Crazed local man attacks APCO truck with rake


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
Looked out my kitchen window a few days ago and saw two men in yellow hard hats digging around the power pole at the rear of my property. The pole is where all utilities come before they go underground to my residence ( I hate overhead wires).

I walked out to see what the workers were doing and they were nailing a small metal tag on the pole. According to them, the pole was rotted at the base and must be replaced.

I asked how trucks and workers would get through my extensive landscaping to replace the pole. “Oh, we’ll have to tear all that out. We have right of way,” he answered.

“The hell you will,” I replied. He assured me everything would be replaced, but I know they won’t do it to my satisfaction.

I may go to jail over this one. The last time I came close to incarceration was back in the 80s when I contemplated kidnapping Rachel Ward.
( I hate overhead wires).
Yep. One of my California neighborhoods is absent of them. Now, I notice them everywhere as an eyesore in my other neighborhood.

I’m going to top your pain: for the two years that I have owned this place, I’ve had a clear and beautiful view of the mountains in the background (cool when you can see huge forest fires miles away) and the foothills in the foreground. I had nothing but clear land for many hundreds of yards. As of last week, some cranes put in the walls of a new commercial complex that is being built - restaurants, social park, gym/grocery store. The walls are so high that most of the views of the mountains from upstairs are gone. The fvcking thing is pressed right up next to the street.

I can only imagine that my property value will plummet. Two realtors have told me that having those things so close to me will increase the value, but I don’t see it. Added traffic, noise and light pollution, and ruining my views won’t increase the value. “Oh, but there’s a really high-end toy store (Odin Parker) that will be great!” B!tch, please. The only toys I care about are ones I can watch being used in the bedroom.
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when I contemplated kidnapping Rachel Ward.
I wasn’t familiar with her. She looks almost identical to a girl I used to mess with when one of the times that I lived in Texas.


Her twin:


Her twin:

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They dug my yard up twice. One time was right after I had aeration done and seeded. They had to rerun my gas line because when they originally ran the line it spliced off my neighbors line. My neighbor did away with gas about 10 years ago. During an inventory audit they realized this and said because of code my line could not run off a line that was spliced and no service to the neighbors.

Knocked on my door after I had the grass looking spectacular and said we will be here in two weeks to dig a ditch through your yard foe a new line. I was like bull shit.

Well I lost because they had the legal right and it not meeting code. Their line. Of course they have assed planting seed back. Pissed me off.

Second time they ran a fiber optic line in town and they had a right away to go through everyone's yard. Dug a damn trench through the front. Of course half assed it back and it killed a spruce tree I had out front. Of course I had to cut the bastard out and dig the stump out.

Pissed me off.
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Second time they ran a fiber optic line in town and they had a right away to go through everyone's yard. Dug a damn trench through the front. Of course half assed it back and it killed a spruce tree I had out front. Of course I had to cut the bastard out and dig the stump out.

Pissed me off.
Were you reimbursed?
Reimbursed for what?
drunk fucked up GIF