In sure the democrats will ask such hard hitters as what's your favorite color? And do you like the ocean?if Gowdy is questioning it will be epic...
herdman, you understand the chain of command. I don't really blame Comey because I think he did the only thing he could, tell everyone truthfully what he found, that Hillary did break the law, that she lied repeatedly about it, and that she put the national security of this country at risk. He then went on to say the exact truth, no one is going to prosecute her for this crime, so why recommend charges?
What would have recommending charges actually done except end his career, maybe his life the way the Clintons work (not necessarily in a literal sense, but I could see a dead hooker ending up in his bed one night ala The Godfather II). In my eyes he was "made an offer he couldn't refuse", but still got his message and findings out there for the public to do with what they see fit.
herdman, you understand the chain of command. I don't really blame Comey because I think he did the only thing he could, tell everyone truthfully what he found, that Hillary did break the law, that she lied repeatedly about it, and that she put the national security of this country at risk. He then went on to say the exact truth, no one is going to prosecute her for this crime, so why recommend charges?
What would have recommending charges actually done except end his career, maybe his life the way the Clintons work (not necessarily in a literal sense, but I could see a dead hooker ending up in his bed one night ala The Godfather II). In my eyes he was "made an offer he couldn't refuse", but still got his message and findings out there for the public to do with what they see fit.
Are they going to yank her security clearances? She could never pass a background check anymore.
Well since she was never convicted of anything, nothing will show on her background check. Still doesn't mean she ain't a big fat ****ing liar
The fact remains, the decision to go forward with charges is ultimately on the prosecutor, that is, in this case, someone with Main Justice (DOJ in D.C.). I think it is likely Comey was told beforehand that an indictment would not be sought, which - in turn - led to the FBI's decision not to submit it for prosecution. This lends itself to less of a paper trail as no declination sheet would likely have to be prepared by the prosecutor. More of the same ol', same ol' from the rich good old boys (and girls) club.
$$$$$$$$$$$not saying you're wrong, but why would comey just go along with it?
not saying you're wrong, but why would comey just go along with it?
not saying you're wrong, but why would comey just go along with it?
Same reason as everyone else - political pressure.
I think Comey took it on the chin for the admin. If he recommended prosecution and Lynch sandbagged the recommendation, it would be blatant political corruption and everyone would know it. The way it went down, everyone just suspects corruption and the whole "There is no there, there" story continues.
not saying you're wrong, but why would comey just go along with it?