

Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
This is the best CNN can do for Pedo-Joe? I guess the old pedophile is going to have to have another talk with the MSM.

"Although not all polls release crosstabs or use the same age breaks when reporting results, other recent polling has shown a wide range of results for younger voters in testing a matchup between Trump and Biden, ranging from an 18-point Trump advantage among those younger than 30 in the Fox News poll in mid-March up to a 21-point Biden advantage among those younger than 30 in the Pew Research survey earlier this month."

Marvels Agents Of Shield No GIF by ABC Network
"Although not all polls release crosstabs or use the same age breaks when reporting results, other recent polling has shown a wide range of results for younger voters in testing a matchup between Trump and Biden, ranging from an 18-point Trump advantage among those younger than 30 in the Fox News poll in mid-March up to a 21-point Biden advantage among those younger than 30 in the Pew Research survey earlier this month."

Marvels Agents Of Shield No GIF by ABC Network

Like I said...A pro-Pedo-Joe outlet having trouble making the pedophile look good.
If they don’t put out some fake polls the big cheat becomes too obvious. Hence some polls that show Biden not drowning.
Cons deep diving into polls in 2024. Cons telling us polls are rigged 2020. Truth is stranger than fiction.
The polls are about Trump vs you didn't comprehend the point to boot.

dungeons and dragons sam GIF by Alpha

You know how to tell when someone is winning an argument against a liberal such as yourself don't you?

Plus it was actually about Biden's cheerleaders running out of ways to spin things...
Says the guy who thought Colorado Springs was Compton in an NWA song.

Gangstas rollin' in their Subarus.

I said nothing like that, extralyingdumbass....I mean Bernie-boy.

I love my Subaru. I'd imagine, an Ascent isn't much of a "gangsta" vehicle. Maybe, just maybe, a Subaru WRX.
You got them 15" subs boom booming Dave Matthews Band? Straight Colorado Springs gangsta.

Have fun when that CVT shits the bed. Good cars, terrible transmissions.
It’s hard to find a 4 cylinder car that hasn’t gone to CVT. It’s unfortunate. I know they are better than they used to be but still.
You got them 15" subs boom booming Dave Matthews Band? Straight Colorado Springs gangsta.

Have fun when that CVT shits the bed. Good cars, terrible transmissions.

I don't own a WRX. I was just saying, in the Subaru brand, it may be the closest. The Ascent is the first Subaru I've ever owned. Very happy with it so far. It's a 2024, so not too worried about the transmission. By 2032, I'll have something different, so I don't forsee ever worrying about the transmission. If it goes to the shop, I have ole reliable to drive around until it's repaired. (Honda Accord) No subs to boom. Not a Dave Mathews Band fan. I don't think Colorado Springs is very "gangsta" either.
I don't own a WRX. I was just saying, in the Subaru brand, it may be the closest. The Ascent is the first Subaru I've ever owned. Very happy with it so far. It's a 2024, so not too worried about the transmission. By 2032, I'll have something different, so I don't forsee ever worrying about the transmission. If it goes to the shop, I have ole reliable to drive around until it's repaired. (Honda Accord) No subs to boom. Not a Dave Mathews Band fan. I don't think Colorado Springs is very "gangsta" either.
No wonder you left Colorado, you do not listen to the hippies' music.

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