Congratulations Merica you get a shut down for the holidays.

So this shutdown affects about 25% of the federal government. It sucks for those people that could potentially miss their first pay check of January. The vast majority of government functions will continue. The vast majority of the us won’t notice anything different. To call a govt shutdown a “shutdown” is beyond laughable.
Can't wait to see how much border wall funding cheetos has coming his way Jan 3.
To call a govt shutdown a “shutdown” is beyond laughable.

Yeah, tell the thousands of those who will have to find ways to survive without paychecks how comical it is. Tell that to my friend who lives in California. Her oldest daughter is studying the Declaration of Independence in school. As a Christmas present, the mom took both daughters to Philadelphia. The girl's biggest wish was to see the Liberty Bell. But they can't even access Independence Hall now, let alone see the Bell. Tell that to the number of people who have already spent money to go to National Parks, many of which are now closed.
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Yeah, tell the thousands of those who will have to find ways to survive without paychecks how comical it is. Tell that to my friend who lives in California. Her oldest daughter is studying the Declaration of Independence in school. As a Christmas present, the mom took both daughters to Philadelphia. The girl's biggest wish was to see the Liberty Bell. But they can't even access Independence Hall now, let alone see the Bell. Tell that to the number of people who have already spent money to go to National Parks, many of which are now closed.
Dis I say no one would be affected by the shutdown? Nope I didn’t. Did I say people wouldn’t get paid? I said it’s a possibility.
And it is laughable to call it a govt shutdown. If you wanted to call it a partial govt shutdown then fine but it’s not a govt shutdown like you and others claim.
I’m in agreement with you Raoul. I would rather have a clear system to legalization for those here while taking more control of the boarder (walls, technology, etc). So as to better manage the flow. Right now with out any controls we are turning a blind eye to a slave labor market and the risk of illegal smuggling etc.
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What is the estimated over all cost, healthcare, education, police, social services, effect on legal citizen wages etc etc. like I said above I’ve seen estimates that are staring in $50 billion range and on up.
Trump declaredat 5:24 p.m., “I am in the Oval Office,” and said he had just awarded “a 115 mile long contract for another large section of the Wall in Texas.” Administration officials did not immediately provide details about the project. Trump has repeatedly boasted falsely that large portions of his border wall already have been built.

“It’s a sad and pathetic moment when on Christmas Eve the president of the United States is firing downer tweets in a petulant, loner mood,” said presidential historian Douglas Brinkley. “This is like Charles Dickens’s Scrooge on steroids.”
What is the estimated over all cost, healthcare, education, police, social services, effect on legal citizen wages etc etc. like I said above I’ve seen estimates that are staring in $50 billion range and on up.

I've seen estimates that illegal immigrants are a net positive when it comes to the economy.
Yeah, tell the thousands of those who will have to find ways to survive without paychecks how comical it is. Tell that to my friend who lives in California. Her oldest daughter is studying the Declaration of Independence in school. As a Christmas present, the mom took both daughters to Philadelphia. The girl's biggest wish was to see the Liberty Bell. But they can't even access Independence Hall now, let alone see the Bell. Tell that to the number of people who have already spent money to go to National Parks, many of which are now closed.
did you complain about the Obama shutdown that lasted 16 days? Or how about the 21 day shutdown of Bill Clinton?
Interesting article Extra. The fact that it comes from PBS doesn’t surprise me by its take of the study she references. Here is a take on the same study by the Washington Times (right slanted). Same exact study two different takes.

“The Washington Times delivered its own take on the study in a post titled "Mass Immigration Costs Government $296 Billion a Year, Depresses Wages." And despite the rosier findings in other parts of the study, this is also a fair assessment. Researchers found that immigrants may suck up between $43 billion and nearly $300 billion more in government benefits and support than they pay in taxes based on 2012 dollar calculations, though the latter estimate is an absolute worst-case scenario.”
I've seen estimates that illegal immigrants are a net positive when it comes to the economy.
Independent economists have estimated that getting control of illegal immigration via programs to legalize current illegals so they pay taxes, in addition to better controls on immigration so that we don't have millions pouring into our country at will, could increase the economy by over a trillion dollars and decrease the deficit by close to a trillion dollars.
If you legalize current illegal immigrants so they pay taxes, then giving them citizenship should be required.
If you legalize current illegal immigrants so they pay taxes, then giving them citizenship should be required.
So, you agree with that assessment? You're in favor of a system that puts the illegals trying to cross at the back of a line where they would wait there turn to enter. You're in favor of a system that would legalize immigrants already here, a system they must follow to obtain citizenship, one which includes learning to speak English? And, if they don't complete such a program within a specified period of time they are deported?
So, you agree with that assessment? You're in favor of a system that puts the illegals trying to cross at the back of a line where they would wait there turn to enter. You're in favor of a system that would legalize immigrants already here, a system they must follow to obtain citizenship, one which includes learning to speak English? And, if they don't complete such a program within a specified period of time they are deported?

To some degree.

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