Chic Fil A

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Man their app is the best.

As a reward for getting my blood work done this morning and as with tradition after every blood work(checking all the stuff), I always go to Chic Fil A and get me a spicey chicken bisket and for good measure a diet lemonade. That damn diet lemonade is good stuff.

I figure after a night and morning of fasting to check my cholesterol and all that , I am gettng me a damn chicken bisket when done.

But, their app is awesome. Put your order in and even has my car make and model store. Head to the restaurant and then select you are at the restaurant and they have it ready soon.

The govt ought to take lessons from Chic Fil A. Great organization.
chick fil a GIF
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Ours is always too busy but they do have one of the better spicy chicken sandwiches.
Tip of the day: the spicy is good, but next time you go there, get the regular chicken sandwich and put their mayo and a pack or two of Texas Pete on it. You can thank me later.
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Their rPOS systems also seem to be very good and efficient. You can tell they spent a lot of money ensuring their ordering system made sense in a real world environment, rather than just hiring programmers to piece together an application that takes six weeks to learn.
Their rPOS systems also seem to be very good and efficient. You can tell they spent a lot of money ensuring their ordering system made sense in a real world environment, rather than just hiring programmers to piece together an application that takes six weeks to learn.
Of course then they sent kids out to use them and paid them in sandwiches.

(I know, I know, it was one location once.)
Compared to what? As a fast food restaurant there aren’t many that compete on consistency of taste and customer service
Want better chicken, go to xaxbys. Waffle fries aren’t that great of a phenomenon. The bread isn’t special. They have a few decent sauces, not the chic fil a sauce. Everyone rants and raves over it and would wait 20 min for that.

The customer service is consistent, I agree. It’s good. The food is consistent…. But it’s just not all that everyone cracks it up to be.
Wait, let me take that back… they have a great chicken biscuit in the mornings with some pepper Jack cheese.
Want better chicken, go to xaxbys. Waffle fries aren’t that great of a phenomenon. The bread isn’t special. They have a few decent sauces, not the chic fil a sauce. Everyone rants and raves over it and would wait 20 min for that.

The customer service is consistent, I agree. It’s good. The food is consistent…. But it’s just not all that everyone cracks it up to be.
Wait, let me take that back… they have a great chicken biscuit in the mornings with some pepper Jack cheese.
Can't get breakfast at Zxabys. The two are different types of places

Kickin chicken sandwich is really good at zaxbys
Want better chicken, go to xaxbys. Waffle fries aren’t that great of a phenomenon. The bread isn’t special. They have a few decent sauces, not the chic fil a sauce. Everyone rants and raves over it and would wait 20 min for that.

The customer service is consistent, I agree. It’s good. The food is consistent…. But it’s just not all that everyone cracks it up to be.
Wait, let me take that back… they have a great chicken biscuit in the mornings with some pepper Jack cheese.
Zaxby’s is inconsistent at best. I’ve had uncooked chicken and chicken so over cooked you could never chew it. I’ve never been in a clean Zaxby’s either. Trash everywhere dirty tables
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Their rPOS systems also seem to be very good and efficient. You can tell they spent a lot of money ensuring their ordering system made sense in a real world environment, rather than just hiring programmers to piece together an application that takes six weeks to learn.
Every location in central OH is always packed. The drive thru is even more insane, but I will say they had to have consulted with perhaps an industrial engineering firm for this because they have the drive thru down to a science.

Also, good on Chick-fil-A for standing their ground to the woke mob years ago. They seem to have only grown further after being attacked for their religious principles. I have a buddy who's gay (not Greed, someone else) and he managed to boycott only 1 week before caving and hitting the drive thru for lunch. Their food is just that good.

It's funny though, my childhood memories of this place consists mainly at the Huntington Mall. I don't recall seeing any other locations around the area for quite some time, so I always assumed it was a smaller, mom & pop biz that was based out of that area.
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It's funny though, my childhood memories of this place consists mainly at the Huntington Mall. I don't recall seeing any other locations around the area for quite some time, so I always assumed it was a smaller, mom & pop biz that was based on that area.
Their early locations consisted almost entirely of mall locations. It wasn't until later that they began building freestanding units.

Theirs is an unique take on the franchising model. It is more of an operating partner model. The company selects the location, site, builds and pays for the building. The operator will have some input into the design. They will then split the profits 50/50. Single store operators are the norm with better ones having up to three locations.
Chic fil a is vastly overrated…..
It's very consistent. That is the key. I've never had bad food there. I don't find anything on the menu groundbreaking, but it is always good.

Fast food, Culver's is the bomb. Much like CFA, I've never had bad food at a Culver's. Both places have a big emphasis on service.
Fast food, Culver's is the bomb. Much like CFA, I've never had bad food at a Culver's. Both places have a big emphasis on service.

Funny that one of the few liberals on this board would laud the merits of a couple of conservative companies...

BTW Culver's is really good...
Funny that one of the few liberals on this board would laud the merits of a couple of conservative companies...

BTW Culver's is really good...
If you start really digging into the people who own big corporations you’ll find yourself growing all your own food, and the guy you buy seeds from would probably end up being an asshole as well.
If you start really digging into the people who own big corporations you’ll find yourself growing all your own food, and the guy you buy seeds from would probably end up being an asshole as well.
Largely true. Though there are some good guys out there in the food/farmer/seed world.

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It's very consistent. That is the key. I've never had bad food there. I don't find anything on the menu groundbreaking, but it is always good.

Fast food, Culver's is the bomb. Much like CFA, I've never had bad food at a Culver's. Both places have a big emphasis on service.
Conistent is the key. That is why a guy that used to travel told all the young guys who were starting to travel. Always stay near an Outback. Consistent, you can't really go wrong, and you likely won't get the shits for the big presentation or demo the next day. Same menu, consistent, typically clean, and pretty good service.
Fast food, Culver's is the bomb. Much like CFA, I've never had bad food at a Culver's. Both places have a big emphasis on service.
yes, when dealing with their staff it's definitely that same CFA vibe. And Culver's is a very good deal in terms of price. Unless they've changed recently, their combo meal sizes are probably what others used to be in the 90s. You can do the small combo and it's more like a medium size at McD's, plus you get the certificate to go up immediately after and redeem your concrete mixer with one mix-in. I'm not usually crazy about custard but theirs is damn good. In fact, I prefer Culver's custard over Rita's or Whit's.
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While we are on the subject, cookout has to be the worst. Outside of it’s milkshakes unless I’m trying to get the squirts I avoid it but it is huge here in VA
Yeah, but where else can you get like 2 cheeseburgers, a bbq sandwich on the side, fries, and a shake for like $4.99?
Funny that one of the few liberals on this board would laud the merits of a couple of conservative companies...
Funny you guys eat anywhere else but Boebert's place. Guns and Gonorrhea. Maybe they can ship you some food.

I don't care what a restaurant's politics are, unless it is over the top. But I can promise you that at any decent restaurant in a city the staff are raging libs, many are queer, and odds are decent the kitchen crew is high AF. The first two explain why there have been some recent instances of staff refusing to serve certain people well-known in their communities.
If you’re ever in CA (or maybe other places out west) Habit has a good burger. Specifically the Santa Barbara Char which is a burger with toasted sourdough for the buns.
I don't care what a restaurant's politics are, unless it is over the top.
Oh, I don't know. I'd think that business owners who send millions each year to an organization whose major purpose is to fight against gay equality is quite over the top.

It's amazing how few people lack principle and ethics, and this entire thread is proof of that.
Oh, I don't know. I'd think that business owners who send millions each year to an organization whose major purpose is to fight against gay equality is quite over the top.

It's amazing how few people lack principle and ethics, and this entire thread is proof of that.

You ever wear Nike shoes?
Oh, I don't know. I'd think that business owners who send millions each year to an organization whose major purpose is to fight against gay equality is quite over the top.

It's amazing how few people lack principle and ethics, and this entire thread is proof of that.
Thank you for your wokeness and virtue signaling