Cheatle to resign.

Ducking that testimony or does she still have to appear? What’s she hiding?
here's your scalp now quit asking questions
Yep. Conspiracy for sure. Why do you think that one lady in the crowd was acting so weird? Definite conspiracy. Why do you think the shooter was a loner, young white male who was bullied relentlessly in school? Why do you think trump even moved his head at the exact same time? It's because he was tipped off of the exact time the bullet would be passing by his head since the Clintons set it up and a secret service agent leaked it to him.
Yep. Conspiracy for sure. Why do you think that one lady in the crowd was acting so weird? Definite conspiracy. Why do you think the shooter was a loner, young white male who was bullied relentlessly in school? Why do you think trump even moved his head at the exact same time? It's because he was tipped off of the exact time the bullet would be passing by his head since the Clintons set it up and a secret service agent leaked it to him.
don't forget the shooter on the water tower or the other shooters inside the building that crooks was on . . .
This was total incompetence. Now, did they use the incompetence to try to take care of Trump? How were they so incompetent?
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Did I understand correctly that she used to run Pepsi? I’d be careful drinking anything from any older stock.