I stay in contact with four different coaches that have coached under Doc and have nothing but tremendous things to say about him.
They have such tremendous things to say that they jumped ship for things like off-the-field positions, go to inferior schools, etc.
You realize that when you make these comments, there is no legitimacy behind them based on your previous claims and your previous attempts to cover things up, right, Shewey sucker? Hell, just look at your defense of Shewey when numerous, highly decorated past Marshall players spoke out against the current coaching/administration.
I always find it funny we'll quote players that have negative opinions of the staff, but then ignore the players that have nothing but good to say..
Feel free to list all of those quotes. We will be standing by.
Where was Cato being critical? That facebook post? The way I read it, it came off supportive. I didn't think he was saying he should have been pulled at OHIO and Doc let him fail. I thought he was saying Doc will stick with you and let you play through it.
In other words, as he said, "once Doc makes his mind up" . . . he will refuse to make a change even if it's obvious, because that would be proof that he was wrong about it originally.
It's no different than an office. Some employees like their boss and some hate their boss. Not all coworkers get a long either. I find it funny that people just throw logic out the window and demand/assume that in a locker room of 150 people that everyone is going to be best friends.
Sure, but there is far more smoke coming out of Shewey over the years than most places, especially most places that have been winning the majority of that time. Marshall's most decorated players have been shunned and had numerous discussion on here about it, many of Doc's most highly rated recruits have spoken out about him, many other Marshall players under his tenure have done the same, and many other former coaches under Doc have spoken out against him to people on this board or have left for inferior positions.