Holy shit, you seriously are an idiot. I'm not surprised you're incapable of understanding context, you little bitch. Still butthurt I'm calling you out for the uninformed, sad pathetic little bitch you are?
Holy shit, you seriously are an idiot. I'm not surprised you're incapable of understanding context, you little bitch. Still butthurt I'm calling you out for the uninformed, sad pathetic little bitch you are?
Seriously, you little bitch. Get better at this.
No, but I guarantee if I yelled ICE they would be coming off that roof fast. Not to mention what it does to wages and the big builders and developers are taking advantage of the immigrants. Form of modern day slavery. Do you care about that?
Says the guy who takes pictures of other men & goes home to post them on the internet & cry like the little bitch he is. Seriously, get better at this.
Says the guy who takes pictures of other men & goes home to post them on the internet & cry like the little bitch he is. Seriously, get better at this.
Oh, so you didn't take pictures of men & go home to post them on the internet & cry like a little bitch?
Oh, so you didn't take pictures of men & go home to post them on the internet & cry like a little bitch?
well, that's up to Congress. I would like to see the business fined. Never going to happen though.Don't need a wall. Like I said before, company gets caught knowingly working illegals, million dollar fine and $100,000 dollars per illegal. Problem solved, we don't have to make mexico pay for the wall, and the government makes money to investigate other companies for hiring illegals. Now go on and act like you care about illegals making too little money. Bwaaahaha.
Yeah I’m sure there’s no rock in those mountains on the border.Simply solution. Dig a 20 foot deep, 20 foot wide trench. Take the excavated dirt and pile it on the U.S. side of the trench. Not only does it create a 30-40 foot barrier, it adds a level of difficulty to tunneling. Fill the bottom three feet of the trench with razor wire, or throw in some lions.
Guarantee there's no rock on the 'boarder'.Yeah I’m sure there’s no rock in those mountains on the boarder.
Trumps Ditch that has a great ring. Love it.
Simply solution. Dig a 20 foot deep, 20 foot wide trench. Take the excavated dirt and pile it on the U.S. side of the trench. Not only does it create a 30-40 foot barrier, it adds a level of difficulty to tunneling. Fill the bottom three feet of the trench with razor wire, or throw in some lions.
All the illegals and drug dealers are going to just suddenly come through man mad check point points of entry?
so, how many ports of entery do you want along a border that goes thousands of miles?fact is that most illicit drugs pass undetected through legal ports of entry
so, how many ports of entery do you want along a border that goes thousands of miles?
Read the article . They advocate ports of entry. How the hell do they think that will work? All the illegals and drug dealers are going to just suddenly come through man mad check point points of entry? Please inspect me? Please inspect my van or car?
So you are looking for convenience? I am talking in Arizona across the border? New Mexico? Texas? There is a wide open border. How do you control it?I don't understand the point of your question. But I'd like to see either more built or the existing ones made quicker to get through. 95% of trucks carrying goods are often held up for 70 minutes. That costs the economy a lot of man hours. In Laredo, 4800 trucks cross per day and if 95%(4,560) of them take an hour to get through, that's 4,560 man hours wasted per day. 1.66 million man hours (provided there's only 1 person in each truck), and that's just one port of entry and does not include southbound hours wasted.
So you are looking for convenience? I am talking in Arizona across the border? New Mexico? Texas? There is a wide open border. How do you control it?
I for stooping the illegal immigration problem. And it is only going to get worseSo you're advocating inefficiency and waste of taxpayer money. I've said all along that the only time conservatives are against spending and big government is when they disagree with the government actions and what they spend money on.
Read the article . They advocate ports of entry. How the hell do they think that will work? All the illegals and drug dealers are going to just suddenly come through man mad check point points of entry? Please inspect me? Please inspect my van or car?