No, the selling out started under Nixon. I am more referring to the trend of middle class and poor blue collar whites voting against their interests because Jesus and Reagan told them to.

As for the rest of your rambling balderdash, I am not one appalled by old laws and culture. And it is comical to compare the US to Greece, etc, and those countries have been shitholes of no importance for centuries. I am sure I can find an African country with low taxes and few regulations to ask you why those spear-chuckers are still dirt poor.

That's racist.;)
What kind of work does everybody do? Talk all day on the phone? I've heard the talk. It's all nothing. They talk all day long and nothing gets fixed, solved, nothing happens. Waste of time.

Make the damn decision, draw up the plans, crunch the numbers and let's go. Everybody's afraid to decide anything. I'm afraid of going home without a decision. There's the difference.
Sales. You would be amazed at how necessary the phone still is, even with electronic forms of communications (e-mail and IM); Herdman can attest to this because he feels 20 e-mails in a day is horrendous.
I can't imagine the ass kissing that goes into sales. Horrendous. I would vomit. The high pitched la ti dah talk like they're talking to puppy dogs and children.

This is why I'm just going to be a hermit. If I can't get by without selling then I'll just go live out of the Kroger dumpster.
Sales. You would be amazed at how necessary the phone still is, even with electronic forms of communications (e-mail and IM); Herdman can attest to this because he feels 20 e-mails in a day is horrendous.

1 is horrendous.

I miss the old days of sales. Now I am just an glorified secretary or admin clerk.
No, the selling out started under Nixon. I am more referring to the trend of middle class and poor blue collar whites voting against their interests because Jesus and Reagan told them to.

As for the rest of your rambling balderdash, I am not one appalled by old laws and culture. And it is comical to compare the US to Greece, etc, and those countries have been shitholes of no importance for centuries. I am sure I can find an African country with low taxes and few regulations to ask you why those spear-chuckers are still dirt poor.

Balderdash? Next time you start talking VAT taxes and free healthcare we need here in the states, I'll just keep pointing to the "shitholes for centuries" in Europe which you referred. They have indeed been doling out what many of you morons have desired for years.

i almost stopped reading at Africa...Africa???? But then I realized you were attempting to say they didn't have laws or regs....They have some of the dumbest, most intrusive laws and regulations on the planet. No wonder they are poor, uneducated, and hungry.
I have to add...Africa has some of the highest tax rates in the world. (Currently avg over 53% rate across most of the continent). Shouldn't they be celebrating 1950's prosperity by now based on your usual rambling???
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I would think you would have to send a lot of e-mails involving quotes, specs, promotions, etc.
I do. Don't mind that part it is all the other BS that goes with it. People can't think or figure things out on their own. Let's just send an email to so and so he will know the answer. Let's send an email about an email. Blaa Bllaaaa.

I could sell more if I could cut out the BS.
The problem with sales is it's usually peddling garbage. If you get to sell something good, it might be all right. The product sells itself. You can rave about it, but if it's really good then you're just telling the truth instead of sounding like a fairy to shine up shit.

That's the only kind of sales people I ever encounter. Shysters who talk to me like they're trying to feed their puppy dog. They want to try to calm down the psycho to sell me some bullshit. Rarely works.

Last car I bought though, the guy just told it how it was. You won't find a better price. I knew he was right, because I looked all around. He had the best price. Sold itself. It was a black guy over in Columbus. When it comes to dollars and cents, the sheet comes off.
I do. Don't mind that part it is all the other BS that goes with it. People can't think or figure things out on their own. Let's just send an email to so and so he will know the answer. Let's send an email about an email. Blaa Bllaaaa.

I could sell more if I could cut out the BS.
What do you consider a lot?
What do you consider a lot?

Well, you have to understand I sell high end capital equipment. I am not going to get 785 emails a day.The emails themselves don't take up the time. It is some of the BS in them.

People can't figure out things for themselves so it is easier just to fire off an email so someone else can figure it out.
Well, you have to understand I sell high end capital equipment. I am not going to get 785 emails a day.The emails themselves don't take up the time. It is some of the BS in them.

People can't figure out things for themselves so it is easier just to fire off an email so someone else can figure it out.
It is not uncommon for me to receive e-mails that could have been avoided with a 15 second google search.
Who are they from, old people? Old people are hilarious. They are wowed by what you can find on the internet. They also believe it's going to take 2 weeks to make a couple little changes on a drawing. Surely, I'll have to get the T-square out and the 1972 antique fountain pen. Four or five clicks of a mouse won't get it done.

You should see them type. Hunt and peck at the keys. Damn, it's gonna suck to really be old. Technology has really already passed me by, but not that much yet.
Balderdash? Next time you start talking VAT taxes and free healthcare we need here in the states, I'll just keep pointing to the "shitholes for centuries" in Europe which you referred. They have indeed been doling out what many of you morons have desired for years.

i almost stopped reading at Africa...Africa???? But then I realized you were attempting to say they didn't have laws or regs....They have some of the dumbest, most intrusive laws and regulations on the planet. No wonder they are poor, uneducated, and hungry.
I have to add...Africa has some of the highest tax rates in the world. (Currently avg over 53% rate across most of the continent). Shouldn't they be celebrating 1950's prosperity by now based on your usual rambling???

When have I said health care should be "free"? I prefer single payer over multiple payers. Either way, we pay for it. Shithead.

Germany (one of only two European nations that matter) has managed to have higher taxes, universal health care, AND a strong economy. Maybe they are just smarter than us.

I found Africa's taxes to be all over the board. But almost universal was a complete sense of not-give-one-fvck about economic regulations. Maybe Africans are not smarter than us...every country that has kicked out the ruling whites has gone to shit.
Here is just one source

I've also done some reading on the clusterfvck that is Africa and the environment. Extreme poverty leads to some serious abuses of the environment, regulations or not, no one gives a fvck. Air pollution is also becoming a major issue. The explosive urban growth there is not going to be handled well...hell, it already isn't.
I've also done some reading on the clusterfvck that is Africa and the environment. Extreme poverty leads to some serious abuses of the environment

If America as a nation had worried about every tree that was cut down during its formation or about smokestack placement beside a river during the industrial revolution, there would have been little chance for wealth/development here. We most certainly wouldn't have become the World's super power had today's EPA been in place years ago. One of the only reasons China has exploded in growth, wealth, power is they don't give a damn about the air. The only reason people CAN give a shit about the environment in this country at this point is because people are wealthy enough that they need a hobby and a cause to saving the trees.

I'm not suggesting the environment be ignored all together like China, but just like digging up 100 yr old dead civil war generals in order to eliminate racism and bigotry, the blind PC religion of "save the planet" has a higher cost most intentionally ignore in order for the "feel good now generation" to say they did something.

As for Africa. Who gives a shit about a tree when you can barely afford a bowl of rice to feed your kid for the next week? I read in one African country there is a fee/tax in order to simply be allowed to go buy a television. The rules and regs of African countries and their people are so warped that capital simply cant be put to work. Business/commerce (wealth creation which eliminates poverty) simply cant exist because of the screwed up laws in most places on that continent.

When have I said health care should be "free"? I prefer single payer over multiple payers. Either way, we pay for it. Shithead

You know you pay for it. I know you know you pay for it. Most moron voters have no clue they pay for it. "Single Payer", just like obummercare, is/was sold as "free" ("govt pays for it"). Single payer, as a general rule, around the world fail in what they promise to do. The success of a single payer is based on a single metric when sold to the populace: Everyone is "Covered". Its a linear view that ignores a litany of issues. In the case of Germany, for all it's single payer "success", they fail to have a single top 20 hospital in the world.

Maybe they are just smarter than us.

You gotta be fvcking kidding me?

Everything you point to as "success" is ass backwards. When will you big hearted "moderates" understand that more regulation, higher taxes, creates less freedom and financial mobility for the masses long term? The policies and govt bureaucracy you demand create the inequality in the system. It creates the plutocracy you whine about. It eliminates actual "free markets" and competition. It puts in the "glass ceiling" for those that want to start up a biz or take a risk.
Rufus, your link said Germans biggest issue in wealth distribution is personal debt. Which has nothing to do with workers gaining a share of increased profits from increased productivity.

I don't care what ignorant people think. I thought discussion among intelligent posters (except for dherd) was the point here. Dumbasses can think the sky is pink for all I care.

BTW, England makes you have an annual license for TV. I swear. It's dumb...and if you want to rant about it, it is a distraction from the actual conversation.
Rufus, your link said Germans biggest issue in wealth distribution is personal debt. Which has nothing to do with workers gaining a share of increased profits from increased productivity.

It has everything to do with it. Productivity only happens when there is a profit, return on capital/investment to be had by the company FIRST. Without a profit there is no work to produce. "Debt" (in any form) plays an intricate role in determining "profits" across an entire economy and overall "wealth gaps". Christ, that's basic knowledge.

I don't care what ignorant people think.

You should care. They seem to vote in large numbers.

England makes you have an annual license for TV. I swear. It's dumb...and if you want to rant about it, it is a distraction from the actual conversation

Rant?? I wrote one line referring to it as an example of the dumb ass laws which restrict personal freedom and potential economic activity in a country you claimed was faltering simply because they had no laws originally.

England? Another example of a woefully govt controlled ("shithole") economy with widening spreads between the halves and have nots. It certainly isn't because they don't have enough laws creating "equality" through forced redistribution, economic fairness, and clean air regs.
Personal debt can fuel corporate profits. WTF are you smoking?

I don't care about asset gaps.

Where did I say Personal debt fuels profits?? I'm starting to think you are Dtard. This shouldn't be that hard to understand. The LACK of debt/debt service overall (personal/corp/govt) indeed can have a positive effect on the economy, helping to boost bottom line profits for businesses/personal wealth increase. Does one's net worth go down or up when liabilities are reduced? (for those wondering....up) Higher net worth through reduced debt also results usually higher cash flow and potential for greater "profit" potential for those who work in an economy.

You should care about "Asset Gaps". Assets and their appreciation are a result of PRODUCTIVITY and growth within the economy. Productivity comes from profitable business operations.
worked those long hours. They always said that the job wouldnt last a long period so lets give blood on the saddle Night shift was 4pm until 7am That was at Boomer, Got paid every two weeks.NIce big checks but im paying for it now Im very sore when I wake up and my breathing is bad, 2nd stage black long. ,long hours kill they suck and bush is an idiot.8 hour day is the only way. I could have really loved an 8 hr.shift. You could work hard and go home. 8 hrs is the only way. I worked close to 70 hrs some of the time.
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bushes, the cover over those silver lined pussies that never worked a hard day in their lives. fvck him and his cock suckin brother
the brave bush pussies:
"As someone who truly understands the risk of standing up for something, I simply cannot express in words how much I value their willingness to stand up against John Kerry," Bush wrote in a letter dated January 19, 2005.

Of the group's members, Bush added: "Their efforts, like their service to their country, speak volumes about what matters most."

All of the charges were contradicted by official military records and almost all of the men who served with Kerry came out in defense of their former crewmate, praising his courage. Only one of the swift boat critics served with Kerry.

Kerry received several medals for his service in Vietnam, including several Purple Heart medals for injuries he sustained in combat.

The Swift Boat attacks have since been widely discredited and the term swiftboating is now synonymous with lobbing unfair political attacks.
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