conspiracy exposed - unfolding right in front of us


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
These basic contours of the situation are right there in plain sight, right there at the end of our noses for all of us to see. Here are the latest developments:

  • The Post reports in the clearest terms yet why Trump wants to see the Nunes memo released: “According to senior White House officials and advisers,” the president “sees it as key to making changes at the Justice Department — particularly pushing out Rosenstein.” That would be Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the Mueller investigation. His supposed misconduct is the subject of the memo.
  • The Post adds: “According to a person familiar with his comments, the president has told advisers the memo might make people realize how the FBI and Mueller are biased against him, and that could give him reason to force Rosenstein out.” This would presumably clear the way for the appointment of a Trump loyalist to oversee the probe, thus potentially constraining it.
  • Last night, Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.) — the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee — released a letter revealing that committee chair Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) — made “material changes” to the memo. The memo purports to “prove” that surveillance of a top Trump official was improperly based on Democratic-funded research, thus “proving” that the probe’s genesis is irrevocably tainted and that it represents a Deep State Coup to remove the president. Independent reporting has confirmed otherwise, and Democrats who have seen the memo say it’s highly distorted.
  • These changes, Schiff argued, were made to the memo that was delivered to the White House after the committee voted for its release, thus rendering the process illegitimate and requiring a new vote on the memo that the White House is currently “reviewing” for release (we already know Trump has decided to release it). It is hard to know what this means without more detail, but it again underscores the degree to which Nunes has been willing to pervert basic government functionings to protect the president. If the memo is released, it should be accompanied by true transparency, i.e., the release of as much underlying source material as possible so we can all judge it for ourselves. Yet committee Republicans have not even said whether they’ll authorize the release of Schiff’s rebuttal.
  • It is probably no accident that all of this comes as the New York Times reports that the Mueller probe is intensely focused on Trump’s role in drafting a statement falsifying the real rationale for the June 2016 meeting Donald Trump Jr. held at Trump Tower to receive dirt on Hillary Clinton via the Russian government. The Times reports that Mark Corallo, the spokesman for Trump’s legal team, is prepared to tell Mueller about an internal conversation about that statement that led him to think obstruction of justice was taking place.
If the reporting cited above is correct, it is perfectly plausible that, once the Nunes memo is released, Trump will move to fire Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will try to constrain the Mueller probe in some fashion

We know this because Trump himself has basically told us in his own words, again and againand again, that he believes law enforcement should function as an instrument of his political will — that now that he is president, the top law enforcement officials in the land are there at his beck and call to investigate his political opponents and to protect him from scrutiny that began during the campaign for entirely legitimate reasons.

But Ryan knows full well —
since it has now been established by credible reporting — that laying the groundwork to do this is exactly why Trump wants the memo to be released in the first place. And so, Ryan and every Republican who supports its release know that he is opening the door to the possibility of a very serious escalation in Trump’s abuse of power. And if this escalation takes place, those who supported the memo’s release but insisted they didn’t want to see it used for that purpose cannot credibly claim they did not actively enable that outcome.

Update: The Post is now reporting that Trump will approve the release of the memo, with some redactions. So here we go.

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stay on topic - do you have a LEGITIMATE news source that refutes the article.

it has been quoted by govt sources several times on this board that russian
bots have been aggressively pushing the #release the memo. you are bound
to have seen them.

we give you all facts - you reply with juvenile retorts.

how you can defend a group that is actively and arrogantly subverting the u.s. govt.
by trampling the constitution and separation of powers that separate the u.s from
authoritarian dictatorships is beyond me.

you do not deserve recognition.
someone iS trying to cover their ass all right - but its not the fbi - its the people
who have lied from the ver
y beginning about their conspiracy with Russia.
you choose to believe someone who the most reputable news organizations
in the world have documented and cited over 2,000 lies in one year.

But I never witnessed the type of reckless partisan behavior I am now seeing from (Devin) Nunes and House Republicans," Brennan tweeted Thursday morning.

Brennan also took aim at the Trump White House for its handling of the memo, saying in his tweet that "absence of moral and ethical leadership in WH is fueling this government crisis."


dherd/moe/bucky/nutcase, are you going to be around next week, once the American public has been provided the rightful opportunity to read the damning evidence against the Obama instructed DOJ?
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dherd/moe/bucky/nutcase, are you going to be around next week, once the American public has been provided the rightful opportunity to read the damning evidence against the Obama instructed DOJ?
I’m not going anywhere. Mueller still has a lot of work to do and the Buckeyes will continue to kick the shit out of Michigan.

Don’t you hate it when Michigan state starts the little sister chant as they are beating Michigan’s ass.
john brennan? the guy who openly brags about voting for a communist party candidate?
stay on topic - do you have a LEGITIMATE news source that refutes the article.

it has been quoted by govt sources several times on this board that russian
bots have been aggressively pushing the #release the memo. you are bound
to have seen them.
No it hasn't been quoted by govt sources. A couple congressmen and senators asked twitter to look into it.

starting to understand why obummer put counsel on retainer.

Yeah, screw protecting the identity of honest agents, who protect our asses, against hostile powers and take the chance of them and their families being threatened and abused by criminals and hostile powers. Screw taking the chance of divulging information gathering tactics and techniques, the sources of information and our allies.

Pardon me, but I have seen this movie.

The only names you want "redacted", are the one's that were spinning a fake "intelligence" dossier into a reason to expand surveillance and FISA warrants.

This dossier WAS Russian "collusion" with the Dem party and it's presidential candidate.
deer lorde, these death by gun shot to back of head ruled suicide of people linked in some negative way to the clinton foundation sure are interesting . . .

Haiti Official Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation Is Found Dead

The circumstances surrounding Eberwein’s death are also nothing less than unpalatable. According to Miami-Dade’s medical examiner records supervisor, the official cause of death is “gunshot to the head.“ Eberwein’s death has been registered as “suicide” by the government. But not long before his death, he acknowledged that his life was in danger because he was outspoken on the criminal activities of the Clinton Foundation.

Eberwein was a fierce critic of the Clinton Foundation’s activities in the Caribbean island, where he served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, for three years. “The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan last year. Eberwein was due to appear on Tuesday before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors. But this “suicide” gets even more disturbing…

Yeah, screw protecting the identity of honest agents, who protect our asses, against hostile powers and take the chance of them and their families being threatened and abused by criminals and hostile powers. Screw taking the chance of divulging information gathering tactics and techniques, the sources of information and our allies.

Pardon me, but I have seen this movie.
seriously, isn't there like a romper room type forum somewhere that would be more suited to your intellect? your posts make greed's and dtard's appear as pure genius.
more that have been suicided at the hands of dems

On June 13, the Becks filed the motion for order of protection in the U.S. District Court in Florida. They asked Judge Zloch to provide court protection to the plaintiffs, their counsel and their families, as well as all of the witnesses in the DNC fraud lawsuit.

Rich, 27, was a DNC voter expansion data director for two years and had accepted a position with Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He was murdered in Washington, D.C., on July 10, 2016, near his apartment in an affluent neighborhood. Rich was shot twice in the back, and his wallet, credit cards, watch and phone were left in his possession. The Metropolitan Police Department has described it as a “botched robbery.”

Private investigators, however, have claimed there is evidence Rich was the source WikiLeaks used to obtain thousands of DNC emails released on the eve of the party’s presidential nominating convention last July. The emails, indicating the party was manipulating the primary race in favor of Clinton, led to Wasserman Schultz’s resignation.
seriously, isn't there like a romper room type forum somewhere that would be more suited to your intellect? your posts make greed's and dtard's appear as pure genius.

The UK just released a statement and said they will be more reluctant for their agents to share info with the US. They just proved the point I made.

The only names you want "redacted", are the one's that were spinning a fake "intelligence" dossier into a reason to expand surveillance and FISA warrants.

This dossier WAS Russian "collusion" with the Dem party and it's presidential candidate.

Except Page was under surveillance dating back to 2013.

The UK just released a statement and said they will be more reluctant for their agents to share info with the US. They just proved the point I made.

dumbass, steele, a former british agent, was retained by fusion gps at the time, an organization funded by none other than the DNC. other than you left wing dolts, nobody really gives a flying fvck about the UK if it means uncovering the corruption you're about see in the buff.

give me truth, no matter the consequence.

you, on the other hand, would rather keep the truth covered up assuming it'll be damning to the political party you stake your claim. i can't imagine how oppositely ecstatic you'd be if this memo about to be released would be damning to trump.
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It's not like the FBI won't hit back at this. Hell, Schumer warned/threatened Trump against any moves against the intelligence community by saying "They have six ways from Sunday to get back at you." It's crazy to me Schumer sees nothing wrong with that threat.
Great post.

Pullman Square - Non Sports Talk
This is the place for all your non-sports related talk. Politics

cheetos doesn't even understand what the memo says.

But I trust his judgement and am sure he wouldn't lie about it.

we can throw out wild conspiracy theories too, but we don't. there are about
10 crazy ass republican c/t's in this one thread alone. but, none of them
address the fact that trump was/is conspiring with Russia.

funny thing is that if my thing about trump and the Mexican was lady would not
surprise anyone.

we can throw out wild conspiracy theories too, but we don't. there are about
10 crazy ass republican c/t's in this one thread alone. but, none of them
address the fact that trump was/is conspiring with Russia.

funny thing is that if my thing about trump and the Mexican was lady would not
surprise anyone.
So early reivew appears Democrats weaponized fisa courts with bogus dossier and were feeding news media with components of bogus report to validate need for spying to take place.

So now Democrats used fisa to spy on opponents and IRS to attack conservative groups.
All the more reason to expose the apparent incompetence. 4 years of “surveillance” and still...doh!!!

Apparent incompetence? What evidence do you have?

If someone is not committing violent crimes, why not keep them under surveillance and gathering information and racking up charges?