Thanks Trumpers

I’m just not a fan of his at all and it bums me out that I think the GOP has wasted a chance to dominate the 2024 elections

The GOP has had a long history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The GOP has been the party of compromise for as long as I can remember. All this has done is allow the Democrats to incrementally implement their agenda getting us to the breaking point we are at now. Roughly 50% of our populace is feeling disenfranchised to a growing degree.

It's never easy for any Republican in a national race to overcome the media bias which is meant to both frighten and energize the Democrats while demoralizing their opposition voters.

Trump isn't the ideal candidate by any means but he may just be the one to start pushing back. Republicans have played defense for way too long...
Republicans have played defense for way too long...
There are reasons for that, moron. Here's a really good example...