'm sure it started with outrage and 3 pages later it's a different story all together.
Individuals should self-impose a 24-72 hour outrage check. Now days it seems, more often than not, initial reporting is far off base. And rarely will a person re-read an article and see the fine print correction at the bottom of the page. Opinions were already formed, backlash already in effect, and a gofundme initiated for an opportunistic asshole.