ANNOUNCED ATTENDANCE? What an idiot you are Clarkbar. I bet (A case of Captain Morgan) there will not be 27K asses in The Joan on Sept. 3. NOT announced attendance since anyone that buys a ticket is CONSIDERED present. You are one stupid person!
HerdZilla22 in Charlotte
What other method is there to count attendance, Gary's Weeney? Would you like to hand count every fan yourself? Hate to break it to you, but announced attendance is the official record used for box scores - turnstile numbers went away 20 some years ago.
You're a coward, all talk and nothing to back it up. Too chicken sh*t to accept a ban bet because you know you will be wrong, as usual. Enjoy your case of rum, 6-teamer.
Clarkzilla225 pissing off Gary's Weeney in Huntington