Covid will be back soon


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
Looks like Covid is wreaking havoc in China and Hong Kong again. Reading that China is locking down. One of Apple’s biggest plants (Foxcon) has shutdown.

How long before the press here starts up the lockdown drumbeat? Will mush potato Joe use lockdowns to try and suppress the red wave coming?
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Looks like Covid is wreaking havoc in China and Hong Kong again. Reading that China is locking down. One of Apple’s biggest plants (Foxcon) has shutdown.

How long before the press here starts up the lockdown drumbeat? Will mush potato Joe use lockdowns to try and suppress the red wave coming?

Yes, Covid is coming back with a vengeance soon. Thrice vaxxed should be very concerned. Will the spring bump be a big one? I doubt it in the US. So many people got BA.1 that there should be a high degree of immunity with BA.2 currently causing the spikes in other parts of the world.

However, due to the enormous evolutionary pressure caused by the narrow spectrum “vaccine,” sequenced from an obsolete variant of the virus, a new, vaccine-evading variant will pop up by fall, and will circulate almost exclusively among the vaccinated. Those of us with functioning immune systems will be fine.

The mass vaccine experiment will go down as one of, if not the biggest man-made disaster in human history.
Yes, Covid is coming back with a vengeance soon. Thrice vaxxed should be very concerned. Will the spring bump be a big one? I doubt it in the US. So many people got BA.1 that there should be a high degree of immunity with BA.2 currently causing the spikes in other parts of the world.

However, due to the enormous evolutionary pressure caused by the narrow spectrum “vaccine,” sequenced from an obsolete variant of the virus, a new, vaccine-evading variant will pop up by fall, and will circulate almost exclusively among the vaccinated. Those of us with functioning immune systems will be fine.

The mass vaccine experiment will go down as one of, if not the biggest man-made disaster in human history.
You're an idiot.
Can someone quote my post and page quad-vaxxed Dr QBU for a fact check?
I have a serious question. If Biden on day one of his presidency had done away with mask mandates and came out and said get the Vax if want and don't if if you don't want it and left it at that, then 3 times the number of people died and we were still full capacity in ER and hospitals with covid patients, how many cons would have been saying thank God Biden did it the right way and how many of you would be laying all the deaths and problems at his feet?

Same question for libs, would you be taking up for him because of party lines or calling him out?
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I have a serious question. If Biden on day one of his presidency had done away with mask mandates and came out and said get the Vax if want and don't if if you don't want it and left it at that, then 3 times the number of people died and we were still full capacity in ER and hospitals with covid patients, how many cons would have been saying thank God Biden did it the right way and how many of you would be laying all the deaths and problems at his feet?

Same question for libs, would you be taking up for him because of party lines or calling him out?
Has nothing to do with Biden. Trump pushes the failed vax as well. It buys temporary protection at a huge cost. The myopia is hard to comprehend.

We have known the likely complications for decades. It’s why we have never been able to vaccinate against any coronavirus. Add on the novel technology delivery method (mRNA) which has become a disaster in and of itself, and we’re staring at catastrophe.
Has nothing to do with Biden. Trump pushes the failed vax as well. It buys temporary protection at a huge cost. The myopia is hard to comprehend.

We have known the likely complications for decades. It’s why we have never been able to vaccinate against any coronavirus. Add on the novel technology delivery method (mRNA) which has become a disaster in and of itself, and we’re staring at catastrophe.
Additionally, we’ve had more infections, hospitalizations and deaths year-over-year with the vax than the year without it. Without the human intervention Covid would now be over, just like Spanish flu.

The spring ‘21 drop in cases that people credited the vax for the decline was an illusion. It just happened to follow the seasonal decline (Hope-Simpson).
If Biden's teleprompter had done away with mask mandates and came out and said get the Vax if want and don't if if you don't want it and left it at that,

With that said, can you debate Rox's position of "vaccine" failure? No need to discuss masks. Thats already a given mask wearing provided little/no protection.
Has nothing to do with Biden. Trump pushes the failed vax as well. It buys temporary protection at a huge cost. The myopia is hard to comprehend.

We have known the likely complications for decades. It’s why we have never been able to vaccinate against any coronavirus. Add on the novel technology delivery method (mRNA) which has become a disaster in and of itself, and we’re staring at catastrophe.
You're an idiot.
My point was if nothing was done, no shutting anything down, no masks and no push for the vaccine and 30 million had died, would most of the right not have been blaming Biden for all the deaths?

I am not sure what the answer is, who knows how much different it would have been. I just get tired of everything being political. Maybe the measures were overboard, but it was to save lives, not a big conspiracy to control Americans and use it to become a communist state, or whatever theory is out there.
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With that said, can you debate Rox's position of "vaccine" failure? No need to discuss masks. Thats already a given mask wearing provided little/no protection.

It depends on what you mean by failure. The hopes were that the vaccine would halt the spread and keep you from getting the virus. In that sense it has failed. But there is evidence that the vaccine has worked at saving lives by making the symptoms much less severe.

But the biggest problem with evidence is it again is made political, if you disagree with my facts you just say that my facts came from a liberal source that made it up and your facts are handed down by God himself or whatever source you deem as trustworthy.

Myself I try to read as many sources as possible from both sides and in between.
Additionally, we’ve had more infections, hospitalizations and deaths year-over-year with the vax than the year without it.
Proof that you're an idiot.

The U S started 2020 with 0 new cases and deaths per week.
The U S started 2021 with 147,000 new cases and 1350 deaths per week.
It depends on what you mean by failure. The hopes were that the vaccine would halt the spread and keep you from getting the virus. In that sense it has failed. But there is evidence that the vaccine has worked at saving lives by making the symptoms much less severe.

But the biggest problem with evidence is it again is made political, if you disagree with my facts you just say that my facts came from a liberal source that made it up and your facts are handed down by God himself or whatever source you deem as trustworthy.

Myself I try to read as many sources as possible from both sides and in between.
Rox has continually linked to scientific sources related to the vax. I haven't seen you post actual studies demonstrating different facts.

It's not really a vaccine is it?
My point was if nothing was done, no shutting anything down, no masks and no push for the vaccine and 30 million had died, would most of the right not have been blaming Biden for all the deaths?

I am not sure what the answer is, who knows how much different it would have been. I just get tired of everything being political. Maybe the measures were overboard, but it was to save lives, not a big conspiracy to control Americans and use it to become a communist state, or whatever theory is out there.
Why do you believe more people would have died without the vaccine when there were less infections, hospitalizations and deaths during the year without them?
My point was if nothing was done, no shutting anything down, no masks and no push for the vaccine and 30 million had died, would most of the right not have been blaming Biden for all the deaths?

I am not sure what the answer is, who knows how much different it would have been. I just get tired of everything being political. Maybe the measures were overboard, but it was to save lives, not a big conspiracy to control Americans and use it to become a communist state, or whatever theory is out there.
Yet here you are on the political message board talking politics
Bahaha. Where was this sentiment when Trump was President and not locking us all down?

Where was the science suggesting 30mil people would die???

I have given Trump credit for things I think he did well, I also think he is narcissistic and have problems with him and some of his policies. And I thought I clearly said what if and that there is no way of knowing for sure what would have happened.

I do not look at everything through a political spectrum, just because I disagree with a few things you believe doesn't make me the opposite of you. Glad you got a good laugh though.

Democrats are just as much a part of the problem Biden has screwed up plenty, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, not starting sanctions against Russia sooner. I also question is mental state and he made a horrible decision for a VP.

Both sides though don't want to admit the problems with their side amd want to blame and vilify the other side.

So what was th bahaha about?
Yet here you are on the political message board talking politics

Sure, I have no issue discussing politics, it is the issue of making everything political in nature and how those on both sides vilify the otherside. Because I am not an all in one side is great and the other side is evil, then both sides want to put me in the other sides camp.
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I have a serious question. If Biden on day one of his presidency had done away with mask mandates and came out and said get the Vax if want and don't if if you don't want it and left it at that, then 3 times the number of people died and we were still full capacity in ER and hospitals with covid patients, how many cons would have been saying thank God Biden did it the right way and how many of you would be laying all the deaths and problems at his feet?

Same question for libs, would you be taking up for him because of party lines or calling him out?
That is a good question one of which I don't think anyone can answer. I did see a study showing that California which had draconian measures vs Florida which didn't, ended up in a statistical tie in terms of how well each state did. I am pretty sure there is data out there that shows the lock downs were not effective and I would guess we still would have lost way too many people to this pandemic. I would hope that going forward the next one of these would be handled differently by all involved- media, govt agencies such as the CDC, politicians and finally hospitals and drug companies. Plenty of blame to go around
Well, Sweden essentially did nothing and were mocked for it. Their death per million rate is around 1,750. Our rate is about 3,000 per million.

Additionally, there is no discernible pattern among US states based based on more restrictive versus less restrictive states.

Studies have concluded that our measures may have reduced deaths by 1.5 to 2%.

So if we hadn’t done anything not much would have changed. Now get back to me in 10 years when we can measure any long term effects of the “cure”.
I’d genuinely like to hear the thoughts of the pro-vax crowd about what’s to come, given what has actually happened with the vax.

Is there a single person here willing to get an additional shot? If so, what’s your reasoning given the hilariously limited durability? What is the cost of permanently high synthetic wild type covid antibodies to the human body? With natural infection antibodies fade and memory B and T cells increase. The vax relies solely on high antibody levels. What are the possible ramifications of this?
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I actually would like to hear input from folks like @GK4Herd and @marshallisqbu I mention you guys because of your medical background and GK's propensity for digging up tons of data to support his stance.

I'm trying to remain open-minded here, but Rox is really backing up his statements with what appears to be factual data. Hard to deny he makes a very convincing argument. I know Doc Fungus has even made some comments suggesting he isn't much of a proponent for people continuing to get boosted.
I actually would like to hear input from folks like @GK4Herd and @marshallisqbu I mention you guys because of your medical background and GK's propensity for digging up tons of data to support his stance.

I'm trying to remain open-minded here, but Rox is really backing up his statements with what appears to be factual data. Hard to deny he makes a very convincing argument. I know Doc Fungus has even made some comments suggesting he isn't much of a proponent for people continuing to get boosted.
I took three vaxes and then got Covid . I won’t be taking any more shots .

I still think it’s a good idea to take a shot if you’re especially older and un vax’d and have never had Covid….but this cohort of patients in the US is exceedingly rare. Boosters for over 65 I think do help.

the really shady thing to me going down now is Pfizer CEO pushing 4th dose wither ZERO randomized data .

we’re putting shots in arms of a variant /virus that doesn’t exist any more. They could have enrolled a trial with an omicron formulation by now but instead they’re focused on yearly boosts of an outdated vax.
we’re putting shots in arms of a variant /virus that doesn’t exist any more. They could have enrolled a trial with an omicron formulation by now but instead they’re focused on yearly boosts of an outdated vax.

This is exactly my position.
Even if we could effectively vaccinate against covid (impossible), coronaviruses are highly mutable and we would have to be able to predict months in advance what variant would be circulating, develop a vaccine specifically for that variant, and deploy it before the virus was widely circulating. Then comes the issue of permanently high antibody levels for this specific disease. Would that lead to T cell exhaustion?

There are too many risks, too many unknowns, the trials were forged, and everyone from the FDA to the pharma companies have been cooking the books since they discovered more people died in the vaccine group than in the control group, then they eliminated the control and gave everyone the vax.

Researchers say that although it's true that there's no clinical data proving the effectiveness of multiple boosters, there's also no science to back up the idea that frequent boosters could cause "fatigue” in the population. That's because the research has never been attempted.
All Covid deaths were greatly exaggerated using fraudulent PCR testing amplified to 35-40 CT. Creator of PCR tech (who died just before Covid) is on record saying you could use PCR to find anything. Years old cold fragments detected? Covid positive!

Couple the fraudulent testing with the bullshit claim of asymptomatic transmission driving spread, and you have the perfect formula for a fake pandemic.

The good news is the infrastructure for digital ID and CBDC have been erected, which when coupled with our coming social credit system, will give these psychopaths the control they actually wanted.

Way to go, everyone! You fell for it.
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the bullshit claim of asymptomatic transmission driving spread
That's the one claim that I think is far too obvious that it's bullshit. If it were true, they should have been forced to offer a logical explanation as to how this happens, but you were called racist if you questioned 🤣 libs can't even use that term appropriately anymore.

I think if there were any truth, it was actually in lag time of someone reporting symptoms and/or their symptoms were so mild, they didn't think they even had COVID.

This certainly would perpetuate the Democrats inciting paranoia over a Boogeyman.

Liberal cucks LOVE being dominated though. For guys like Greed, wearing a mask is the metaphorical dildo up his pooper.
All Covid deaths were greatly exaggerated using fraudulent PCR testing amplified to 35-40 CT. Creator of PCR tech (who died just before Covid) is on record saying you could use PCR to find anything. Years old cold fragments detected? Covid positive!

Couple the fraudulent testing with the bullshit claim of asymptomatic transmission driving spread, and you have the perfect formula for a fake pandemic.

The good news is the infrastructure for digital ID and CBDC have been erected, which when coupled with our coming social credit system, will give these psychopaths the control they actually wanted.

Way to go, everyone! You fell for it.
You are an idiot. And so is the girl that liked your post.
Long covid is the same idiopathic, psychosomatic illness that preys on overmedicated, underworked wine moms across the country.

Coincidentally, it's the same people who gave us Joe Biden and nearly delivered Hilary Clinton.
You're an idiot.
Vaccines were pretty much forced in China. They seem to be working great!

Vaccines were pretty much forced in China. They seem to be working great!

"Over 90% of the deaths were those who had not been fully vaccinated. We need to catch up and vaccinate every Hong Kong citizen,"

*some idiot didn't research much*
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