College textbooks/Access Codes...ripoff!


Aug 5, 2001
My youngest daughter just started Marshall this week. It's been a few years since I've had daughters in college so this whole textbook access code thing is a new experience.

I thought I'd save a little on the $800-$1000 it cost for textbooks a semester by checking the secondary market. (Amazon, eBay, etc.) What I discovered is that the textbook publishers are combining the textbooks with online material that isn't available in the book and expires after a certain date. It virtually eliminated the secondary market.

If you try to buy the book separately they jack up the price of the access code so it still cost about as much as a new book would cost. If you buy the textbook new they discount the access code. So no matter what you do you're paying full price. I've seen books that cost $300 new that I can get used for less than $50. But now you have to buy the access code and you're right back at the same price.

This p***es me off. Any way around this?
My daughter is entering her jr year. What I have found is that a majority of the professors don't worry about the supplemental material you get with the access code. I've only had to buy 2 new books in her first 5 semesters. I got 2 books for 6 bucks each this quarter, kind of like hitting the micro-lottery.
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College is a rip off. I just don't know how you get around it though.

It is perhaps the biggest scam known to mankind(outside of Global Warming).
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The school book fees for the elementary school my wife teaches at are $71. Those same 6 new books for college would be around $1,200.
The most logical solution is to boycott the books entirely, the free market will force the publishers to change their tactics.

Which presents a new do you complete the coursework without the material.
College is a rip off. I just don't know how you get around it though.

It is perhaps the biggest scam known to mankind(outside of Global Warming).

Yea because emitting dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere is saving the planet??? Man stop watching the News and believing anything these politicians are telling you.
I would suggest your daughter speak or email the professors prior to or on the first week of class. It's possible on day 1 when they go over the syllabus they say whether or not you need the online stuff. A courteous email or interaction could show maturity (especially from an 18 year old not relying on her parent) and respect....

Dear professor xyz,

I am looking forward to college 101 and have carefully reviewed the syllabus. I am fully committed to excelling in the course work but am trying to budget for textbooks and learning supplies judiciously.

I have found used textbooks for a fraction of the price but they would not come with the access codes for online content. Do you suggest I purchase these codes or will the used books be appropriate?

Thank you for your time and my apologies if you already answered this and I missed it.

Jane doe
Good advice. The girl at the bookstore told her not to open the books and codes (they're sealed in cellophane) until she had her first class so she could return them if the professor said they weren't needed.
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Does MU's math department require the online code shit to do homework? That is the worst, it takes twice as long to do the work and then type it in. Why? Are instructors too lazy to grade homework? Or are all the colleges in on the money scam?
Yes to both