Cell Phones

Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
What cell phone do you guys use? Last week, I upgraded to an iPhone XR, and it sucks. The phone itself is great - great screen, great camera, fast, great memory, etc., but the size of the thing is absurd.

I hated switching from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 6 years ago because of the increase in size. I like to use one hand to text, control the phone with, etc. When I run outdoors, I keep the phone in my hand instead of having to get some dorky armband to wear. Because the phones keep jumping up in size, I refused to upgrade from my iPhone 6 over the last couple of years, but I switched providers and had to get a new phone because of it.

The XR is a god damn brick. It's like a Samsung Galaxy. Why bother with a phone? Just carry a god damn iPad mini around since they are nearly the same size. Try putting one of these things in your pocket and it looks like you have five testicles in your jeans.

I saw the Palm phone . . . the screen is only 3.3" and truly fits in the palm of your hand. They can set it up where it feeds off of your other phone (call forwarding, same number, etc.), but it has horrible reviews for $350. If that were better, I would have no problem going with a phone that small. The trend has to stop at some point. These things can't keep getting bigger. Originally, going from the first huge cell phones to smaller cell phones was the point. At this point, these newer phones are almost as big as those original Zack Morris cell phones.
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What cell phone do you guys use? Last week, I upgraded to an iPhone XR, and it sucks. The phone itself is great - great screen, great camera, fast, great memory, etc., but the size of the thing is absurd.

I hated switching from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 6 years ago because of the increase in size. I like to use one hand to text, control the phone with, etc. When I run outdoors, I keep the phone in my hand instead of having to get some dorky armband to wear. Because the phones keep jumping up in size, I refused to upgrade from my iPhone 6 over the last couple of years, but I switched providers and had to get a new phone because of it.

The XR is a god damn brick. It's like a Samsung Galaxy. Why bother with a phone? Just carry a god damn iPad mini around since they are nearly the same size. Try putting one of these things in your pocket and it looks like you have five testicles in your jeans.

I saw the Palm phone . . . the screen is only 3.3" and truly fits in the palm of your hand. They can set it up where it feeds off of your other phone (call forwarding, same number, etc.), but it has horrible reviews for $350. If that were better, I would have no problem going with a phone that small. The trend has to stop at some point. These things can't keep getting bigger. Originally, going from the first huge cell phones to smaller cell phones was the point. At this point, these newer phones are almost as big as those original Zack Morris cell phones.

Do you have/use an Apple Watch?

I don't have Apple, but I do own a big ass Galaxy S9+ and, I agree, there are many times when I'm trying/needing to use it one-handed and only Banana Hands Tony Robbins could do it successfully. However, I am able to pair my phone with the Galaxy Watch, which enables me to reply to texts, answer calls, check weather forecast, calendar, email, etc without ever having to pull the phone out of my pocket.

Prior to getting my first smartwatch, I thought they were just another gadget nobody really needed, but after a very short while, I have grown to see it as an almost necessary (for me) piece of technology.
Motorola E815 Flip Phone. Never did like the battery life of the Razr so, I stayed with the E815

seriously Samsung Galaxy S7, need to replace it though. Getting some age on it.
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Do you have/use an Apple Watch?

I don't have Apple, but I do own a big ass Galaxy S9+ and, I agree, there are many times when I'm trying/needing to use it one-handed and only Banana Hands Tony Robbins could do it successfully. However, I am able to pair my phone with the Galaxy Watch, which enables me to reply to texts, answer calls, check weather forecast, calendar, email, etc without ever having to pull the phone out of my pocket.

Prior to getting my first smartwatch, I thought they were just another gadget nobody really needed, but after a very short while, I have grown to see it as an almost necessary (for me) piece of technology.
Phone watches are like iphones. Cocksuckers, women, retards, and children have them. At least yore not full fledge since yore not an apple fanboy.
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I too upgraded to the XR and don’t love the size.

I liked the size and speed of my iPhone SE but had battery life issues with it. Not sure if that has been fixed with any newer SE upgrades or recalls (if there are any). I’d recommend you look into the camera, processor, etc and see what you think. I miss mine.

The battery life, performance, camera, etc on the XR has been amazing though. Definitely preferred the size and shape of the SE though. They don't market the SE much, but reviews in the past were solid and I've got another buddy that wanted a smaller phone and switched recently and has been happy.
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You’ll get used to the size, rifle. I always opt for the larger screen.

When I wear some tailored/slim pants or selvedge denim it drives me nuts in the pocket, both from a comfort and a looks point of view. Without a case it’s sleeker but I prefer a case because I drop it too much. It’s too big to tuck in my dress shirt pocket or scrub shirt pocket too.

I’m getting used to it but I’m sympathetic to his concerns.
Mine is LG stylo 149.00 and my family who gets those 500 dollar phones always wanna use my phone.
45 a month and I'm hoping this one goes astray while I still have the warranty. I got the dish network on my phone too. Just switched from cable to Dish network. 100 dollars cheaper a month. Going to get the NFL and NBA deals they have on all games
Do you have/use an Apple Watch?

No, because I don't give blowjobs.

I don't have Apple, but I do own a big ass Galaxy S9+ and, I agree, there are many times when I'm trying/needing to use it one-handed and only Banana Hands Tony Robbins could do it successfully. However, I am able to pair my phone with the Galaxy Watch, which enables me to reply to texts, answer calls, check weather forecast, calendar, email, etc without ever having to pull the phone out of my pocket.

And this is exactly my point. You're now needing a separate device to do every god damn thing your fvcking phone does. That was what was so good about the first handful of iPhones up until about iPhone 7 or 8 - they could do anything that you reasonably needed them to do (tell time, watch porn, make a call, text, take pictures/videos, read the internet, respond to email, be entertained a million ways, set an alarm, order a car, etc.)

But now, because they have gotten so massively big, they are a pain to do those quick tasks with forcing you to use yet another device to do all of those things. Apple and Samsung are laughing all of the way to the bank because morons go out and buy a fvcking watch to do exactly what they were using their phones to do before, continue to buy phones, but pay even more for them ("because the screen is bigger!") yet don't use them as much as they did with the smaller/cheaper versions.

It's baffling that consumers are too fvcking stupid to realize that.

And I don't wear any watch. The point of a watch is to tell time. My phone does that. If I wanted an accessory piece for vanity reasons, I sure as hell wouldn't pick a leather strap with a round metal thing attached to it which doesn't even look good. Diamonds were used for that reason.
You are really off your game here lately. I’m sure you can figure out the problems with this post.

There is no problem with my post, let alone "problems" like you claimed.

The use of "it" before "is" was done to show that you doing the things I listed were already factual - there was no question about them. It is similar to you finding out that your wife is a cheating whore and asking her "Oh, it's fun to fvck the whole neighborhood"? Notice how "it" is also before "is"? You aren't questioning if she really is fvcking the whole neighborhood, but rather, you are questioning if it is fun.
I too upgraded to the XR and don’t love the size.

I liked the size and speed of my iPhone SE but had battery life issues with it. Not sure if that has been fixed with any newer SE upgrades or recalls (if there are any). I’d recommend you look into the camera, processor, etc and see what you think. I miss mine.

The battery life, performance, camera, etc on the XR has been amazing though. Definitely preferred the size and shape of the SE though. They don't market the SE much, but reviews in the past were solid and I've got another buddy that wanted a smaller phone and switched recently and has been happy.

I feel like Apple stops providing updates to those older phones and/or slows them down. I had three different iPhone 6 phones since 2015 and all of them started to slow down/have battery drain within a year. They kept replacing them, but it's a pain in the ass to have to fight them on it, switching everything over, etc.

I ended up getting the 128 GB XR for $300 after the promotions they had, so I thought that was a better value than the 6s they were going to give me for free. I know the screen resolution, camera, and speed are far better, but I despise the size of it.

You’ll get used to the size,

Somebody planted a listening device in my bedroom.

I always opt for the larger screen.

But why? When and for what reason would I possibly need a screen that's an inch bigger on a phone? I don't watch sports games on it - that's what I buy 75" televisions for. I don't need to watch movies on it when I travel - that's what I buy iPads for. I don't need to do any type of work related things on it - that's what I buy Macbooks for. I need it for the basics I mentioned above. Watching a 40 second social media video on a 5" screen isn't going to drastically improve for me by watching it on a 6.1" screen. It will, however, drastically annoy me with the increased size and weight.
I feel like Apple stops providing updates to those older phones and/or slows them down. I had three different iPhone 6 phones since 2015 and all of them started to slow down/have battery drain within a year. They kept replacing them, but it's a pain in the ass to have to fight them on it, switching everything over, etc.

I ended up getting the 128 GB XR for $300 after the promotions they had, so I thought that was a better value than the 6s they were going to give me for free. I know the screen resolution, camera, and speed are far better, but I despise the size of it.

Somebody planted a listening device in my bedroom.

But why? When and for what reason would I possibly need a screen that's an inch bigger on a phone? I don't watch sports games on it - that's what I buy 75" televisions for. I don't need to watch movies on it when I travel - that's what I buy iPads for. I don't need to do any type of work related things on it - that's what I buy Macbooks for. I need it for the basics I mentioned above. Watching a 40 second social media video on a 5" screen isn't going to drastically improve for me by watching it on a 6.1" screen. It will, however, drastically annoy me with the increased size and weight.

You never get on the internet, read a text, or do anything at all that a larger screen wouldn’t make better?
You never get on the internet, read a text, or do anything at all that a larger screen wouldn’t make better?

Nothing I care enough about that I wouldn't watch on a television or iPad. I don't watch movies on my phone.

Reading a text? Let's say somebody sent me an extremely long text. What would an extra inch on my screen do? It would mean I would have to scroll down only four times instead of six times? Same with the internet. If I am reading a long article on while on the elliptical or bike, which I do from time-to-time, an inch bigger screen would mean scrolling down 20 times instead of 30 times? Again, not much of an issue that I would care enough to resolve. The trade off is much worse by having to lug around a brick in your pants, not being able to do things on it as easily with one hand, etc.

If you always opt for the bigger screen like you said, why not just get an iPad mini? That's bigger than an XR, the new Galaxies, or any of the iPhone pluses.
Nothing I care enough about that I wouldn't watch on a television or iPad. I don't watch movies on my phone.

Reading a text? Let's say somebody sent me an extremely long text. What would an extra inch on my screen do? It would mean I would have to scroll down only four times instead of six times? Same with the internet. If I am reading a long article on while on the elliptical or bike, which I do from time-to-time, an inch bigger screen would mean scrolling down 20 times instead of 30 times? Again, not much of an issue that I would care enough to resolve. The trade off is much worse by having to lug around a brick in your pants, not being able to do things on it as easily with one hand, etc.

If you always opt for the bigger screen like you said, why not just get an iPad mini? That's bigger than an XR, the new Galaxies, or any of the iPhone pluses.

Serious question. Does the iPad mini do the same things an iPhone does?
I've held on to my 6S for the reason you stated, I don't want an iPad in my pocket. If they would bring back the RAZR as a smartphone I would buy it in a heartbeat. That screen is big enough and the phone was the perfect size. The perfect one hand flip phone.
I’m one of those people who are always three or four generations behind on iPhones. There is no way I’m paying $1000 for a phone because the camera has more pixels or whatever the new rage is. I’m currently using the iPhone 6. I’m like rifle in that I like the small size. If I want a large screen, I’ll use my iPad.

But I like being able to stick the phone in my pocket. I have to keep my phone on me at all times for several reasons. I’m hearing impaired and last year I got hearing aids. They use Bluetooth technology and I control volume and program settings with an app on my phone. I also have text notification on the biometric time clock I use in my business as well as a program that allows me to view the business live. This all requires me to keep my phone on me at all times. I just can’t put those big screen TVs masquerading as cell phones in my pocket. I’m keeping my 6 until planned obsolescence kills it.