What, exactly, am I running from? Sweden has developed herd immunity because they never locked down. COVID related deaths in Sweden have been virtually non-existent since early July. No masks, no lockdowns. Sweden is over this. That doesn’t mean they won’t get new cases. It just means they have accepted it for what it is, have chosen to live their lives, and know the chances of dying from this are minuscule unless you already have a condition that would have caused you to die the same as it would
if you had contracted pneumonia instead.
You see, rifle, people are realizing that COVID isn’t the death sentence it was made out to be by alarmists 6 months ago. People who choose to live their lives understand that the small risk of contracting it is worth it in order not to lose their livelihoods, because, in most cases, you’re going to get a low grade fever, and maybe some cold or flu-like symptoms.
The average age of COVID death is higher than the actual age of death. That alone should cause people to go about their lives and end these lockdowns. But, you know, politics.