I've also done some reading on the clusterfvck that is Africa and the environment. Extreme poverty leads to some serious abuses of the environment
If America as a nation had worried about every tree that was cut down during its formation or about smokestack placement beside a river during the industrial revolution, there would have been little chance for wealth/development here. We most certainly wouldn't have become the World's super power had today's EPA been in place years ago. One of the only reasons China has exploded in growth, wealth, power is they don't give a damn about the air. The only reason people CAN give a shit about the environment in this country at this point is because people are wealthy enough that they need a hobby and a cause to preach...like saving the trees.
I'm not suggesting the environment be ignored all together like China, but just like digging up 100 yr old dead civil war generals in order to eliminate racism and bigotry, the blind PC religion of "save the planet" has a higher cost most intentionally ignore in order for the "feel good now generation" to say they did something.
As for Africa. Who gives a shit about a tree when you can barely afford a bowl of rice to feed your kid for the next week? I read in one African country there is a fee/tax in order to simply be allowed to go buy a television. The rules and regs of African countries and their people are so warped that capital simply cant be put to work. Business/commerce (wealth creation which eliminates poverty) simply cant exist because of the screwed up laws in most places on that continent.
When have I said health care should be "free"? I prefer single payer over multiple payers. Either way, we pay for it. Shithead
You know you pay for it. I know you know you pay for it. Most moron voters have no clue they pay for it. "Single Payer", just like obummercare, is/was sold as "free" ("govt pays for it"). Single payer, as a general rule, around the world fail in what they promise to do. The success of a single payer is based on a single metric when sold to the populace: Everyone is "Covered". Its a linear view that ignores a litany of issues. In the case of Germany, for all it's single payer "success", they fail to have a single top 20 hospital in the world.
Maybe they are just smarter than us.
You gotta be fvcking kidding me?
Everything you point to as "success" is ass backwards. When will you big hearted "moderates" understand that more regulation, higher taxes, creates less freedom and financial mobility for the masses long term? The policies and govt bureaucracy you demand create the inequality in the system. It creates the plutocracy you whine about. It eliminates actual "free markets" and competition. It puts in the "glass ceiling" for those that want to start up a biz or take a risk.