Take one year’s worth of this new revenue and dedicate the $$ to build the patio bar for season two. Season two: The new party patio is built with last season’s new fan sales: $250,000. It is matched by the Coors/ Budweiser/ craft beer sponsor that sponsors the patio for X years for $250,000 and naming rights and beer sales. So after the $500,000 party patio is built. Year two sees these numbers: $250,000 from the new 10k fans and their concession purchases. Patio Club entry is $5 per person with ID showing they are 21. This is AFTER they pay admission into the game. There are 6 home games. Each game 200 “cool” people enter the club. That’s $6,000 for the season. Marshall gets $2 profit from each beer sold. Each of the 200 cool fans per game drink just two beers. That’s another $4,800. Total Season two revenue: $260,800. Not $350,000 but not 0. Good idea? Absolutely!
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